Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Jun 9

A Final Push to Finish Onward!

Onward Building Campaign | by Pastor David Parker

Downtown Cornerstone,

It was great to gather with you all this past Sunday! My heart was so encouraged by our time together singing, sitting under the preached word, and responding to the Lord’s initiating work. I can’t wait to do it again this Sunday!

During our gathering, I took a few minutes to give a quick financial update (more details here), and share some exciting news about our new building and our Onward campaign! If you didn’t get a chance to catch that update, you can watch it below.

A Final Push to Finish Onward!

By our reports, and since so many of you are new to DCC, over half of our church has not yet had the opportunity to give or pledge towards our new building.

Now that we have a construction permit(!), and before we close out our fiscal year at the end of this month, we want to make a final push to finish our Onward campaign and invite everyone to prayerfully consider pledging toward our future home. We are currently about $450,000 short of our $3.5 million dollar goal.

The more that is pledged or given now, the more we will be able to build out now, and the less we will have to borrow later.

Giving and Pledging

We know that above and beyond financial giving can take careful and prayerful planning, so pledging is a simple way of expressing a future commitment to give to this project over a period of time. Whether that be a one-time, weekly, monthly, or quarterly gift over a year or two, a pledge is a tool that helps us continue planning through each phase of this project wisely.

Pledges can be fulfilled in the future by either directly donating cash or other securities to DCC (company stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.).

If you are wondering how you can give or pledge to Onward:

First, you can give directly to the DCC Giving fund. Any giving above and beyond our budgeted need for this fiscal year (ending June 30th) will go towards our new building.

Second, you can go to the Onward page on our website or use the button below to submit a pledge. Again, every dollar pledged to be given in the future, will be one less dollar we need to borrow.

Would you consider partnering with us for the sake of the gospel in Seattle and to help see us get into our new home?

Submit a Pledge

Clearly, we don’t want this final push to be a substitute for your regular, ongoing giving to the general DCC Giving fund (so we can make sure we’re able to pay our staff and monthly bills), but we do know that many of us have opportunities throughout the year (through extra income, company stock vestments, and the like) to give above and beyond.

A Brief Project Narrative

If you are new to our church, in 2010 we planted Downtown Cornerstone Church as a Bible-believing, Jesus-loving, Gospel-centered church in the heart of downtown Seattle. Since then, we have prayed for an opportunity to purchase a permanent building that would serve as a gospel outpost and a beacon of hope in our city for generations to come. A place in which we could worship God, proclaim the gospel, make disciples, train leaders, build meaningful relationships, plant churches, and love our city to life.

By God's grace, it is becoming a reality! On December 14th, 2020, we purchased a roughly 24,000 square foot building in the heart of Belltown, just a handful of blocks from where we currently meet. This building was built in 1946 and served as a labor union hall for decades. However, due to the age of the building, it's going to require a complete gut and remodel. This includes everything from seismic retrofitting, to sprinklers, new roof, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and more.

Once complete, the building will seat approximately 700 people in the sanctuary, provide classrooms for children and adult education, an office level for staff and counseling, and plenty of spaces for our church to worship Jesus and help make disciples.

When we did our due diligence on the building in February 2020 before purchasing it, the renovation estimates came in at about five to six million dollars. However, because of Covid-19, inflation, and the skyrocketing prices of commodities and construction in Seattle over the last two and a half years, our renovation costs have practically doubled to about ten million dollars.

Over the last decade, and by God’s grace, our church has been able to save enough money to cover the downpayment of the property ($3 million), and to date, set aside and raise an additional $5 million towards needed renovations. Although we’ve come up with a plan for phasing the project and also secured an additional three million dollar construction loan to help fill some of this gap, we are still about two million dollars short. There is enough equity in the property that the bank is willing to lend us more money, but it’s our preference not to borrow any more than we need to. Hence this final push.

By God’s grace, we received our construction permit and are finalizing preconstruction details with the city in preparation to sign a contract with our General Contractor to get going as soon as possible. Lord-willing, our hope is that we’d be able to start construction in August.

