Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Jun 5

Church Planting Sunday

Event, News | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

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We are calling this coming Sunday (06.09.13) “Church Planting Sunday”

We hoped to get this information out earlier, but were awaiting final details to come through. Though we will be continuing our series in 1 Timothy, this Sunday we will also focus on the following:

  • Awareness: Raising greater awareness of church planting and the Acts 29 Network that we are a part of. We are part of something much bigger than our individual church.
  • Mission: Feature several clips to highlight how God is spreading the gospel through Acts 29 around the world.
  • Sermon: Devote a portion of the sermon to the priority and necessity of church planting.
  • Giving: Take a special offering to raise additional funding for local and central funding in order, by God’s grace, to see the gospel spread through the planting of more churches, everywhere.

“What is the Acts 29 Network?”

The Acts 29 Network is a network of churches that plant churches that plant churches that plant churches all around the world. Acts 29 specializes in assessing, equipping, coaching and networking church planters. The goal of the Network is to continue the good work that began in the first 28 chapters of Acts, pushing back what is dark in the world, and heralding the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ by establishing more Bible-believing, Jesus-loving, gospel-proclaiming churches everywhere. You can learn more about the Acts 29 Network by visiting their website here.

“How can I help plant churches?”

There are two primary ways that you can help: pray and partner.

  • Pray: (1) Please be praying for our church and the other Acts 29 churches in the Northwest region. You can get a full list on the Acts 29 website. (2) Be praying that God would raise up an army of gifted, called and qualified men to plant more churches in our city and the cities of the world.
  • Partner: One of the biggest hurdles to church planting is often financial. It takes resources to plant churches, therefore a key component of Church Planting Sunday is the special offering.

“What is the special church planting offering?”

This special offering will help plant churches here and throughout the world. Of the total raised, 60% will be donated to Acts 29 and 40% will assist Downtown Cornerstone in its own church-planting efforts. There are two basic ways to give:

Give on Sunday: Write “Spread the Gospel” on the check memo line and place it in an offering basket. Or, you can give by cash. All cash contributions this Sunday will go towards church planting.

Give online: Or, you can give here through our online giving portal. To give towards church planting select the “Spread the Gospel” fund and follow the directions. Everything given over the next two weeks, starting today, will count towards this year’s Church Planting Sunday efforts.

For Jesus’ fame and the joy of all people,

Pastor Adam