Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Aug 22

Discipleship Training | Frequently Asked Questions

, Uncategorized | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Now that the word is getting out that we are offering two distinct discipleship training tracks this year, we are beginning to receive a number of questions. My aim in this post is to answer some of the most common questions. If you have additional questions, comments or concerns please feel free to e-mail for further discussion. We are praying for 20 individuals to sign-up for the Gospel Leader track and 8 men to sign-up for the Residency.

You can read last week’s introductory post or skip ahead to the application

Please note that all applications are due on September 15th to allow ample time to process and follow up via personal interview. We recommend allowing at least a week to prayerfully and thoroughly complete the application materials.

Q: “How much time will the reading, writing, etc require?”

The average workload for the Gospel Leader track will be approximately 2-4 hours per week, though this will vary by week and the individual. The average workload for the Residency will be 4-8 hours per week, depending on the week and the individual. Generally speaking, if you can block out an hour 4-5 days per week, you will be fine. For example, three lunches during the week and a Saturday morning.

Q: “I’m already involved in a community and a discipleship group, how can I fit in something else?”

Though not required, we expect the majority of participants will replace their discipleship group with the discipleship training for the year (or two). Ultimately, this will be up to the individual.

Q: “Should I cut anything out of my schedule in order to make room for this?”

If you are concerned about the amount of time required to participate, it would be a good idea to ask yourself if there is anything in your schedule that you could change/adjust/cut while you participate. It will be a worthwhile, temporary sacrifice.

Q: “What is the format?”

Both tracks will meet once per week for roughly two hours, over the course of 10-12 week quarters. The time will be split between large group and small group huddles spent discussing the homework/projects assigned that given week. There will not be “teaching” in the formal sense. The training will primarily be driven by the content (books, articles, writing, projects) and subsequent discussion.

Q: “Where and when are the groups meeting?”

The exact details regarding timing and location are TBD.

Q: “What if I can’t afford it? Or, what if I can’t afford all of it right now?”

We are offering scholarships for those who are unable to cover the costs and alternate payment options. Please do not let the cost be a barrier. The cost of the training is simply intended to cover the cost of materials. Please let us know if you would like to help give to the scholarship fund.

Q: “What can I expect to get out of this training?”

If you are faithful and consistent in doing your work and participating, you can expect to love Jesus, His gospel, His church and our city more. You can expect to more deeply understand what it means to live a gospel-shaped life. You can expect to learn more about how you are gifted and how to actively engage in Jesus’ ongoing mission. You can expect to be more natural and comfortable in sharing your faith with others. You can expect to be changed, for the better.

Please join me in asking Jesus to use this training to grow, stretch and solidify us as a disciple-making-disciple, church-planting-church. I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us.

Until the world knows,
Pastor Adam