Downtown Cornerstone Media
Speaker  >  Pastor Ruban Monu
Feb 16

Faith That Sees God As King

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Ruban Monu

Hebrews 11

This morning, we continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through portraits of ancient believers. Today, we consider the faith of Samuel and the prophets. Samuel is an exemplar of the persevering faith of all the prophets. And together, they teach us of a faith that sees God as our King, worthy of our trust—despite appearances to the contrary.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:32-34; 1 Samuel 7; 8; 12; 16
Sep 1

Faith That Receives Its Inheritance

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Ruban Monu

Hebrews 11

Today we continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we consider the faith of Joshua as he leads God’s people at the conquest of Jericho, and of Rahab the prostitute, who was from Jericho. Together, they ultimately point us to a faith that perseveres and receives its inheritance, in Christ.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:30-31; Joshua 6:1-25
Aug 4

Faith That Crosses Over

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Ruban Monu

Hebrews 11
This morning we continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we consider the faith of the people of God, Israel, at the crossing of the Red Sea. Contrasted with the example of Egypt, we are exhorted to persevere by faith, in Christ — remembering who or what we put our faith in ultimately saves us, or drowns us.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:29; Exodus 14
Dec 31

Joy In The God Of Our Salvation

Habakkuk, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Ruban Monu


The prophet Habakkuk asks timeless questions of God, “How can you tolerate evil?”, “Where is justice?”, “Why are the wicked allowed to prosper?” God responds to these questions, but his answers will astound. Today, in the last of three sermons through this book, we will see Habakkuk moving from faithful wrestling to patient rejoicing in the God of his salvation – and our salvation.

Audio | Notes | Habakkuk 3:1-19
Oct 9

Since A Death Has Occurred

Media, Sermons, The Living Word 2022 | by Pastor Ruban Monu

The Living Word 2022

Today is the second of five fall sermons in a series we are calling The Living Word, based on Hebrews 4:12, in which God’s Word is described as “living and active.” His Word is alive and changes lives. To demonstrate this we asked five pastors, and leaders, to share a passage the Lord has been using in their lives to convict, comfort and/or challenge them. Our hope is to show the living nature of God’s word today and, in turn, be moved to study it, trust it, and immerse our lives in it. Today, we consider Jesus’ death and its implications amidst our trials and everyday lives.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 9:15
Jul 25

Clothe Yourselves with Humility Toward One Another

Media, One Another'ing, Sermons | by Pastor Ruban Monu

One Another'ing

We’re continuing on in our One Another’ing sermon series, looking at the countercultural character of Jesus’ church, through the 50+ “one another” commandments. We are empowered by the gospel to love one another, to serve, to encourage, to forgive, to disciple, to pray, to show hospitality to one another, and much more. Today, we’ll be unpacking how we view and practice humility, in light of God’s supremacy and Jesus’ work on the cross.

Audio | Notes | 1 Peter 5:5-7