Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Dec 21

Video: Will You Partner With Us in the Onward Spread of the Gospel?

Onward Building Campaign | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Onward: A New Outpost For God's Unfolding Story

Downtown Cornerstone,

By now you’ve heard that, by God's grace and kindness, we bought a building in Belltown! A permanent home is another step towards fulfilling our vision of becoming a faithful gospel presence in our city for, Lord willing, generations to come.

Therefore, we created this short video to share more about the building and how you can participate to see it renovated as our future gospel outpost.

As you can imagine, buying and renovating a building in downtown Seattle is quite expensive. While we are certain that God is going before us in this unique opportunity, it will require all of us to participate financially for it to become a reality.

Will you prayerfully consider giving towards the onward spread of the gospel in our city? You can learn more by visiting our Onward landing page.

Whether your contribution is an end-of-year gift or a monthly pledge, a sacrifice of your monthly coffee budget line or a donation of stock, it all goes towards achieving the end of preparing this building as a future stage for God’s unfolding story in our beloved city. Just imagine the lives that will be changed through our collective sacrifice and generosity!

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact our team at .

Merry Christmas!

The King has come and is coming again,
Pastor Adam