Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor David Parker
Jan 5

How the Surpassing Worth of Christ Shapes our Future

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Other Sermons
When it comes to the future most of us like the idea of being at a future destination, but we don’t necessarily like the process of getting there. It’s the prize that motivates us to persevere to push on. What we unpack this morning in Philippians 3 is that the same attitude is true with our spiritual journey. We often can envision ourselves at a future reality, a better place, but how do we get there? More importantly, how does knowing the surpassing worth of Christ instruct us and guide us on that journey?

Audio | Philippians 3:12-14
Dec 29

How the Surpassing Knowledge of Christ Shapes our Past

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Other Sermons
We all have a past, it’s unavoidable. Everyday we make decision in light of what we believe is true, and what will often bring us the most joy and happiness. But we can also hold onto our past, live in fear of our past, or live trying to make up for the past. The only way we can let go of and put our past in perspective, is by letting the surpassing worth of knowing Christ, His righteousness, His suffering, and His resurrection, shape, and interpret all of our past success, failures, and the failures of others. Today Pastor David Parker uses Phillipians 3:7-11 to guide us in our understanding of knowing Christ's power in our lives.

Audio | Philippians 3:7-11
Aug 4

Servants of the King

Disciple: Following Jesus, Media, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Disciple: Following Jesus

This morning we’ll be continuing our four-part series called, “Disciple”. Last week we learned that to be a Disciple of Jesus, is to live a life of continual learning from Jesus. Today, we’re going to look at our identity as Servants of Jesus.

Jul 28

Lifelong Learners

Disciple: Following Jesus, Media, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Disciple: Following Jesus

Today, we’re going to look at our identity as Learners of Jesus. Before ascending into heaven, Jesus gave his disciples (and us) a mission, which is famously known as the Great Commission (Mt 28:18-20). The heart of Jesus’ commission to his church is to make disciples. The term disciple refers to being a student, a follower, or a learner. Therefore, to be a disciple of Jesus means to follow him and learn from him. Now, if Jesus’ final commission was to make disciples, we must know what that entails today in our context and aim to be a disciple-making disciple church. Being a disciple of Jesus is the lifelong process of learning to trust and become more like Him in every sphere of life – and help others do the same.

Apr 21


, 1 Timothy, Media, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

1 Timothy

Today we’re looking at the topic of Deacons. Jesus cares deeply about his church, and because of that, He’s given qualifications for leaders so that they can faithfully love and serve the church, as the church has been loved and served by Christ. This morning we’re going to answer 5 Questions: Why is church leadership important? How did we get Deacons? What are the qualifications for Deacons? What do they do? And why be a Deacon?

Audio | 1 Timothy 3:8-13