Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Mar 6

What Does it Mean to be “on Mission”?

, City Life | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

If you hang out among Downtown Cornerstone long enough, eventually you will hear someone talk about being “on mission”. Admittedly, it’s not helpful to use terms that require additional explanation and defining. At the same time, new terms can shed new light and new insight on ancient ideas. That’s the case here.

To be “on mission” is to intentionally befriend unbelievers, in love, for the purposes of the gospel of Jesus.

What it does NOT mean:
  • To be “on mission” does NOT mean you view those who don’t follow Jesus as “projects” to be completed.
  • To be “on mission” does NOT mean you must see conversions, though you likely will eventually.
  • To be “on mission” does NOT mean you need 10 extra hours a week set aside for “missionary” work.
  • To be “on mission” does NOT mean you must only talk about Jesus in very serious tones when you’re around unbelieving friends.
  • To be “on mission” does NOT mean Jesus really loves you if you have lots of unbelieving friends.
  • What it DOES mean:
  • To be “on mission” DOES mean that you love Jesus, albeit imperfectly, and believe he is the only hope for every soul in the universe (including your own) because there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)
  • To be “on mission” DOES mean that you love people, like Jesus, and are moved to go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that [his] house may be filled (Luke 14:23) and make disciples of Jesus (Mat 28:18-20).
  • To be “on mission” DOES mean you believe that inviting people to Jesus is inviting them to life-that-is-truly-life (not religion, morality or “no fun”), because Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6)
  • To be “on mission” DOES mean you view yourself as an ambassador of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18) and one sent by God (John 17:18, 20:21) in whatever places you find yourself day-to-day, moment-by-moment. It’s living every day life with gospel intentionality, starting with those God has placed around you.
  • To be “on mission” DOES mean you prayerfully consider how to best connect with those around you for the purposes of the gospel, becoming all things to all people, that by all means [you] might save some. (1 Cor 9:22)
  • To be “on mission” DOES mean you know that even while you were still a sinner, Christ died for you (Rom 5:8), making you a redeemed sinner pointing other sinners to the Redeemer.
  • In other words, by faith in Christ, we have received a new identity of “missionary”, sent into our city armed with the message and mercy of Jesus Christ. To be “on mission” is to practically live out that identity in simple, loving, every day ways, befriending unbelievers for the sake of the gospel, the good of the city and the glory of God. Let’s continue, trusting Him, as Jesus’ people sent on mission.