We regularly gather together for an evening of prayer, vision, and worship. Our Prayer & Praise gathering is an opportunity for our church body to go before our Father, asking Him to do what only He can do. For all our strategizing and preparation, we cannot succeed without the Spirit of God building his church. Jesus will build his church, but he does so through the faithful work, service, and prayers of his people. There is much spiritual opposition, relational tension, financial strain, and physical hardship involved in the life of any church – and God uses those challenges to draw us to him in prayer. Please join us in prayer and praise to our God, who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask, think, or imagine (Eph 3:20).
WORSHIP. We’ll sing to the King.
PRAY. Most importantly, we’ll pray. God has been exceedingly generous to us and we can’t help but think that it is due to our asking Him to do what only He can. We don’t ever want to feel like we somehow have this church planting thing covered. This is His church; we are His people.
“Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Mt 9:38)
“…that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.” (Lk 18:1)
“Pray then like this: ‘Our Father in heaven…’” (Mt 6:9)
WHEN. 4:00 – 5:30 PM | March 2 (doors open 3:30pm)
WHERE. DCC Building | 2816 1st Ave
CKIDS. CKids and CYouth for Nursery to 12th Grade will be provided. Check in at 3:45pm.
PARKING: Parking is provided in the lot behind our building. In addition, street parking is free on Sundays.