Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Adam Sinnett
Sep 25

How Do I Revive My Faith?

2 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

2 Peter
We continue our series in 2 Peter. This letter was written by the Apostle Peter from a Roman prison as he awaited execution for his faith in Jesus. His dying words are powerful. There is a sense of earnestness and pleading throughout. He exhorts us to grow in grace, to keep Jesus and God’s word at the center of our lives, to be aware of false teaching, and more. This letter reminds us how we start the Christian life matters, but how we end matters most.

Audio | Notes | 2 Peter 1:12-15
Sep 18

How Can I Live a Fruitful Life in Jesus?

2 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

2 Peter
We continue our series in 2 Peter. This letter was written by the Apostle Peter from a Roman prison as he awaited execution for his faith in Jesus. His dying words are powerful. There is a sense of earnestness and pleading throughout. He exhorts us to grow in grace, to keep Jesus and God’s word at the center of our lives, to be aware of false teaching, and more. This letter reminds us how we start the Christian life matters, but how we end matters most.

Audio | Notes | 2 Peter 1:8-11
Sep 11

What is the Role of Effort in the Christian Life?

2 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

2 Peter
We continue our series in 2 Peter. This letter was written by the Apostle Peter from a Roman prison as he awaited execution for his faith in Jesus. His dying words are powerful. There is a sense of earnestness and pleading throughout. He exhorts us to grow in grace, to keep Jesus and God’s word at the center of our lives, to be aware of false teaching, and more. This letter reminds us how we start the Christian life matters, but how we end matters most.

Audio | Notes | 2 Peter 1:5-7
Aug 28

How do I Grow as a Christian?

2 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

2 Peter
We continue our series in 2 Peter. This letter was written by the Apostle Peter from a Roman prison as he awaited execution for his faith in Jesus. His dying words are powerful. There is a sense of earnestness and pleading throughout. He exhorts us to grow in grace, to keep Jesus and God’s word at the center of our lives, to be aware of false teaching, and more. This letter reminds us how we start the Christian life matters, but how we end matters most.

Audio | Notes | 2 Peter 1:3-4
Aug 21

Growing in Grace

2 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

2 Peter
We begin a new series in the New Testament letter, 2 Peter. This letter was written by the Apostle Peter from a Roman prison as he awaited execution for his faith in Jesus. His dying words are powerful. There is a sense of earnestness and pleading throughout. He exhorts us to grow in grace, to keep Jesus and God’s word at the center of our lives, to be aware of false teaching, and more. This letter reminds us how we start the Christian life matters, but how we end matters most.

Audio | Notes | 2 Peter 1:1-2
Aug 14

God Will Deliver His People

Daniel, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

We conclude our series in the Old Testament book of Daniel. It’s a famous story filled with memorable characters, proud kings, political intrigue, pressures to compromise, impossible odds, miraculous rescues, and symbolic visions of the future. But ultimately, Daniel is about life in an unbelieving land, far from home, with your faith under pressure. In it, Daniel reassures God’s people that, despite appearances to the contrary, God is in control and faithfully at work.

Audio | Notes | Daniel 12:1-13
Aug 7

Those Who Know Their God

Daniel, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

We continue our series in the Old Testament book of Daniel. It’s a famous story filled with memorable characters, proud kings, political intrigue, pressures to compromise, impossible odds, miraculous rescues, and symbolic visions of the future. But, ultimately, Daniel is about life in an unbelieving land, far from home, with your faith under pressure. In it, Daniel reassures God’s people that, despite appearances to the contrary, God is in control and faithfully at work.

Audio | Notes | Daniel 11:2-45
Jun 26

An Unexpected Visitor

Daniel, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our series in the Old Testament book of Daniel. It’s a famous story filled with memorable characters, proud kings, political intrigue, pressures to compromise, impossible odds, miraculous rescues, and symbolic visions of the future. But, ultimately, Daniel is about life in an unbelieving land, far from home, with your faith under pressure. In it, Daniel reassures God’s people that, despite appearances to the contrary, God is in control and faithfully at work.

Audio | Notes | Daniel 10:1-11:1