Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Justin Keogh
May 7

Praying for Deliverance

Media, Psalms: Singing in the Dark, Sermons | by Pastor Justin Keogh

Psalms: Singing in the Dark

We continue our series in the Psalms called Singing in the Dark in which we’re focusing on five psalms of David when he was in trouble and distress. Its purpose is to help us learn what it means to look to God to protect us, lead us, and deliver us, in His steadfast love and faithfulness. Today, we look at Psalm 59, where David prays for God’s intervention and deliverance from his enemies. Psalm 59, when understood through Christ, calls and equips us to pray for justice.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 59; 1 Samuel 19:8-12
Nov 13

Rightly Ordered Loves

Media, Sermons, The Living Word 2022 | by Pastor Justin Keogh

The Living Word 2022

Today is the third of five fall sermons in a series we are calling The Living Word, based on Hebrews 4:12, in which God’s Word is described as “living and active.” His Word is alive and changes lives. To demonstrate this, we asked five pastors and leaders to share a passage the Lord has been using in their lives to convict, comfort and/or challenge them. Our hope is to show the living nature of God’s word today and, in turn, be moved to study it, trust it, and immerse out lives in it. Today, we consider Jesus’ call to love God and others in response to his love for us.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 22:34-40
Sep 4

A People Devoted to Good Works

Media, Sermons, The Living Word 2022 | by Pastor Justin Keogh

The Living Word 2022

We start the first of five fall sermons in a series we are calling The Living Word, based on Hebrews 4:12, in which God’s Word is described as “living and active.” His Word is alive and changes lives. To demonstrate this we asked five pastors, and leaders, to share a passage the Lord has been using in their lives to convict, comfort and/or challenge them. Our hope is to show the living nature of God’s word today and, in turn, be moved to study it, trust it, and immerse our lives in it. Today, Pastor Justin expounds on Paul’s instructions for our good works in Titus 3:1-8.

Audio | Notes | Titus 3:1-8
Jul 25

I Have Seen The Lord!

Media, Sermons, Sightings of Jesus | by Pastor Justin Keogh

Sightings of Jesus

We continue our sermon series called Sightings of Jesus where we look at the seven signs in the Gospel of John. Each of the signs communicates different facets of Jesus’ glory (John 2:11), and John shares them with us that we may believe and have life in his name (John 20:30-31). Jesus’ resurrection is the final sign, which has echoed through human history, inviting us to see Him as our Lord.

Audio | Notes | John 20:1-23
Jul 17

Life to the Dead

Media, Sermons, Sightings of Jesus | by Pastor Justin Keogh

Sightings of Jesus

We continue our sermon series called Sightings of Jesus where we look at the seven signs in the Gospel of John. Each of the signs communicates different facets of Jesus’ glory (John 2:11), and John shares them with us that we may believe and have life in his name (John 20:30-31). Today, we’ll look at Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, its meaning and application for us today.

Audio | Notes | John 11