Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Adam Sinnett
Aug 19

Life in a Fallen World

Esther, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today, we continue our new series through the Old Testament book of Esther. This is the (true) story about the potential extinction of the Jews during the Persian empire, and God’s hidden hand through an unlikely heroine. Esther has all the ingredients of a great story: complex characters, an evil villain, perilous danger, suspense, irony, surprise reversals, humor and a happy ending. But, even more important than its literary value, are its insights into how to find our way amidst our pluralistic world today—a world that is surprisingly a lot like Esther’s.

Audio | Notes | Esther 3:1-15
Aug 11

Compromise, Conflict, and Confusion

Esther, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today, we continue our new series through the Old Testament book of Esther. This is the (true) story about the potential extinction of the Jews during the Persian empire, and God’s hidden hand through an unlikely heroine. Esther has all the ingredients of a great story: complex characters, an evil villain, perilous danger, suspense, irony, surprise reversals, humor and a happy ending. But, even more important than its literary value, are its insights into how to find our way amidst our pluralistic world today—a world that is surprisingly a lot like Esther’s.

Audio | Notes | Esther 2:1-23
Aug 4

Politics, Pluralism, and Providence

Esther, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today we begin a new series through the Old Testament book of Esther. This is the (true) story about the potential extinction of the Jews during the Persian empire, and God’s hidden hand through an unlikely heroine. Esther has all the ingredients of a great story: complex characters, an evil villain, perilous danger, suspense, irony, surprise reversals, humor and a happy ending. But, even more important than its literary value, are its insights into how to find our way amidst our pluralistic world today – a world that is surprisingly a lot like Esther’s.

Audio | Notes | Esther 1:1-22
Jun 23

Church-Focused, People-Loving, and City-Renewing

First Things, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

First Things

What are the first things in the life of Jesus’ church? Even if you don’t follow Jesus, you’ve likely wondered, “What is all of this about?” You’re not alone. It can be confusing. So, in this five-week series, we’re considering foundational biblical principles for a healthy, Jesus-treasuring, people-loving, Spirit-empowered, life-transforming local church. This study is built on the backbone of DCC’s mission statement and ten core convictions. Who are we? Why do we exist? What are we doing? That’s what this series is all about-for God’s glory, and our deepest joy.

Audio | Notes | 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Jun 16

Mission-Driven and Disciple-Making

First Things, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

First Things
What are the first things in the life of Jesus’ church? Even if you don’t follow Jesus, you’ve likely wondered, “What is all of this about?” You’re not alone. It can be confusing. So, in this five-week series, we’re considering foundational biblical principles for a healthy, Jesus-treasuring, people-loving, Spirit-empowered, life-transforming local church. This study is built on the backbone of DCC’s mission statement and ten core convictions. Who are we? Why do we exist? What are we doing? That’s what this series is all about-for God’s glory, and our deepest joy.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 28:18-20
Jun 9

Bible-Saturated and Prayer-Filled

First Things, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

First Things

What are the first things in the life of Jesus’ church? Even if you don’t follow Jesus, you’ve likely wondered, “What is all of this about?” You’re not alone. It can be confusing. So, in this five-week series, we’re considering foundational biblical principles for a healthy, Jesus-treasuring, people-loving, Spirit-empowered, life-transforming local church. This study is built on the backbone of DCC’s mission statement and ten core convictions. Who are we? Why do we exist? What are we doing? That’s what this series is all about-for God’s glory, and our deepest joy.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 119:18,105
Jun 2

God-Centered, Jesus-Treasuring, and Spirit-Empowered

First Things, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

First Things

What are the first things in the life of Jesus’ church? Even if you don’t follow Jesus, you’ve likely wondered, “What is all of this about?” You’re not alone. It can be confusing. So, in this five-week series, we’re considering foundational biblical principles for a healthy, Jesus-treasuring, people-loving, Spirit-empowered, life-transforming local church. This study is built on the backbone of DCC’s mission statement and ten core convictions. Who are we? Why do we exist? What are we doing? That’s what this series is all about-for God’s glory, and our deepest joy.

Audio | Notes | Ephesians 1:3-14
May 26

Why We Exist

First Things, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

First Things
What are the first things in the life of Jesus’ church? Even if you don’t follow Jesus, you’ve likely wondered, “What is all of this about?” You’re not alone. It can be confusing. So, in this five-week series, we’re considering foundational biblical principles for a healthy, Jesus-treasuring, people-loving, Spirit-empowered, life-transforming local church. This study is built on the backbone of DCC’s mission statement and ten core convictions. Who are we? Why do we exist? What are we doing? That’s what this series is all about-for God’s glory, and our deepest joy.

Audio | Notes | Colossians 1:15-23
May 19

The End of the Matter

Ecclesiastes, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This morning we conclude our series through the book of Ecclesiastes. We’ve discovered it is a timeless, and timely book. In it, the Preacher-King recounts a lifelong search for meaning, purpose, and satisfaction “under the sun.” He exhausts every nook and cranny of the created order and human potential. Yet, again and again, he discovers “all is vanity.” Today, in Ecc. 11:1-12:14, we reach the end of his, and our, search for meaning—fear God and walk in his ways.

Audio | Notes | Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:14