Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Adam Sinnett
Sep 17

The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Nearly 2,000 years ago, in a small rural province of Roman-ruled Israel, there was a man who claimed to not only be a king, but the King; not only one sent from God, but the Son of God. His name was Jesus. In dramatic detail, the Gospel of Mark tells the riveting story of Jesus’ brief years of ministry in sixteen short, action-packed chapters. Mark, an assistant to the apostle Peter, is a masterful story-teller. Using a style of writing that is simple and original he recounts the life, death and resurrection of Jesus; events which form the very center of cosmic and human history. Over the near we will be exploring the life and work of the One who fulfilled all the Old Testament hopes for the coming Christ, the Messiah, and see first-hand how only his story makes sense of our own.

Audio | Mark 1:1-8
Sep 8

Anatomy of a Reluctant Prophet

Jonah, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today we come to the end of our four-part series in the book of Jonah. This week (Jon. 4:1-11) we get an up-close and personal look into the self-righteousness in Jonah’s heart – and ours – and the great liberation God offers us through the gospel.

Audio | Jonah 4:1-11
Sep 1

Mission, Mercy & Messy Messengers

Jonah, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today we are reminded that God is on a mission to seek and save the lost from all tribes, tongues, nations – and cities – of the world. Oddly, and beautifully, he uses imperfect, reluctant, messy messengers to deliver the life-changing, sin-forgiving, shame-shattering new s of Jesus that will save them.

Audio | Jonah 3:1-10
Aug 25

Surprised by Grace

Jonah, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We are working our way through a four-part series in the book of Jonah. Today we move into the second scene of the unfolding story (1:17-2:10). This chapter is the happiest part of the entire book, which is telling if nearly drowning and being swallowed by a large marine mammal is the high point of your story. The entire chapter is comprised of Jonah’s prayer to God from within the fish. In it he records his distressing descent to the bottom of the ocean and God’s subsequent (and unlikely) miraculous salvation. While it is easy to get distracted by the fish, the main character is God himself. Today we see that God is so bent on Jonah’s ultimate good that he goes to great lengths in pursuit of him. He is more concerned about the condition of Jonah’s heart, than the condition of his life. In fact, as only God can do, he uses the conditions of life to effect change in Jonah’s heart. He does the same in our lives today.

Audio | Jonah 1:17-2:10
Aug 18

We are Jonah

Jonah, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Jonah is perhaps one of the best known, and debated, books of the Bible. Unlike other prophetic books, this book focuses on the prophet himself. Yet, this book is not only about him; it’s about us too. We are a lot like Jonah. Jonah received a word from the Lord. We have the Word of the Lord. Jonah is called to a great city. We are called to a great city. Jonah runs from God. We also run. Jonah reluctantly obeys. We do the same. Jonah prefers personal comfort over heartfelt trust. We often do likewise. Yet, amidst Jonah’s disobedience, idolatry and self-righteousness we see the great mercy, kindness and grace of God. This book is a call to repentance, a call to mission, a call to the city, a call to love those unlike ourselves and a call to radical trust in God.

Audio | Jonah 1:1-16
Aug 11

Missionaries of the Gospel

Disciple: Following Jesus, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Disciple: Following Jesus

This morning we’ll be continuing our four-part series called, “Disciple”. Last week we learned that to be a Disciple of Jesus, is to be a servant of God and others. Today, we’re going to look at our identity as Missionaries of the Gospel.
