Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Adam Sinnett
Nov 2

A Church is Planted in Philippi

Media, Philippians, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


The first week of our series in Philippians, we go back to Acts 16:11-34 and look at the beginnings of the church that Paul will later express great affection for. The church in Philippi began with a few significant interactions between Paul and three very different people. Through the stories of Lydia, the wealthy seller of purple goods, a demonized slave girl, and an average Roman jailer, we see that the church then and now is built of people such as ourselves that are centered on the person and work of Jesus.

Audio | Acts 16:11-34
Oct 26

The Resurrection

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Even though many reject Christianity and/or the church, there are few who reject Jesus himself. There’s a certain draw to him that is almost inexplicable. The matter of supreme importance in Jesus’ life is his resurrection. Why? Well, if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead we’re wasting our time. If he remained in the tomb he is no different than every other inspiring figure in human history – exceptional, but dead nonetheless. But, if he did rise (and he did) from the dead that changes everything about everything. The truth of the resurrection is of massive importance – it is the hinge upon which the story of the world pivots.

Audio | Mark 16:1-20
Oct 19

The Cross

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today in Mark 15:16-47 we reach the cross. Mark's entire gospel account has been rushing forward to this point. The cross is the climax, the ultimate fulfillment of Jesus' life and ministry. It is why He came. The cross is the great declaration of God's love for sinners. As we walk through the final hours of Jesus' crucifixion and death the gospel narrative focuses on the purpose of Christ's suffering. On the cross Jesus took on our darkness so that we might become sons and daughters of the light, a people ransomed and awarded a new identity as redeemed and reconciled to God.

Audio | Mark 15:16-47
Oct 12

The False Trial

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today, in Mark 14:53-15:15, we read about Jesus's (false) trial. The scene is dark, Jesus is alone, and the outlook is grim. His friends have abandoned him. The religious leaders are out to trap him. False witnesses spew lies about him. The government is not sure what to do with him. Roman soldiers abuse him. In a word, Jesus is completely abandoned. From this point on, what Jesus has come to do, he has to do it by himself.

Audio | Mark 14:53-15:15
Oct 5

The Garden

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We are in the final weeks of our study of the Gospel of Mark. Today we reach the famous scene that takes place in the garden of Gethsemane in Mark 14:27-52. If the storm clouds were forming over Jesus during His last supper with the disciples, the plot turns completely dark here. Due to our familiarity with this story it is easy to miss how much of a thematic shift takes place in the garden.

Audio | Mark 14:27-52
Sep 28

The Last Supper

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


In Mark 14:1-26 there is a noticeably dramatic transition in the story of Jesus. The story turns to Jesus' end as the crucifixion is approaching and He spends His last meals with disciples and followers. Mark begins this section with asking the reader to examine their hearts through the recounting of a woman who gives her most treasured and valuable possession to anoint Jesus' feet. He then tells of the last Passover meal where Jesus declares through the symbols of bread and wine that all prior acts of deliverance, sacrifice, and salvation of Israel point to Him, and the blood He would pour out for many. We will see that the constant portrayal of discipleship is of those who will go all in for the love of their Lord, and are asked if we will actively receive Jesus for relationship with Him and become a new family.

Audio | Mark 14:1-26
Sep 21

The End. The Beginning: Part 2

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today we continue the passage known as the”Olivet discourse” in Mark 13:24-37. Jesus is answering questions from his disciples about the destruction of Jerusalem and His second coming. When looked at through historical context, Old Testament background, and flow of the passage, we see that Jesus is telling of the fall of Jerusalem as evidence that he has returned to God the father, and marks the transition into the church age. He warns that there will be no sign for His second coming. The application of this passage reminds us that we are part of God's unfolding story; and motivates us to spread the gospel, persevere, and place our trust in the returning King.

Audio | Mark 13:24-37