Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Luke Davis
Jan 5

Faith in the Deliverer from Fear

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Hebrews 11

This morning, we continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we look at a young David who is set apart by faith, rather than the fear of his countrymen, when beholding a fearful enemy. From our text we will learn how to conquer faith-faltering fear through entrusting ourselves to David’s Deliverer.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:32-34; 1 Samuel 17
Nov 17

Barak’s Faith to Follow

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Hebrews 11

We continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we dig into the faith of Barak, a military captain in the time of the judges. Like Barak, by faith, we are to follow God who has marched ahead to free us from sin and evil.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:32-34; Judges 4
Jul 14

Faith That Submits

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Hebrews 11

This morning we continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we look at an episode of Isaac’s life that seems more like a soap opera than a model of faithfulness. But through our text we will see how faith entrusts future blessing to God by submitting to His sovereign will.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:20; Genesis 27:1-46
May 12

Faith That Withholds Nothing

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Hebrews 11

Today we continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we look at the maturing faith of Abraham in response to God’s command to sacrifice Isaac, the son of promise.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:17-19
May 5

Seeking a Homeland

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Hebrews 11

We continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we look at the obedient faith of Abraham and Sarah that led them from all they knew to a pilgrimage seeking an inheritance formed by God himself.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:8-16
Feb 25

Accepted By Faith

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Hebrews 11

This morning we begin a new series in Hebrews 11 working through the Roll Call of Faith. The author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we kick off this series by learning the nature of faith and encountering Cain and Abel, two sons of Adam and Eve. We will see that by faith our worship is acceptable to God.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:1-4
Nov 26

Let All the Earth Keep Silent

Habakkuk, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis


The prophet Habakkuk asks timeless questions of God, “How can you tolerate evil?”, “Where is justice?”, “Why are the wicked allowed to prosper?” God responds to these questions, but his answers will astound. How can we hope to live when evil abounds and God looks on? In the second of three sermons through this book, we will wait with Habakkuk on the watchtower to hear God’s reply.

Audio | Notes | Habakkuk 1:12-2:20
Oct 8

A Work You Would Not Believe

Habakkuk, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis


The prophet Habakkuk asks timeless questions of God, “How can you tolerate evil?”, “Where is justice?”, “Why are the wicked allowed to prosper?” God responds to these questions, but his answers will astound. In the first of three sermons through this book, we will wade into the wanton injustice in Judah and ask with the prophet, “Why do you look idly at wrong?”

Audio | Notes | Habakkuk 1:1-11