Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Apr 18

It’s Official! Downtown Cornerstone is Acts 29

Uncategorized | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Last week we received news that Downtown Cornerstone is officially a full-member of the Acts 29 Network. Acts 29 exists to train, resource, assess and network like-minded church planters around the world. You can read the interview with Pastor Adam HERE.


“Acts 29 is seeking to get behind the men who are planting churches by:

  • covenanting with them under the gospel
  • training missional leaders formally and informally
  • networking with men in different denominations and networks for the kingdom good of the city,
  • resourcing planters with the tools they need to develop in a healthy manner
  • multiplying the gospel through church-planting as a means to make disciples of all nations
  • inspiring them as Spirit-empowered leaders, united with this gospel community of Acts 29 churches, on mission together for the glory of God.

Acts 29 is not a model or a style. We have classical church plants with a preacher and a congregation, we have video-delivered sermons, we have missional community models, replants, and existing churches that want to plant churches with us. We seek to be a movement of church-planting networks – that is, decentralized and empowered networks to lead men of all different types of churches in order to make disciples of all people groups.” (HT: Acts 29 Network)

Apr 14

Join us on Good Friday and Easter

News | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Good Friday, April 22nd @ 7:00pm
Join us on Good Friday, April 22nd @ 7pm, for a simple, somber, and contemplative service remembering the night Jesus Christ was betrayed, crucified and buried. We’ll reflect on the account of that history-changing evening through story, song and prayer. This gathering is highly recommended as a significant preparatory work for your heart prior to Easter. Cornerstone Kids
will be provided.

Easter, April 24th @ 10:00am
Following our Good Friday gathering, be sure to join us on Easter morning, April 24th @ 10am, as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Whether you’re a friend, a family member, a visiting tourist or a curious local, we invite you to celebrate Jesus’ defeat of Satan, sin and death with us. It’s going to be great Easter morning of vibrant worship and practical teaching in the heart of the city.

Court in the Square
401 2nd Ave S
Seattle, WA 98104
Good Friday @ 7pm
Easter Sunday @ 10am
Parking downtown is free on Sundays, so there is no cost to park. However, do leave additional travel time to secure a parking spot on the street.
Yes, Cornerstone Kids will be provided for kids 6 months to 6 years old.
For more information on our Sunday Gatherings email: info (at)

Apr 6

A Church is Born

News | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

We are now “launched” which, in church planting vernacular, means our birth as a new gospel work is marked.

This means our new life as a Jesus-following, gospel-loving, God-glorifying, city-focused people has only just begun. This is really the first in a series of successive “launches” (over the next several years) as we follow Jesus’ lead in deeply planting this church in the soil of the gospel in the city. I hope you’re excited, thankful and expectant. If you’re tracking our progress and supporting us from outside the church, please continue to ask our Father to shape us into a worshiping and witnessing people.

Be sure to set aside time to thank Jesus this week for all that He has done and is doing. He has been exceedingly good to us.

Mar 31

It All Began Ten Months Ago…

, News | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In the beginning of the book of Acts, Jesus’ disciples are in the upper room waiting for the promised Holy Spirit.

We’re told there were about 120 of them (Acts 1:15). Jesus had already risen from the grave. He already commissioned them on His mission to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8), armed with the gospel. He then ascended into heaven (Acts 1:9). They were now waiting for God to show up, to provide further direction and to empower them for His mission. Imagine what was going through their minds as they waited for what God was going to do next. The questions. The uncertainties. The excitement. The fears. The hopes. Though we now have ready access to the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ, as a newly forming church we find ourselves in much the same place.

Ten months ago a small group of us began praying.

We began by asking God what kind of church He wanted planted in the heart of downtown Seattle.

  • What would it value?
  • What would it be about?
  • How would it engage the city?
  • How would it connect the people of the city to Jesus?
  • How would it effectively express the message and mercy of Jesus?
  • How would it make Him look as good as He really is?

So, we started praying, networking, serving, and sharing the Gospel. People began to hear what we were doing, some moved downtown to join us. We met in conference rooms, apartments, coffee shops and office buildings. People found us via word-of-mouth. People found us online (web, Facebook, Twitter). Some even found us on accident (though, we know it was no accident).

We continued to do the only things we knew how to do: praying, serving, building relationships, and sharing the gospel.

Over time we began seeing incredible answers to prayer, supernatural provision, and new relationships being formed. God was creating a new Jesus-following people in the city.  Then, two months ago we began weekly gatherings, multiplied communities, grew our launch team, cultivated missional and ministry health and identified a more permanent place to gather. Jesus was clearly going before us in building His church.

Now, on the verge of launching, we’re already seeing people begin to follow Him, babies being born, a couple getting married, people from around the country (and world!) are getting connected, and people from the avenues to the alley ways are worshiping Jesus together.

Our mission is clear. We exist to build a great city through the gospel of Jesus for God’s glory. That means we exist to be a people who deeply love Jesus and deeply love the people of this city. A great city will be built as the people of this city are connected to Him.

Our launch as a church is this Sunday. God has led the way, opening doors, creating opportunities and laying roads where there were none. He is forming a new people that are Gospel-centered, Jesus-loving, and city-focused. But, what exactly is next? We don’t know. But, what we do know is this: Our God is good and He is faithful and he is sending us to into this city and the cities of the world with the message and mercy of Jesus.

We invite you to join us as we continue to follow Jesus’ lead in building a great city through the gospel for the glory of God.

Join us on Sunday (04/03) to celebrate what He has already done and anticipate what He will do.

Mar 23

New Location Starting Sunday (27th) @ Court in the Square

News | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Beginning this Sunday (March 27th) we will be meeting in a new space, Court in the Square, located at 401 2nd Ave South in Pioneer Square (just around the corner from Zeitgeist Coffee on 2nd & Jackson). Our gathering time will continue to be 10AM. Consider showing up early and we’ll put you to work as set-up and tear-down will be required each week. We consider this new space a significant outworking of the grace of God. It is even located on street level which, if you know our history, is a first.

We are also very thankful for the hospitality shown to us by the Underground Tour over the last (nearly) three months. Take a tour if you get a chance. It’s brilliant.