If you have yet to see the plans and renderings of the project, you can view them here!

DCC, I am looking forward to seeing how the Lord is going to continue showing up, and can’t wait to worship in our new home together with you all!

For the Gospel in Seattle,
Pastor David

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at .

May 23

We’re Moving To One Gathering Starting June 5th!

News | by Pastor David Parker

Downtown Cornerstone,

As Pastor Adam mentioned yesterday, starting on June 5th, we’ll be moving to one gathering at 10 am for the summer! Spread the word! 

If you missed the announcement, please watch this important short video below for the rationale behind why we are making this change.

While we know this adjustment will require flexibility on everyone’s part, we are really excited to pull everyone together and are praying that the Lord would use it to further strengthen our church into this next season.

We know there will be many questions, so we’ve tried to address the most common ones in the FAQ below, but if there are other questions you have, don’t hesitate to let us know.

For the Gospel in Seattle,
Pastor David


Q: Why are we doing this?

See the linked video above for a longer explanation. But, in short, coming out of the pandemic, our church can fit in one (very full) gathering better than two (not very full) gatherings. This will allow us to regroup as a church over the summer, better steward our resources, grow our relationships with one another, worship together at the same time, and enjoy weekly post-gathering connecting.

Q: How long will we be at one gathering?

At this point, we’re planning to have one gathering through the summer, and then reevaluate as we head into the fall.

Q: How will we fit everyone in the building?

Over the last several weeks, we averaged 300-350 people sitting in our auditorium across both gatherings. We can currently fit about 320 people in our auditorium with another 25-30 in the Commons. We can also fit another 75+ folks in our Multi-purpose Room (MPR) who will be able to worship via livefeed. The MPR should give us enough room to accommodate any overflow and/or create space for those looking for a little more room.

Q: Can we still invite others? Will there be room?

Of course! Please invite others, as always! We will make it work. By arriving slightly earlier, your seats will be guaranteed every week. We’ll also have ample overflow seating. It’s true that some may not feel there is room for them if we’re full. But, conversely, others may not feel welcome if the room is empty. At this point, we believe one full room is the healthiest option for us as a church as we head into the summer. This means we’ll need to be on the lookout for, and be welcoming to, those who are new week-to-week. Why not make it your goal to meet someone new each week?

Q: How early should I/we arrive for the gathering?

Generally, we recommend arriving ten to fifteen minutes prior to the gathering. This will allow you time to park, check your children into CKids (if applicable), find a seat, greet others, and prepare your heart for worship. This will also ensure you are able to participate in the whole of the gathering, from the welcome to the commission.

Q: Will there be any changes to parking?

No. We’ll continue to reserve the lots next to the building for families and first-time visitors. Free parking is also available on the street and validation will still be provided for the Bell Harbor Parking Garage (located at 2323 Elliott Avenue). Please bring your ticket with you so we can validate it in the Commons, by the Connect Desk.

Q: Will there be a rotation for those sitting in the MPR (downstairs)?

For now, no. Our first aim will be to fill the sanctuary, followed by the Commons, then the MPR. Seating will generally be available on a first-come-first-served basis. Therefore, those arriving last, will usually be directed downstairs if upstairs seating is full. After all, we don’t want people downstairs if there is still room upstairs.

That said, our hope is to strike a balance over time. If you or your community are open to taking rotations downstairs, we’d welcome that. We also hope to have pastors and leaders present in the MPR each week. While not ideal, it's important that we don’t see MPR as second-class seating. You’ll still be with the church, in the same building, at the same time, with opportunities to connect with others before and after worship.

Q: What’s the difference between a livefeed in the MPR and a livestream at home?

All throughout scripture we see that the church gathers. In fact, the very definition of “the church” isn’t a building, but God’s people gathered in a particular place, coming together to worship our Savior together. We discontinued our livestream last July in order to bring our church together. While we might be scattered in different parts of the building, the distributed livefeed will allow us to worship, all together, under one roof, at the same time. Additionally, we’ll be inviting everyone to stay and join our post-service fellowship.

