Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Adam Sinnett
Mar 12

Remember Whose We Are

1 Thessalonians, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

1 Thessalonians

We begin a new series in 1 Thessalonians. This is a warm, heartfelt, urgent letter written by the Apostle Paul, and his co-laborers, to a baby church they planted but were quickly forced to leave. It’s filled with loving gospel reminders, instruction on basic discipleship, and teaching on Jesus’ inevitable return. While written long ago, it feels just as relevant today in Seattle—a city much like Thessalonica.

Audio | Notes | 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Feb 26

What Are The Marks Of A Healthy Member?

, Media, Sermons, The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus

We conclude our series, The Church: God’s New Humanity, in Jesus. The local church is far more important to the Christian life than most realize. Often, this is because we haven’t taken the time to ask the simple, but profound, question, “What is Jesus’ church?” This morning we ask, “What are the marks of a healthy church member?” What is a member responsible for? Is there a job description?

Audio | Notes | Ephesians 4:11-16
Feb 19

What is Church Membership/Discipline?

, , Media, Sermons, The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus

We continue our series, The Church: God’s New Humanity, in Jesus. The local church is far more important to the Christian life than most realize. Often, this is because we haven’t taken the time to ask the simple, but profound, question, “What is Jesus’ church?” This morning we ask, what is church membership? What about discipline? Are these life-giving biblical practices or legalistic man-made constructs? These are good questions that deserve careful biblical answers.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13
Feb 12

What is the Lord’s Supper?

, Media, Sermons, The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus

We continue in our series, The Church: God’s New Humanity, in Jesus. The local church is far more important to the Christian life than most realize. Often, this is because we haven’t taken the time to ask the simple, but profound, question, “What is Jesus’ church?” Today we ask, “What is the Lord’s Supper?” What does it mean? Who is it for? How does it fit into the church’s life? Jesus wants us to know what and why we practice the Supper, so let’s find out.

Audio | Notes | Mark 14:22-25
Feb 5

What is Baptism?

, Media, Sermons, The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus

We continue in our series, The Church: God’s New Humanity in Jesus. The local church is far more important to the Christian life than most realize. Often, this is because we haven’t taken the time to ask the simple but profound question, “What is Jesus’ church?” This morning we ask, “What is baptism?” Who is baptism for? What does it mean? Where should one be baptized? How does it fit into the church’s life? Amidst baptismal confusion, let’s seek some answers.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 28:18-20
Jan 29

What Are The Keys Of The Kingdom?

, Media, Sermons, The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus

We continue in our series, The Church: God’s New Humanity, in Jesus. The local church is far more important to the Christian life than most realize. Often, this is because we haven’t taken the time to ask the simple, but profound, question, “What is Jesus’ church?” This morning we ask, “What are the ‘keys of the kingdom’?” To whom has Jesus given these keys? What are they exactly? Why do they matter? What role do they play in our shared life? Let’s find out together.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 16:13-19; Matthew 18:15-20
Jan 22

Who Leads the Church?

, Media, Sermons, The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus

We continue our new series, The Church: God’s New Humanity, in Jesus. The local church is far more important to the Christian life than most realize. Often, this is because we haven’t taken the time to ask the simple, but profound, question, “What is Jesus’ church?” This morning we ask, “Who leads the church?” Since Jesus created His church to reflect his own gracious rule, while fulfilling his mission, the issue of who leads is of incredible and lasting importance.

Audio | Notes | Ephesians 4:11-16
Jan 15

What is the Mission of the Church?

Media, Sermons, The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus

We continue a new eight week series, The Church: God’s New Humanity, in Jesus. The local church is far more important to the Christian life than most realize. Often, this is because we haven’t taken the time to ask the simple, but profound, question, “What is Jesus’ church?” So, building on last week, this morning we ask, “What is the mission of Jesus’ church?” What is Jesus’ church to do, to be about? Has Jesus given us a specific mission? Yes, yes he has.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 28:16-20
Jan 8

The Local Church As God’s New Humanity

Media, Sermons, The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

The Church: God's New Humanity, in Jesus

We begin a new eight week series, The Church: God’s New Humanity, in Jesus. The local church is far more important to the Christian life than most realize. Often, this is because we haven’t taken the time to ask the simple, but profound, question, “What is Jesus’ church?” So, we’re considering afresh the wonder that Jesus’ local church is and the great privilege it is to belong to it. These realities will serve as the foundation for the rest of our series.

Audio | Notes | Jeremiah 31:31-34