Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Jan 3

How To Grow With Us This Year

, , Uncategorized | by Pastor Justin Keogh


As we head into 2020, there are a number of ways to grow with us – and we hope you will take full advantage of all that God has prepared for you this year! It is our prayer that all who consider DCC their home church would be relationally connected, intentionally growing, meaningfully serving and giving, missionally engaged, willingly accountable, and known by a pastor. Fundamentally, we are a local people in gospel-forged relationships who desire to know Jesus and make him known. To that end, I’d invite you to consider what your next step would be to grow in 2020.


If you’re new to DCC, join us this Sunday, January 5th, for our next Newcomers’ Coffee. This will be held after both gatherings and is an opportunity for you to meet a pastor, connect with leaders, hear our story, learn what we believe, ask any questions you may have, and identify your next steps—along with others who are doing the same (No need to RSVP).

I’d also encourage you to join us for the Foundations class on Sundays at 9 am, starting on January 12th. This five-week class covers the essentials of who we are as a local church and is the primary relational on-ramp into the life of our body. Throughout the class, we’ll discuss who we are and what we believe while building relationships and community together. Learn more and register HERE.


For those who have already taken the Foundations class and have been participating with us for a while, we invite you to further embed in the life of our church through:


Lastly, as you consider how God is calling you to take the next step in your faith, our upcoming set of classes are a great way to grow in your knowledge and love of God and all that He is for us:

  • Session 1 begins this Wednesday, January 8th: Systematic Theology II, Financial Stewardship, and Unity & Diversity.
  • Session 2 begins February 12th: Systematic Theology II (contd.), Parenting, and Missions.

Learn more about these classes and register HERE.

For the ladies especially, there are two unique opportunities this winter:

  • Women’s Bible Study: Wednesday mornings from 10 am – 12 pm, starting January 8th. This will be a 13-week study on Ephesians, with childcare incorporated. Learn more and register HERE.
  • Women’s Discipleship Day: Saturday, February 1st, from 9 am – 4 pm. This will be a relational, interactive day with singing, mingling, discussion, and times of learning, reflection, and prayer. Learn more and register HERE.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at . I am praying that this next year will be one of growth in your knowledge, love, and trust of the Lord!