Q: Are there ways we can help in this transition?

Yes! There are five things you can do right away to help:

  1. Pray that the Lord would continue to unify us and grow us in our love for each other.
  2. If you’re not serving, please join a serving team. We’ll especially need additional volunteers in Cornerstone Kids, and volunteers in all of our teams to backfill those moving to serve in CKids.
  3. Be thinking about who to invite this summer.
  4. Be intentional about welcoming those who are new or whom you don’t know.
  5. Plan to arrive early and help the ushers and greeters fill every seat by sliding into the middle or end of a row to give room for others.

Q: How will this affect my serving team?

Be on the lookout for an email from your Ministry Lead this week about how this change will impact your serving team's responsibilities and schedule. The biggest impact of this shift will be on our Cornerstone Kids ministry. Our hope is that we’ll have enough CKids volunteers so that we can move to a four-week rotation, and no one is missing more than one gathering a month.

Q: I’m planning to participate in the Foundations class. How will this affect me?

We’ll be moving the start time of our Foundations class to 8:15 am, to ensure it is completed before worship begins.

Q: I typically use the Commons with my toddler who needs a little extra wiggle room, what should I do?

First, in addition to providing Cornerstone Kids and our Nursing Mom’s Room, children will always be welcome in our worship gatherings! Second, if you’re having a harder morning with your child, we’re opening the conference room downstairs as a “wiggle room” that has a TV with the livefeed that you are welcome to utilize as needed.

Q: When will we be able to move into our new building?

We’re continuing to wait for our building permit and a final round of bids so we can move forward. Please continue to pray that the City would issue a building permit soon and that we’d be able to start construction this summer. Once everything is in place to start construction, we expect the initial phase of renovations will take 6-8 months before we can move.

May 9

Spring Classes Start This Wednesday (And It’s Not Too Late to Register)!

, Teaching | by Pastor David Parker

Downtown Cornerstone,

This week we’ll kick off the last round of our spring classes before we break for summer. Whether you are new to DCC and exploring Christianity, or interested in getting further connected to the life of our church—or maybe you have been following Jesus for a while and are eager to continue growing in your faith—wherever you may find yourself, I want to encourage you to invest in feeding your soul this spring by taking advantage of one of the upcoming classes. You won’t regret it!

Midweek classes start this Wednesday at 6:30 pm, and the Foundations class will start this Sunday at 9 am. Check the class descriptions below, and register by following the appropriate links:

DCC Foundations

Sundays @ 9:00-10:30 AM | May 15 – Jun 12
Instructors: DCC Elders
Our Foundations class is the first stop for those seeking to learn more about DCC, join a Cornerstone Community, be baptized, and become a member. This five-week class walks through what we believe (doctrine), why it’s important to belong (membership), who we are (vision, mission, and values), why we are here (context), and how we live together (leadership, ministries, partners, and finances). By the end, you’ll have clear next steps for how to grow and get further connected. This class is required for membership with DCC. Register here…

Exploring Christianity

Wednesdays @ 6:30-8:00 PM | May 18 – Jun 8
Instructors: Pastor Russ Collins & Team
Have you ever considered why you are here and what life is all about? Christianity has compelling answers to these questions. Whether you are a skeptic who is exploring the claims of Christianity or you are a believer wanting to learn how you can better explain your faith to others, this class will walk through the claims and life of Jesus and what it means to be a Christian. Register here…

Biblical Womanhood

Wednesdays @ 6:30-8:00 PM | May 11 – Jun 8
Instructors: Jen Keogh & Anne Johnson (DCC members, deacons)
This class will explore the beauty of God’s good design for women—created in God’s image, equal but yet distinct from men. We’ll discover God’s heart for women and the high value He places on them throughout the Bible, by examining the Old & New Testaments. We’ll consider our unity and identity in Christ, as well as the diversity of roles and gifts that God may assign to women. This class is specifically for women and will be taught by women in our body. Register here…

Financial Stewardship

Wednesdays @ 6:30-8:00 PM | May 11 – Jun 8
Instructors: Pastor David Parker & Bryan Alsbury (DCC member)
How we handle our finances can be one of the most misunderstood and taboo topics in our day and age, but one of vital importance to our spiritual lives and our worship of God. In this class, we’ll examine what Scripture has to say about our finances, how we’re to use them, and the dangers to avoid. We’ll also cover practical topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, and more! Register here…

If you have any other questions, email us at .

