Have You Been Baptized as a Believer?
Baptism, Uncategorized | by Pastor David Parker
One of our regular rhythms as a church is to celebrate through baptism the grace of Jesus extended to those who have come to trust and treasure Him. We are tentatively planning to have our next baptism celebration on August 26th!
In the waters of baptism, we identify with Jesus in his death (being immersed under water) and his resurrection to new life (being brought out of the water) for the forgiveness of sin (Rom 6:1-10; Col 2:12). Baptism doesn’t save us, but it’s an outward symbolic act that demonstrates the inward reality of what God has accomplished on the cross through His Son. In being baptized, we identify ourselves with Jesus (Acts 10:48; Rom 6:3; Gal 3:27), the universal church (1 Cor 12:13), and the local church (Acts 2:41).
If you have recently professed faith in Christ and/or have not yet been baptized as a believer in Jesus, we would encourage and invite you to consider God’s command.
Personally, I love watching Jesus work in our church, and among friends, neighbors, and co-workers He’s placed around us. I’m praying each of us would get to be a part of leading someone to faith in Christ this summer, as we faithfully and lovingly pursue others, and that we’d get to see many more folks enter into the waters of baptism this next year!
How do I begin the process toward Baptism?
- First, If you would like to be baptized, fill out a baptism request on our Baptism page, or send me an email at with any additional questions you might have.
- Second, for those interested in being baptized, we’ll be holding a baptism class in the beginning of August following one of our Sunday gatherings. More details to come, but register using the link above to start that process.
For the Gospel in Seattle,
Pastor David