Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Russ Collins
Dec 8

Made Strong Out of Weakness

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Russ Collins

Hebrews 11
This morning, we continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we look at the life of Samson, who starts as a strong man but is revealed to be weak and ends as a weak man who is stronger than ever. How? Through Faith. May we be encouraged to do likewise.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:32-34; Judges 16
Jul 28

Faith That God Will

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Russ Collins

Hebrews 11

This morning we continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today we consider the faith of Joseph, at the end of his life. He is an example for us to have faith that God will do all that he promises, in his perfect timing. As a result, we can live a life that glorifies him, despite our circumstances.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:22; Genesis 50:22-26
Aug 27

Be Very Careful, Therefore, To Love the Lord

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Russ Collins


We continue our series in Joshua, which details God’s faithfulness to his promises as he brings Israel into their inheritance in the land of Canaan. Over 20 years have passed since the events of the previous chapter. Joshua is close to death and summons the leaders of Israel to share some final words of wisdom and concern for the people he loves. Words that are relevant to us.

Audio | Notes | Joshua 23:1-16
Jul 9

Hidden Sin in the Camp

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Russ Collins

We continue our series in Joshua, which details God’s faithfulness to his promises, as he brings Israel into their inheritance in the land of Canaan. In chapter 7, Israel goes from victory to defeat because of hidden sin in the camp. God reveals that sin, even when hidden, causes severe consequences and corrupts the life of God’s people. Because God takes sin seriously, we should too.

Audio | Notes | Joshua 7:1-26
Apr 16

Hiding In A Cave

Media, Psalms: Singing in the Dark, Sermons | by Pastor Russ Collins

Psalms: Singing in the Dark

We continue our series in the Psalms called Singing in the Dark in which we’re focusing on five psalms of David when he was in trouble and distress. Its purpose is to help us learn what it means to look to God to protect us, lead us, and deliver us, in His steadfast love and faithfulness. Today, we find David hiding in a cave from the pursuit of Saul. David shows us that we are to glorify God in our trials by trusting and praising Him.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 57; 1 Samuel 22:1
Jan 1

The Lifting Up of a Downcast Soul

Media, Sermons, The Living Word 2022 | by Pastor Russ Collins

The Living Word 2022

Today is the final sermon in a series we are calling The Living Word, based on Hebrews 4:12, in which God’s Word is described as “living and active.” His Word is alive and changes lives. To demonstrate this we asked five pastors and leaders to share a passage the Lord has been using in their lives to convict, comfort and/or challenge them. Our hope is to show the living nature of God’s word today and, in turn, be moved to study it, trust it, and immerse our lives in it. Today, we consider what it means to prepare for the inevitable battle when we are downcast, doubting, and in despair.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 42-43
Jul 3

Food for the Hungry

Media, Sermons, Sightings of Jesus | by Pastor Russ Collins

Sightings of Jesus
We return to our sermon series called Sightings of Jesus where we look at the seven signs in the Gospel of John. Each of the signs communicates different facets of Jesus’ glory (John 2:11), and John shares them with us that we may believe and have life in his name (John 20:30-31). Today, we’ll look at the fourth sign and consider its significance for us.

Audio | Notes | John 6:1-15
May 29

New Life into Dead Limbs

Media, Sermons, Sightings of Jesus | by Pastor Russ Collins

Sightings of Jesus

We return to our sermon series called Sightings of Jesus where we look at the seven signs in the Gospel of John. Each of the signs communicates different facets of Jesus’ glory (John 2:11), and John shares them with us that we may believe and have life in his name (John 20:30-31). Today, we’ll look at the third of his signs, understand what it means, and consider its significance for us.

Audio | Notes | John 5:1-15
Oct 17

Serve One Another

Media, One Another'ing, Sermons | by Pastor Russ Collins

One Another'ing

We continue our One Another’ing sermon series, which looks at the countercultural character of Jesus’ church, through the 50+ “one another” commandments. We are empowered by the gospel to love one another, to serve, to encourage, to forgive, to disciple, to pray, to show hospitality to one another, and much more. Today, we’ll look at the apostle Peter’s exhortation to serve one another.

Audio | Notes | 1 Peter 4:10
Jul 4

Forgive One Another

Media, One Another'ing, Sermons | by Pastor Russ Collins

One Another'ing

We continue our One Another’ing sermon series, which looks at the countercultural character of Jesus’ church, through the 50+ “one another” commandments. We are empowered by the gospel to love one another, to serve, to encourage, to forgive, to disciple, to pray, to show hospitality to one another, and much more. Today, we’ll be looking at Paul’s call to forgive one another.

Audio | Notes | Colossians 3:13