Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Dec 16

Christmas Morning Gift Drop!

City Life, News

Christmas Morning Gift Drop

Downtown Cornerstone exists to build a great city through the gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. We do that by proclaiming the gospel in word and acting out its implications in our daily living. We’ve been infinitely served, so we serve finitely. We’ve been radically graced, so we radically grace others. We were loved in our darkness, so we love others in their darkness.

It’s beautiful. Our lives get to serve as echoes or reflections of the redemption we’ve received in Christ.

Therefore, on Christmas morning (Sun, 25th @ 7:00AM) we’re going to serve our city, as we’ve been served, by blessing those on the streets with Christmas morning greetings, gifts, hot drinks, and prayers. These aren’t just “people on the streets”. For many of us, they are our neighbors. People we see every day, whose faces we recognize. So, this isn’t just “something we do on Christmas” but an opportunity to build relationships with fellow Seattlites. What better day, than Christmas, to start?


Sun, Dec 25th @ 7:00am (sharp!)
Piranha Parking Lot, 7th & Lenora, Seattle, WA 98101

Downtown parking is free on Sunday. Please allow time to secure street parking.

We encourage you to bring your children to serve the city as a family.

If you have any additional questions, email .

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Dec 13

Please Consider a Year-End Gift to DCC


Downtown Cornerstone exists to build a great city through the gospel for the glory of God.

We love Seattle and want all who call this city home to know and love Jesus Christ. That’s why we exist. God has been incredibly gracious to us in 2011. We launched in April, planted six communities throughout the city, baptized 10 individuals, and saw many move downtown to join Jesus’ mission. We are humbled and thankful. Yet, we know Jesus wants to do more. To do that, we need your help.

This is a great time to consider year-end giving or further involvement in 2012.

We are currently 70% of the way to being self-supporting as a church. Our aim is to be fully self-sustaining by the fall of 2014. Until then we are dependent on the faithful giving of our members and the generous contributions of supporters throughout the country. If you have already been giving, thank you for your generosity and desire to see the Gospel take root in the heart of Seattle. You are a great encouragement to us. Whether you’ve given faithfully, or have yet to give, would you consider a year-end gift to Downtown Cornerstone? You can learn more about giving options here.

We know that apart from God’s grace, prayer and the sacrificial giving of his saints, this work would not be possible. Thank you for your generosity, love and support. Merry Christmas!

    Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.” (Ephesians 3:20)
Dec 1

Upcoming Baptisms | Sun, Dec 11th

, News

On Sunday, December 11th we will celebrate our second round of baptisms as a newly forming church – we can’t wait! We invite you to join us at Court in the Square as we celebrate God’s grace in forgiving real sin, in the real lives of real people. To learn a bit more about baptism go here or email us at if you’re interested in being baptized. More information regarding our regular Sunday gatherings can be found here. Save the date!

Nov 24

Advent is Here


Advent, beginning Sunday, November 27th, is a season of expectation and anticipation of Jesus’ joyful arrival on Christmas Day. Join us as we celebrate our coming King and continue our sermon series through the book of Acts.

Sunday, Dec 4th | 2nd week of Advent
> Baby dedication
> DCC Financial update

Sunday, Dec 11th | 3rd week of Advent
> Baptisms!

Sunday, Dec 18th | 4th week of Advent
> Deacon installations

Sunday, Dec 25th | Christmas
> Family-style service @ 10:00am, Court in the Square

More information regarding our regular Sunday gatherings can be found here.

“For unto [us] is born…a Savior.” (Luke 2:11)

Nov 22

Last Seahawks Sunday Home Game!


PARKING WARNING: The LAST Seahawks Sunday home game will be this Sunday, November 27th so parking will again be an issue for our Sunday gathering. We recommend arriving early to help set-up, enjoying breakfast in Pioneer Square, or carpooling. Also, try parking on Yesler in between 2nd Ave & I-5, under the viaduct, or in the International District, all of which are just a short walk away from Court in the Square. Hope to see you there!

For more info about our Sunday gatherings, go here.

Nov 18

First Annual Turkey Bowl!


If you’re not busy on Thanksgiving morning, you’re invited (rain or shine!) to participate in DCC’s First Annual Turkey Bowl. We’ll gather near the playground on the south end of Judkins Park on Thanksgiving Day at 8:00am for festive fall foods, games for kids, and a friendly game of co-ed flag football for those interested. Basically, this is just a good reason to hang out on Thanksgiving amidst friends, lawn chairs, blankets, shouting fan(s), laughter and good food. Bring a favorite fall breakfast treat or drink to share (hot chocolate, cider, coffee, etc). Don’t forget to dress warm and invite friends!

Judkins Park is at 22nd Ave S and S Norman, click map below to get directions.