Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Craig Sturm
Jul 14

God’s Judgment & False Teachers

Jude, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm


Today is week three of our five-week series in the letter of Jude. God is writing this letter, through Jude, to warn against the false teaching that had crept into the church and remind believers to stand firm in the faith; to stand firm in the Gospel and the authority of Jesus Christ. Previously, we looked at verses 1-4 and unpacked our identity as Christians as one of being called, beloved, and kept, and Jude’s call for us to contend for our faith. Today, verses 5-16 take a deeper look at the telltale marks and sure judgment for false teachers. It is a sober call to the church to be faithful to the one, true Gospel.

Audio | Notes | Jude 1:5-16
Apr 28

Those Who Fear God Will Do Well

Ecclesiastes, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

We are continuing our series through the book of Ecclesiastes. It’s a timeless and timely book. In it, the Preacher-King recounts a lifelong search for meaning, purpose, and satisfaction “under the sun.” To do so, he exhausts every nook and cranny of the created order and human potential. Yet, again and again, he discovers “all is vanity.” Today, in Ecclesiastes 8, the Preacher unpacks a central theme of the book, living in the fear of God as an antidote to vanity.

Audio | Notes | Ecclesiastes 8:1-17
Mar 10


Ecclesiastes, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm


We are continuing our new series through the book of Ecclesiastes. It’s a timeless, and timely, book. In it, the author, a preacher-king, recounts a lifelong search for meaning, purpose, and satisfaction “under the sun.” His quest is an attempt to make sense of life on a purely horizontal plane, without God in the picture. To do so, he exhausts every nook and cranny of the created order and human potential. Yet, again and again, he discovers “all is vanity.” Today, in Ecclesiastes 2:18-26, he puts work and the fruit of work to the test.

Audio | Notes | Ecclesiastes 2:18-26
Dec 2

Mary’s Song

Media, Sermons, Songs of Christmas | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Songs of Christmas

Today we launch our Advent series titled the “Songs of Christmas.” Our hope is to freshly stir affections around the wonder of the incarnation that Jesus, is Emmanuel God with us! We are asking that the Spirit would take the old- old-story, and blow our minds away with new wonder as we see together how the great Author entered the story that He wrote, to weave us into the epic redemptive story He is still writing. This morning, we begin in Luke 1:46-56, with Mary’s song of faith-filled wonder and joyful submission to the sovereign goodness of God.

Audio | Notes | Luke 1:46-56
Nov 11

The Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus

Media, Parables of Jesus: Windows into Reality, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Parables of Jesus: Windows into Reality

Today, we reach the Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus, found in Luke 16:19-31. In this unique parable Jesus is soberly calling us to examine our lives in regards to what we value the most; what we are truly living for; and what that says about the condition of our hearts.

Audio | Notes | Luke 16:19-31
Jul 29

Cultivating a Culture of Care

Media, Sermons, Transformed: How Jesus Changes Lives | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Transformed: How Jesus Changes Lives

“Transformed” is a 4-part series exploring the transforming power of God in our lives. We all know from our own lives and our experience of the world around us, that real, lasting change is elusive. Today, we wrap up the series by thinking through God’s call on us to “bear one another’s burdens” (Gal. 6:2) — and how that contributes to our cultivation of a culture of care that is conducive to change.

Audio | Notes | Galatians 6:2
Jul 22

When Change is Hard

Media, Sermons, Transformed: How Jesus Changes Lives | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Transformed: How Jesus Changes Lives

We all know from our own lives and our experience of the world around us, that real, lasting change is elusive. “Transformed” is a 4-part series exploring the transforming power of God in our lives. Today, from Jeremiah 2:11-13, we explore the heart of the barriers to change in our lives, and some foundational ways to push through those barriers by the grace of God.

Audio | Notes | Jeremiah 2:11-13
Jul 15

How the Gospel Changes Us

Media, Sermons, Transformed: How Jesus Changes Lives | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Transformed: How Jesus Changes Lives

We all know from our own lives and our experience of the world around us, that real, lasting change is elusive. “Transformed” is a 4-part series exploring the transforming power of God in our lives. Today, from Ephesians 4:20-24, we will build on last week’s promise of hope for real change, anchored in the the redeeming love of God in Jesus Christ, by looking at a process of gospel change based on Paul’s exhortations to “put off your old self” and “put on the new self”.

Audio | Notes | Ephesians 4:20-24
Jul 8

Hope For Real Change

Media, Sermons, Transformed: How Jesus Changes Lives | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Transformed: How Jesus Changes Lives

We all know from our own lives and our experience of the world around us, that real, lasting change is elusive. “Transformed” is a 4-part series exploring the transforming power of God in our lives. Today we will set the tone and trajectory for the entire series. In 2 Cor. 5:17-21, we will see that hope for real change is anchored in the promise of the redeeming love of God in Jesus Christ.

Audio | Notes | 2 Corinthians 5:17-21