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Eph. 3:20-21)

In Christ,
Pastor David

May 5

An Invitation to Men’s Training Day (Saturday, May 21st)

, Event | by Pastor Justin Keogh

Men of DCC,

In just over two weeks—Saturday, May 21st—will be our next Men’s Training Day (the first since 2019)!

Join us for a time of equipping, encouragement, and fellowship as we dive into 1 Timothy 6:12, which calls us to “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called…”

We’ve taken all the essential components of our discipleship—teaching, reflection, discussion, prayer, and application—and put them into a well-paced six hours that will help you take steps forward in the good fight for your faith. You won’t regret spending this time together with brothers from our body pursuing our King and His everlasting kingdom!

Those who remember our previous training days and retreats will recall the clear preaching of God’s word, the fellowship among friends, opportunities to meet others, and the practical tools given and used for your discipleship. But for anyone who has yet to experience a training day, let me briefly answer as many questions and objections as I can:


You'll hear from our pastors on the what, the why, and the how of fighting the good fight of faith. We'll engage the Word of God and sing in worship. There will be times for meeting others and table discussion, and time for prayer and reflection. You'll take away a personal discipleship plan, a practical devotional book, and renewed relationships to help you fight the good fight.


For the sake of your spiritual health and the good of your brothers at DCC. “Train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” (1 Tim. 4:7-8)


Consider changing them! This is our first chance to meet in this format in almost three years—and we won’t host another event until next year, so now is the opportune time! These events are catalysts for spiritual growth, like shots of Red Bull for our discipleship (in the best ways).


In short, no. There are common elements, but this day is designed specifically to help us engage with God’s word together as brothers and apply it practically to our lives. You will walk away informed, encouraged, and equipped with a plan to help you grow in your faith in the months to follow.


Indeed, you may have gone to many retreats and events in your life. But, you’ve probably also eaten many meals—and continue to do so! Similarly, exercise and training do not happen as a one-time event but as a lifestyle of healthy habits. This is an opportunity to take stock of your discipleship, be encouraged, and consider your next steps. No one goes into battle unarmed, and neither should we! So let’s arm ourselves with the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, so that we may be able to stand firm (see Eph. 6:10-20).


This is a perfect opportunity to meet others and get further plugged into the life of our body!


Yes! Invite your brother/neighbor/coworker/unbelieving friend. The content for the day will be centered around the gospel, calling all of us to respond in faith and then in faith-filled obedience to fight the good fight.


We will follow the current guidelines, which permit us to gather without requiring masks or checking vaccinations. We will have masks available, and you are welcome to wear a mask if you would feel more comfortable doing so.


Now that we can gather in person again, we will not be providing an online option. Being together allows us many opportunities to connect with others that don’t happen virtually.


The $25 registration cost includes a light breakfast, coffee throughout the day, lunch, materials for the day, parking, and a book giveaway. If this presents a financial hardship—just let us know in the registration form, as scholarships are available!


Unfortunately, no. While we understand that this can be a sacrifice for your family, we encourage you to consider this time as an investment in your spiritual health, which will undoubtedly pay dividends in your spiritual leadership and service to your family.


When: Saturday, May 21st
Where: DCC Building – 2333 Western Ave, 98121
Time: 9 am to 3 pm. Doors open at 8 am for registration and light breakfast.
Lunch: Lunch is included with registration.
Parking: Free parking is available in both lots next to the building.

Click here to register
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at .

In Christ,
Justin Keogh
Pastor of Communities & Mercy Ministries