Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Mar 18

Discipleship Group Resources

, , City Life | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Many of you are aware that we have smaller groups, typically formed within our communities, that we refer to as Discipleship Groups (DGs). At the heart of the Christian faith is “discipleship” or, in other words, being a learner of Jesus (Mt 28:18-20). Growing as a disciple of Jesus doesn’t happen on accident, intentionality is required. Therefore, we have created DGs which are small (2-5 people), gender-specific, biblical, and missional groups who regularly meet together for life-on-life intentional discipleship.

The purpose of Discipleship Groups is to cultivate trust in Jesus, growth in holiness and missional living.

I recently took some time to refresh the Discipleship Group Starter that I originally put together a couple years ago. There are two small changes

First, I added the following two lines under the “General Principles” section for additional clarity:

  • Priority of Community. DGs are intended to be a supplement to, not a replacement of, community.
  • Covering of Community. Every DG should be covered by a community for nurture and accountability.

Second, I added a third page that addresses a number of frequently asked questions (FAQs).

If you’re not in a Discipleship Group, I highly encourage you to prayerfully consider it and talk to your community leader about getting involved. At the very least, consider joining one for a couple weeks to get a sense of what they’re all about.

If you are in a Discipleship Group, I have three requests:

  • Take some time to read through the updated Discipleship Group Starter together during an upcoming meet-up. If you haven’t done so recently, you will find it to be a helpful and clarifying refresher.
  • Given that, talk about the status of your group. What’s going well? What could improve? What bad habits have made themselves at home in your weekly meet-ups? What needs to be added in? Taken out? What’s the next step?
  • Let me know if you have any additional questions. I will insert the most common ones under the FAQs.

I pray this continues to serve our church well into the next season of life on Jesus’ mission together.

For more info on resources check the Resource page or email .