Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Aug 18

An Invite To Our 11th Annual Summer Picnic

Event, News | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Downtown Cornerstone,

Next Saturday, August 27th, we will be hosting our 11th summer picnic at Myrtle Edwards Park, from 11am–3pm, on the Seattle waterfront—and you’re invited. (For those of you counting, this would be our twelfth apart from Covid.)

This is always a unique annual event in the life of our church where we gather to enjoy God’s common grace through a summer picnic and God’s saving grace through baptism. This year, we have three baptisms to celebrate!

This is a great opportunity to:

  • Connect outside our Sunday gathering rhythm.
  • Make new friends and reconnect with old ones.
  • Revel in the creative handiwork of our God amidst summer in Seattle.
  • Share a favorite recipe—or cornhole skill—you’ve been mastering this summer.
  • Invite family, neighbors, and coworkers.

We are doing this on a Saturday so that as many as possible are able to join. We encourage you to make an afternoon of it!

Parents, we’ll also have activities for the kids, including bouncy houses, balloon animals, and more!

“What is the schedule?”
We’ll have a rolling start at 11:00am.
Baptisms will occur around 12:00pm.
Lunch will begin at 12:30pm.

“What can I bring?”
DCC will provide the main course, but everyone is encouraged to bring a side to share. You can sign up HERE.

We also encourage you to bring a lawn chair or blanket—and maybe one to share. Break out your favorite lawn game. Dust off your frisbee. Come prepared to enjoy God’s creation and God’s people!

“What should I expect?”
Upon arrival, we will have a welcome tent where you will be greeted and receive a name tag. If you’re new or don’t yet know anyone, we will introduce you to others. We will also have designated “greeters” whose sole purpose will be to facilitate relational connections—though, of course, we encourage you to pro-actively meet others as well! All said, it will be low key. We anticipate folks will be simultaneously eating, chatting, and playing games (ultimate, spikeball, bocce, Jenga, etc.) over the course of our time together.

“How can I help?”
First, be relational. Our relational muscles have atrophied to some extent over the past season, so let’s flex them! Plus, many of you are new. So, there will be ample opportunity for meeting others—familiar and new. Let’s be on the lookout for those who don’t seem as connected or known, and if that’s you, don’t hesitate to introduce yourself.

Second, we still need help covering different responsibilities, from facilitating a game, to monitoring the bouncy house, to cleaning up after the picnic. Each role is limited in scope and time-bound. If you’re concerned about not knowing anyone, serving is an easy way to get plugged in. You can sign-up to help HERE.

Let’s pray for lots of relational gospel-laden fruit!

Christ is all,
Pastor Adam

P.S. For specific directions to our picnic spot at Myrtle Edwards, visit our webpage.

Jul 28

Serve the City Recap & Photos

Mercy Ministries, Photos, Serve the City | by Pastor Justin Keogh

On Saturday, July 9th, over 100 folks from DCC and our Belltown neighborhood came together at Myrtle Edwards Park for our 8th annual Serve the City event. It was a great day serving together as we enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation and built new relationships with friends and neighbors.

Over the day, ten teams worked to remove graffiti, pick up trash, and do significant landscaping along the well-loved paths in the park. Thank you to everyone who made the day a great success!

We serve in events like this as a small way of being salt (a preserving agent), light (a guiding tool), and a faithful presence as part of our witness to Christ in Seattle (Matt. 5:13-16; Dan. 6:3,22).

Learn more about our efforts to serve our city through our Mercy Ministries website, and be on the lookout for upcoming opportunities to serve the city with us! And come gather with us at the same Myrtle Edwards Park on Saturday, August 27th, for our annual Picnic at the Park!

For the King and His Kingdom,
Pastor Justin