Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Mar 11

Changes Due To Government Covid-19 Restrictions

Covid-19 | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Pastoral Note

Downtown Cornerstone,

The spread of Covid-19 continues so we, therefore, continue to adapt.

New Restrictions

This morning, the Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, announced a ban on events of more than 250 people in the Seattle metro area. Additionally, the King County Executive, Dow Constantine, issued a separate public health order that prohibits gatherings of less than 250 people unless certain stringent requirements are met, including:

  • High-risk individuals do not attend (over 60 years old, pregnant, underlying health issues, etc.).
  • Social distancing measures are enforced (including being within six feet of others for ten minutes or longer).
  • Employees must be screened for Covid-19 symptoms each day.
  • Proper hand hygiene and sanitation must be readily available.

The first three of these requirements would be difficult—if not impossible—to enforce, especially the social distancing. This means, legally, we are unable to gather because we cannot comply with the public health order. We are not alone. There is a long list of other Seattle organizations canceling events, including Seattle Public Schools.


Therefore, we will be adapting in the following ways:


Starting this Sunday we will move our public gatherings to one gathering via livestream at 10am. In other words, beginning this Sunday, we will not publicly gather at our building until we are legally permitted to do so. However, we will continue to gather online via livestream. A small team (staff, strategic volunteers, deacons, and elders) will be at the building to lead the gathering, from singing to preaching. Rather than record the 9am gathering and re-play it at 11am, we will hold one live gathering at 10am. Please note the time change and spread the word.


As of today, all formal Cornerstone Community gatherings are canceled.


As of today, all classes are canceled.


  • Taking the Gospel to the Nations, March 21st: We will postpone this event to a later date.
  • Members Meeting, March 29th: We will either cancel or create a livestream option. Stay tuned.
  • DCC’s 9th birthday, April 5th: TBD
  • Good Friday and Easter, April 10th-12th: TBD


If you have a meeting scheduled with a staff member or pastor, be sure to double-check before meeting.


While we grieve with those who have lost loved ones amidst the spread of Covid-19, we can trust that God is at work in significant ways behind the scenes. Do you remember what caused the gospel to spread in the early church? Persecution. “There arose…a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the regions…” (Acts 8:1). The very thing that was meant to stamp out Jesus’ cause, was used by God to further spread it to the nations. What man intended for evil, God intended for good (Gen. 50:20). While the details of our particular situation are unique, the principle isn’t. If he did that then, what might he be up to now? Let’s keep trusting him together. More soon…

Christ is all,
Pastor Adam