An Invitation to Good Friday and Easter
Easter, Good Friday, Uncategorized | by Pastor Adam Sinnett
We are quickly approaching Good Friday and Easter.
What is Good Friday?
Good Friday marks the day that Jesus was unlawfully tried and brutally murdered on a cross outside Jerusalem, nearly 2,000 years ago. It can seem so far removed from our lives—historically and culturally—that we simply dismiss it as a mere footnote of history. But, it is not a footnote. Good Friday marks the culmination of the redemptive promises of God in the substitutionary death of Jesus, to rescue all who place their faith in him (1 Pet. 2:24-25).
What is Easter?
Easter Sunday marks the day on which Jesus triumphantly rose from the grave. His resurrection served as an exclamation mark to all he said and achieved (Rom. 1:4). While many reject the resurrection as a figment of ancient imagination, we should ask whether that rejection is well-founded or merely a by-product of cultural bias. There was no reason to invent the resurrection. It was completely implausible to begin with. So, the question isn’t “What do I feel about the resurrection?” but “Is the resurrection true?” If the resurrection is true, which I believe it is, that changes everything about everything.
A Man Unlike Any Other Man
Jesus is the best known and most influential human the world has ever known. More lives have been changed by him, books written about him, and songs sung to him than anyone—ever. The Western calendar literally revolves around his arrival. Today, 2.2 billion people identify themselves as Christians and see him as the way to God. That means that followers of Jesus makes up a greater proportion of the world’s population now than ever before. No other figure comes close to crossing cultural, racial, political, historical, and geographical boundaries as extensively as Jesus. Why? He is risen. That is why we celebrate Good Friday and Easter.
The Details
Good Friday occurs on Friday, March 30th. We will have two gatherings: 6:00pm and 8:00pm (Note: Kids will only be available at the 6:00pm). Every year we prayerfully labor to create a new experience of the old story. This year, multiple readers will walk us through the story of Good Friday. There will be a 30 minute sermon explaining what Jesus achieved on the cross and its ongoing relevance to our lives. We will also sing, pray, and reflect. This gathering is always uniquely moving.
Easter occurs on Sunday, April 1st. We will have four gatherings: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, and 5:00pm (Note: Kids will be available at all gatherings, except the 5:00pm). There will be a 40 minute sermon, as part of our ongoing series in 1 Peter, along with baptisms at every gathering. We recommend that you arrive early to secure seats, especially if you anticipate having a large party. We also encourage members, if possible, to attend the 8:00am, 12:00pm or 5:00pm to make room for visitors at the 10:00am. This Sunday also happens to correspond to DCC’s seventh birthday, making for an even greater celebration.
Let’s ask Jesus to save, awaken, and reinvigorate souls to the breathtaking reality of his grace over this weekend—in our lives and in the lives of all who do not yet know him.
Because the tomb is empty,
Pastor Adam
P.S. There are a number of work parties happening this weekend in order to prepare for next weekend. Would you be able to give couple hours to help? To learn more and sign-up go here.