Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Adam Sinnett
Oct 11

Present Suffering and Future Glory

, Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written- Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus. In Rom. 8:18-25, the Apostle Paul shows how our understanding of the future profoundly shapes our present especially in suffering. Our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed. It is coming. Trust in it. Wait for it.

Audio | Notes | Romans 8:18-25
Oct 4

Assurance That You Belong to God

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written—Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus. In Romans 8:12-17, the Apostle Paul offers four assuring characteristics of those who are born of God and led by the Spirit. If you need confidence of the Spirit’s work in your life, this is for you. God wants his people to be assured of their standing.

Audio | Notes | Romans 8:12-17
Sep 27

Killing Sin by the Spirit

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written—Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus. In 8:12-13, the Apostle Paul explains that those born of God will find themselves engaged in a new war against sin and the stakes are high. In fact, the stakes are your soul. As John Owen once said, “Be killing sin, or sin will be killing you.”

Audio | Notes | Romans 8:12-13
Sep 20

The Flesh Versus The Spirit

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus. In 8:5-11, the Apostle Paul shows that being a Christian is a supernatural, not natural, reality that displays the power of God. In ourselves, we cannot make ourselves right with God. We need God to make us new, by the Spirit.

Audio | Notes | Romans 8:5-11
Sep 13

No Condemnation In Christ

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written—Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus. Today, we turn to chapter eight, perhaps the best known and most loved chapter in the entire Bible. This chapter will serve as our fall sermon series as we discover the breathtaking riches of life in the Spirit and all that God is for us, in Jesus.

Audio | Notes | Romans 8:1-4
Aug 30

What is Your Vision of Reality?

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written—Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus. Today, we hover above chapters one through seven to take in Paul’s vision of reality as a whole. My prayer is that God would cause this vision to become our vision. This reality is not meant to float above our lives, but give shape to it every day.

Audio | Notes | Romans 1:1-7:25