Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Sep 13

Acts: The Story Continues



This fall we will begin an adventure through the book of Acts. While the gospel accounts of the life of Jesus (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) tell the story of what he “began to do” (Act 1:1),  the book of Acts tells the story of what Jesus continues to do by the Holy Spirit. It’s a story that continues to unfold to this day, in our city and the cities of the world. It is perhaps the most exciting book of the entire Bible as it recounts the days following the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the foundation of the early church, the expansion of the gospel to the edges of the known world, and God’s powerful Kingdom-advancing work through unlikely people – people like us.


Acts serves as the hinge of the New Testament, bridging the gospels with the letters, giving us insight into the personality of Paul and the context of all his writings. This incredible book also provides foundational insight into the areas of church planting, evangelism, the work of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, spiritual warfare, and the power of prayer. We’ll also encounter issues such as cultural engagement, church government, opposition of Satan, persecution from men, and the freedom, joy, and victory that are ours in Jesus as we follow Him. Not surprisingly, we’ll also learn more about the gospel, including the centrality of the resurrection, the importance of cities and the role of God’s people in its spreading. It’s going to be a great series.


So, we invite you to join us as we unpack Luke’s account of the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ from “Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth” (Act 1:8) and discover our role as God’s people in God’s story in our great city. After all, the story continues…

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Sundays @ 10:00AM
Court in the Square, 401 2nd Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104
Downtown parking is free on Sunday. Please allow time to secure street parking.
Cornerstone Kids is provided for kids 1 to 6 years old.

For more information on our Sunday Gatherings email: info (at)

Sep 9

DCC Baptism Follow-up (+video)

, Uncategorized | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

On August 11th, 2011, we had the privilege and honor of holding our first baptisms as a newly forming church in the heart of downtown Seattle. Simply speaking, it was a powerful night.There were testimonies of God’s grace, great food and six baptisms. What a night! God has not called us to plant this church in order to merely build a great church – but to build a great city, from the avenues to the alley ways. That happens as individual lives are changed by Jesus and sent into the city armed with His message and mercy. Baptism marks that change and for that we rejoice.

Sep 8

Fall ’11 Vision Night

News | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

God is doing far more abundantly…

God has been exceedingly gracious (Eph 3:20,21) to us as a newly forming Jesus-loving, gospel-centered, Bible-believing people in heart of our great city. We’re growing numerically, people are meeting and maturing in Jesus, more communities are needed, and sin is coming into the light of Jesus’ grace. The demand for more leaders has never been greater. It has been quite an adventure and we have only just started (literally).

Next Thursday…

Therefore, in light of all that God has done and (we believe) plans to do, we are gathering next Thursday, Sept 15th at 7:00pm, at Court in the Square (Pioneer Square) to launch into the next season of life together as we follow Jesus’ lead. We will sing, pray and celebrate. Topics for the evening will include:

  • State of Downtown Cornerstone (ex. last 12 months, evidences of God’s grace, community news, financial update and new resources)
  • Our mission, vision and values. What are we doing and where are we going?
  • Our discipleship pathway. What does it look like to grow as a disciple of Jesus?
  • Our top 3 areas of focus. How can I become part of Jesus’ mission through DCC?
  • Our leadership. Who is helping to lead all of this?
  • Q&A

Please plan to attend and be in prayer for our time together. May fall 2011 be the first of many falls we gladly and excitedly welcome for Jesus’ name and fame in this city and the cities of the world.

Aug 29

Gathering Time Change to 9AM (This Sunday Only, 9/4)


This Sunday, September 4th, we will be adjusting our gathering time to 9:00AM to accommodate for an event taking place at Court in the Square following our service. Please take note and spread the word.

Aug 15

2011 BBQ & Baptism Recap

, News

Last Thursday we had the privilege and honor of holding our first baptisms as a newly forming church in the heart of downtown Seattle. Simply speaking, it was a powerful night. There were testimonies of God’s grace, great food and six baptisms. What a night! God has not called us to plant this church in order to merely build a great church – but to build a great city, from the avenues to the alley ways. That happens as individual lives are changed by Jesus and sent into the city armed with His message and mercy. Baptism marks that change and for that we rejoice. I can’t wait to do it again. He is faithful…and there’s more to come.

For those who are following us, thanks for your prayers and support.

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” Ephesians 3:20-21