Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Adam Sinnett
Mar 5

Deep Providence

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Acts 12 is about the deep providence of God. The chapter opens with James dead, Peter in prison and Herod victorious. But, the chapter closes with Herod dead, Peter free, and the word of God victorious. This is the goal of all that God does, to spread the fame of Jesus, who saves sinners, and makes much of the Father. That’s our mission too.

Audio | Acts 12
Feb 27

Jesus’ Mission

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Acts 11:19-30 we see five marks of Jesus’ mission for the church: method, message, character, people and the mercy. God calls us to Him, by faith in Jesus, but then sends us out with Him on mission. You’ve never really lived until you being to live for something bigger than yourself. Jesus invites you to do just that, in Him.

Audio | Acts 11:19-30
Feb 21

The Gospel is for Everyone

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Acts 10:1-11:18 we see that Jesus offers life for all people, everywhere, through the gospel. Jesus is out in front of us – initiating, moving, working, acting, redeeming, saving. Jesus wants life for all people, without partiality. Jesus is particularly concerned for “good” people, commanding everyone in love to put our ultimate hope in his goodness, not our own. Jesus chooses to use us to spread this gospel news to all who will hear, in our city and the cities of the world. The Gospel is for everyone.

Audio | Acts 10:1-11:18
Feb 14

The Healing God

, Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Acts 9:32-43 we see Peter miraculously heal Aeneas and Tabitha. What is healing and is it for today? This week we look at six of the most common questions related to healing. What we’ll see is that Jesus is still at work, advancing his purposes, through his faith-filled people. Jesus is the same today as he was then and delights to give good gifts to his undeserving children. He is the Healing God.

Audio | Acts 9:32-43
Feb 7

The Untamed God

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Today, in Acts 9:1-31, we have a historical record of the most famous conversion story in church history. The conversion of the Apostle Paul. In fact, Luke is so impressed with this story that he includes it three times in Acts (Acts 8,22,26). But, before the Apostle Paul was the greatest missionary the world has ever known, he was the angry, violent, self-righteous, Pharisee Saul. What brought about this change? That’s our topic today.

Audio | Acts 9:1-31