Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Oct 24

Seahawks Home Game This Sunday!


Parking warning! There is a Seahawks home game next Sunday, October 30th. If you are planning to join us for our Sunday gathering, we recommend arriving early to help set-up, enjoying breakfast in Pioneer Square, or carpooling. Also, try parking on Yesler in between 2nd Ave & I-5, under the viaduct, or in the International District, all of which are just a short walk away from Court in the Square. Please take note and spread the word.

For more info about our Sunday gatherings, go here.

Oct 6

DCC Website Update!


Did you know that we recently updated the Downtown Cornerstone website? The update included new content, new graphics and new pages, including:

The New Here page is a great landing page to direct friends and visitors to learn about Downtown Cornerstone. Plus, you can now log on to The City directly from our website by clicking The City banner or selecting “The City” in the Ministry drop-down menu. We hope these updates provide you with a more well-rounded view of what Jesus is doing in and through our church and how you can get involved. Please email us if you find any broken links or grammatical/spelling errors.

Sep 21

Fall ’11 Vision Night | Follow Up


Thanks to all who came out on Thursday to be part of our Fall Vision Night! It was a great night of vision, song and prayer. There was much ground to be covered during our time from, “why plant?” to “why the city?” to “our story” to “what’s next?” Our hope was that everyone would catch a glimpse of what we believe Jesus’ is doing and, in turn, feel compelled to become a part of it. I hope our time served to stoke your affections for our King and your desire to live in a way that makes Him look as good as He is.

If you missed it, you can find the audio, slideshow and handout here.