Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Luke Davis
Aug 1

Pray For One Another

Media, One Another'ing, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

One Another'ing

We continue in our One Another’ing sermon series, looking at the countercultural character of Jesus’ church, through the 50+ “one another” commandments. We are empowered by the gospel to love one another, to serve, to encourage, to forgive, to disciple, to pray, to show hospitality to one another, and much more. Today, we will be reveling in God’s gift of prayer to His church; what it is, why it’s essential, learning a model for prayer, and receiving practical steps to pray for one another.

Audio | Notes | 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
Jul 26

Walking with God in Hope

Media, Psalms: Walking With God, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Psalms: Walking With God

We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms that will run in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 71 we will consider what a life long-lived in the faith looks like and how it is marked by indomitable hope.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 71
Jul 29


Jude, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis


Today marks the final sermon in our series through Jude. The message from Jude to the church has been clear, “Contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” How will Jude conclude his letter and confirm his message of contention? Under the inspiration of the Spirit, he chooses worship, rather than a repeated command, and gives the church one of the most beautiful doxologies in all of Scripture.

Audio | Notes | Jude 1:24-25
Jan 6

Training in Grace for Future Glory

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Other Sermons
The passage of time has perennially called God’s Image Bearers to assess and aspire. A new year calls us to consider past experience and future expectations. God, in His wisdom, has given the Church Titus 2 in part so that we may orient ourselves within the reality renewing good news of Grace and the blessed hope of Glory. Today, in Titus 2:11-14, we will consider the nature of this present age and the transformative work preparing us for the appearing of the glory of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Audio | Notes | Titus 2:11-14
Jul 1

This is the True Grace of God

1 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

1 Peter

Today in 1 Peter 5:6-14 we wrap up our series through the first epistle by the Apostle Peter. His aim throughout the letter has been to declare the true grace of God and have the church resolutely stand therein. However, God’s kindness to us may look quite different than we expect. As a good Father, though, He cares for us and is intent upon His children gaining His perspective so we might persevere.

Audio | Notes | 1 Peter 5:6-14
Jul 30

Settled and Sentineled

Media, Psalms: Songs of Ascent, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Psalms: Songs of Ascent

In the second week of our four-part series on the Psalms of Ascent we arrive at 125; a triumphant song of security! Though our lives may seem unwieldy and unstable we are anchored and made safe by God. As one preacher said, “we are established, and then entrenched; settled, and then sentineled: made like a mount, and then protected as if by mountains.” In the text we will see His commitment to peace and justice for the unending good of His people. May we trust Him wholly with our assent and obedience.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 125
Jan 1

A Rejoicing Life: Old Hope, New Year

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Other Sermons
A new year holds unknown possibilities. When you cast your thoughts forward, how does your heart respond? Apprehension, ambition, fear, hopeful expectation? Our text this morning is an inflection point calling us to look back at the amazing salvation Jesus has secured and the life-transforming hope of being placed in a position of indomitable grace. Certain hope has the effect of reorienting our boasting and giving us a new vision for even the darkest of times.

Audio | Notes | Romans 5:1-5
Jul 24

Abiding and Overcoming

1 John, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

1 John

John is writing this letter to churches which have been infiltrated by people teaching an untrue story. In an effort to correct and tell a better tale John has reminded his hearers of the holy God in whose light we may know true goodness and beauty. In accord with His glorious light followers of Jesus may confidently know that they are children of God by testing their lives, as we saw last week. This week, in 1 John 2:12-17, we will encounter a delayed but welcome greeting, the first command in the letter, and an impassioned appeal.

Audio | Notes | 1 John 2:12-17
Jul 17

A New Commandment

1 John, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

1 John

Thus far in 1 John, we have reveled with John at the reality-shaking truth that God became a man in the person of Jesus. This God is holy; in His perfect light not a smidgen of darkness may reside. Jesus, the advocate of rebels, turned God’s just anger against our sin into favor through His death and subsequent victory over the grave. Today in 1 John 2:3-11, John will introduce us to the moral and social evidences which are marks of true Christians.

Audio | Notes | 1 John 2:3-11