Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Jan 27

Families and Children in Downtown Seattle

City Life | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

What follows are some statistics and demographic info I came across recently via our friends at the Downtown Seattle Association. This is really helpful as we seek to build a great city, through the gospel of Jesus Christ, for glory of God. We have a strategic opportunity to effect temporal and eternal change here by cultivating a faithful presence for the cause of Christ in the heart of the city – whether you live, work or play here.

Downtown is the fastest growing neighborhood in Seattle in the last two decades.

  • Downtown Seattle’s residential population increased by more than 72% between 1990 and 2010 (over 22,000 additional Downtown residents) and by 20% since 2000.
  • The residential population in South Lake Union and the Denny Triangle neighborhoods increased by over 300% since 1990, the highest rate of growth for any Downtown neighborhood.

The number of children under 20 years old living Downtown has increased significantly since 1990.

  • There were 1,901 children under 20 years old living Downtown in 1990 and 3,024 in 2010.

The number of children under age 5 living Downtown has increased by over 70% since 1990.

  • There were 858 children under the age of 5 living Downtown in 2010.

As children age, they leave Downtown at a rate significantly higher than experienced in other Seattle neighborhoods.

  • In 2000, there were 776 children under the age of 5 living Downtown, however in 2010 there were 294 10-14 year olds, a 49% decline.
  • During this same period, the City of Seattle experienced a 14% decline for the same group (under 5 in 2000 – 10-14 in 2010) living in the city.

Downtown has a large – and increasing – population of 25-34 year olds.

  • In 1990, 25-34 year olds comprised 27% of the residential population in Downtown. Today they represent 32% of the overall population, compared to 21% for all of Seattle.
  • This is the largest age demographic residing Downtown.

***Source: Downtown Seattle Association

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9