Have You Been Baptized as a Follower of Jesus?
Baptism, Uncategorized
On Tuesday, Sept 10th, we are holding our third annual BBQ & Beach Baptism at Lake Union Park to close out the summer and celebrate what Jesus is doing among us. This party is always one of the highlights of the year. You can view a snapshot of last year’s BBQ and baptisms here.
I am writing this post to encourage any of you who have yet to be baptized as a follower of Jesus Christ to consider doing so in September. When we turn from living lives without God and trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation, we should be baptized (Mat 28:18-20; Acts 2:38). In baptism we identity with Jesus in his death (being immersed under water) and his resurrection to new life (being brought out of the water) for the forgiveness of sin (Rom 6:1-10; Col 2:12). It is an outward symbolic act that demonstrates the inward reality of what God has accomplished on the cross through His Son. In so doing, we identify ourselves with Jesus (Acts 10:48; Rom 6:3; Gal 3:27), the universal church (1 Cor 12:13), and the local church (Acts 2:41).
»Go here to learn more about baptism and/or to sign up to get baptized at Lake Union.
Some additional frequently asked questions:
Q: “Should I be baptized if I was already baptized as an infant?”
That’s a good question. Having grown up within the Catholic church, I too was baptized as an infant. The simple answer is: Yes. The biblical model for baptism is: first, belief, then baptism as evidence of your belief. In other words, baptism is an outward symbolic reality of a new inner spiritual reality. It expresses your new union with Jesus and your participation in all of the benefits that come with that (forgiveness, redemption, cleansing, adoption, etc). As infants, we are unable to express or demonstrate faith like this. Technically speaking, you’re not getting baptized “again” as the first time wasn’t a baptism, in the true sense of the term.
Q: “I thought I was a Christian when I got baptized, but now I realize I wasn’t. Now I understand the gospel and truly follow Jesus. Should I get baptized?”
The exact answer will depend on your particular story. But, if it is clear that you were not a Christian then, but have since started following Jesus, you should get baptized.
Q: “What sort of preparation is required prior to baptism?
We will pull all of the baptizees together following our church gathering this Sunday, August 25th, following the service to walk through the process and offer some suggestions on how to prepare, practically and spiritually.
Please let us know if you’d like to take the step of faith in getting baptized. Talk to me, your community leader, respond to this post on the City or email us directly at . You won’t regret it. It’s going to be a great night on the lake in our great city.
For Jesus’ Fame,
Pastor Adam