Easter Sunday Celebration – Jesus is Alive!
Easter, Uncategorized | by Pastor Adam Sinnett
Jesus is alive and he met us, by His Spirit, as we gathered for Good Friday and Easter this year. I hope you were able to be a part of it. In case you missed it, feel free to listen to the Easter sermon. I want to give a huge thanks to all who served in one way or another over that weekend. Thanks for being open to being used by God through the simple act of service. Throwing two gatherings like that, back-to-back, is a huge undertaking and, by God’s grace, He showed up. People encountered Jesus afresh. I’ve already heard some amazing stories. In fact, if you have any to share, we would love to hear from you! Share them on the City or send them to .
There is much to be encouraged by (for example, having our largest gathering ever on Sunday at 400). However, the most glorious, profound, encouraging reality of the weekend is that Jesus the Christ is still alive, still ruling and still reconciling people to himself. Without question, we want to see God do something unique and special – and He is. From the beginning we have asked God to do what only He can do among us and through us (Eph 3:20-21) – and he is. We continue to dream, plan and pray big – and we will. However, our hope is not in our dreams, plans and prayers, but Him. Our treasure is that we are treasured and our names are written in the Book (Lk20:10). So, let’s rejoice in what He is doing among us and through us, not as an end, but as a means to greater rejoicing in Him.
All earthly joys are shadows of the joy found in Christ, which is why they taste so good. But, understanding they are shadows, and not the substance, will keep us from making idols of them while setting us free to seek to do big things with our big God without our hope being in them. It is amazing what God can do with people that are hungry for Him and happy in Him. Our city needs more people like that. By God’s grace, may we be among them. He is risen!
Christ is all!
Pastor Adam