Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Mar 20

Care Ministry Update | March 2025

Care Ministry | by Pastor Luke Davis

March 20, 2025

This note is a snapshot of our Care Ministry in DCC, where we work to foster a discipleship culture of mutually encouraging relationships in our life together.


Our Lord designed the local church to be a body that seeks the well-being of its various members:

Brothers and sisters, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:1-2

These two verses capture the scope of our troubles in this life – sin and suffering. Our fallen nature permeates our thinking, emotions, and behavior. Every part of who we are has been marred by sin. And our fallen world is rife with sufferings of every kind, from unexpected tragedy to the slow wearing out of our bodies. How are we to find life, much less abundant life, in this sin-sick world?

The gospel tells us that in our union with Christ, we have likewise been united to a body of believers. These brothers and sisters, invested with Christ’s Spirit and guided by his word, are deployed to be watchful caregivers. In other words, we, the church, are sent with Christ’s riches to be caregivers to one another – correcting sinners with gentleness and love, comforting sufferers with hope and resilient grace. The Care ministry is here to help you in this God-given endeavor.

Our approach to care is shaped by a Christ-centered view of human life as found in the Scriptures, an approach which takes seriously the spiritual, physical, social, psychological, and developmental nature of our difficulties. We believe that people can change, grow, and find restoration as they come to understand their lives in light of the transforming gospel of Christ. Learn more about our foundations in our Guiding Theology for Biblical Care.

Primarily, our Care Ministry serves and counsels through individual meetings. We have a team of trained counselors who are ready to get together over 4–6 sessions, or longer, to carefully listen, aid, and point to the teachings of Christ our Cornerstone. For example, our team of peer counselors would love to help you endure grief, take steps to put a persistent sin to death, come out from under the domination of anxiety, and much more, by allowing God’s word to shape how we face challenges. To learn more about meeting with a Care Team member or to request care, click here.

The DCC Care group on Church Center serves as a hub for Care Ministry communication and resources for those seeking to help others know and experience joy in God and obedience to Him amidst our struggles. Request to join the Care Group.

Our ministry supplies over 50 booklets that offer biblical wisdom for everyday challenges. Titles range from I’m Exhausted: What to Do When You’re Always Tired to Domestic Abuse: Help for the Sufferer. These accessible titles are available at the lobby desk just outside the auditorium for a $3 donation or as a free gift. We also have about a dozen titles related to parenting in the CKids lobby downstairs.

If you have any questions about our Care Ministry, come find me or Ashley Garbelman, deacon of Care Administration.

For the Kingdom,
Pastor Luke