Downtown Cornerstone Blog
May 10

Easter Testimonies and Photos

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On April 1st, we worshipped as a family of 1100 across four gatherings to celebrate Easter and all that Christ accomplished through his miraculous resurrection. We sang, prayed, worshipped through the preached word, and rejoiced with the Lord’s supper. Plus, twelve individuals shared their testimonies of God’s astounding grace in their lives through baptism. Below are some snapshots and quotes from the day:

“Through the Holy Spirit now dwelling in me I could actually feel his love for the first time and love Him in return.” – Chris 

“My life is now Jesus’. He gave a sinner like me knowledge, strength, and patience, more than I ever deserve.” – John 

“Because my sins are washed away through the blood of Jesus, I now see that I have unparalleled freedom and purpose.” – Katrina 

“I went to God offering nothing, I was a sinner who had been placing all of my identity and happiness in things other than God. I came to understand that Christ does the saving, not me or anything I do.”  – Ashley 

“The burdens I was carrying were not mine to carry. He had already carried those to the cross for me.” – Sharon 

“I have a Savior who knows me by name…in Jesus alone I have hope.” – Ryan

“Jesus met me in the middle of all my confusion.”- Arnita 

“I was just trying to prove myself to others, myself, and ultimately God. I always thought I had to contribute to earn my standing before God.” – Gigi

“No matter how many things I try to control, my life lies in the hands of the Creator.” – Roderick 

“Through Jesus’ work on the cross, I am blessed by His grace each and every day. While I still experience life’s struggles, I am able to live a life of peace and joy in His presence.” – Chiedza

“I realized that there’s no amount of sin or shame that could keep me from the love of God.” – Rachel

“Christianity is about a personal relationship with God made possible by grace through Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection, not my own works or accomplishments.” – Jason


Praise Him for He is risen!