Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Adam Sinnett
Jul 16

Bondservants, Trials, and Forgiveness

Media, Philemon, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today we wrap-up our short, two-week series through Paul’s letter to Philemon. This letter, Paul’s shortest, is a gospel goldmine. But, what is most striking about it is how ordinary and down-to-earth it is. It sounds a lot like normal life—and that’s the point. This simple letter helps us see that the implications of the reality of Jesus, in our every day lives, are profoundly far-reaching.

Audio | Notes | Philemon 1:8-25
Jul 9

The Gospel Changes Everything

Media, Philemon, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today we begin a short, two-week series through Paul’s letter to Philemon. This letter, Paul’s shortest, is a gospel goldmine. But, what is most striking about it is how ordinary and down-to-earth it is. It sounds a lot like normal life—and that’s the point. This simple letter helps us see that the implications of the reality of Jesus, in our every day lives, are profoundly far-reaching.

Audio | Notes | Philemon 1:1-7
Jul 2

Yahweh’s Forever Kingdom

Major Prophets, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Major Prophets

Today we complete our overview series through the Major Prophets with the book of Daniel. This book is all about life in an unbelieving world under the sovereign hand of the living God. It’s a (true) story about temptation to compromise in a world that is not our home, the fleeting nature of earthly kingdoms, and the coming forever kingdom of Yahweh. Daniel helps us see that, in spite of appearances, Yahweh is in control and he will win.

Audio | Notes | Daniel Overview
Jun 25

They Shall Know That I am Yahweh

Major Prophets, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Major Prophets

This morning we are continuing our series through the Major Prophets. While we typically study books of the Bible verse-by-verse, at times it is helpful to step back to survey the bigger picture. Truth is truth, whether we happen to be looking at its individual parts or the sum of the whole. Today, we consider the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel was a prophet of God to those exiled to Babylon. His prophetic words, and symbolic acts, reveal the real guilt of God’s people and, at the same time, display the profound hope of the forever future that Yahweh graciously offers, in Christ.

Audio | Notes | Ezekiel Overview
Jun 18

There May Yet Be Hope

Major Prophets, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Major Prophets

Today we are continuing our series through the Major Prophets, as we consider the book of Lamentations. These, often neglected, five chapters record the gutwrenching aftermath of the destruction of Jerusalem. They help us grasp the gravity of sin, the sovereignty of God over suffering, and that, no matter what may come our way, “there may yet be hope” (Lam. 3:29).

Audio | Notes | Lamentations Overview
Jun 12

I Will Be Their God

Major Prophets, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Major Prophets

Today marks our second week in our series through the Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Today, we consider the book of Jeremiah. His ministry took place during the darkest days of Judah’s history. He points us to the utter sinfulness of sin and the staggering reality of God’s new covenant grace, in Jesus.

Audio | Notes | Jeremiah Overview
Jun 4

The Salvation of Yahweh

Major Prophets, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Major Prophets

We are beginning a brand new series through the Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. While we typically study books of the Bible verse-by-verse, at times it is helpful to step back to survey the bigger picture. Truth is truth, whether we happen to be looking at its individual parts or the sum of the whole. Today, we begin our study with the book of Isaiah. He challenges us to examine our hearts and ways we misplace our trust—and, even more, to make Yahweh our everything.

Audio | Notes | Isaiah Overview