Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Oct 10

“What Should We Do?” – Fall Class Spotlight

Event | by Pastor Luke Davis

Greetings DCC Family,

It was soul-nourishing to gather with you on Sunday to exalt our risen Lord and receive ongoing renewal through worship. During the gathering, I shared a spotlight about a new class we are offering, “What Should We Do?” Helping Parents and Kids Assess Living Faith. This note will further describe what the class is, why some of you should attend, and why I am asking all of you to pray with me.


The proclamation of the gospel demands a response. What should we do with the news that God’s Son has become the way to find forgiveness of sin and reconciliation with our Creator? Peter and the rest of the apostles began answering that question in Jerusalem and throughout the New Testament.

On the first Pentecost following Jesus’ ascent to the right hand of his Father, the Spirit descended upon a gathering in Jerusalem and the apostle Peter stood up to deliver a sermon for the ages. He declared the surprising good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection. As the people heard this,

“they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, ‘Brothers, what should we do?’ And Peter said to them, ‘Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins'” (Acts 2:37-38).


With each generation, parents and children continue to ask questions similar to those listening to Peter at that first Pentecost.

Parents have wondered:

  • “How do I share the gospel with my child?”
  • “How do I know if my child is saved?”
  • “What would it look like for my child’s faith to become his/her own?”
  • “How do I respond to my child when they say they’d like to be baptized?”

And kids have asked:

  • “What’s the difference between knowing what the gospel is and trusting Jesus?”
  • “I’ve seen baptisms, but what would it take for me to get from this seat to that water?”
  • “Should I take the Lord’s Supper when I see just about everyone else taking it?”


This class is designed to help parents, teenagers, and older kids answer these questions and more. We will show how the gospel, baptism, the Lord’s supper, and membership in the local church all hang together. Participants will be equipped with scriptural teaching and practical steps for moving forward from wherever they’re at.

When: Sundays @ 9:00-9:45 AM | October 13th – 27th
Instructor: Pastor Luke Davis
Location: MPR
Who Should Attend: The class is primarily designed for parents of children of any age and teenagers or older kids eager to learn more about following Jesus. Secondarily, this class would also be beneficial for people who influence parents or students (community leaders, youth leaders, grandparents, etc).

Register Here


91 children gathered with DCC last Sunday. Some of those children are Christians, but many are lost in their sin. Some have parents who are well-equipped to share Christ with them. Others have parents with more questions than answers. We need more than just a class. We need the Holy Spirit to work.

Therefore, please pray with me for:

  • Repentance of sin and faith in Jesus among our children.
  • Parental growth in love, wisdom, and discernment as it pertains to the spiritual welfare of their children.
  • Generational resilience in carrying out our disciple-making mission as a local church until Jesus’ return.

May our rescuing and renewing Lord bless you with persevering faith in his rock-steady promises this week.

In Christ,
Pastor Luke

Oct 7

Discipleship With DCC This Fall

Uncategorized | by Pastor Justin Keogh

Downtown Cornerstone,

As we head into the fall, it can be easy for us to get caught up in the excitement and busyness of the season and miss out on the mega-realities we’re living in as ambassadors of Christ’s kingdom here on earth, commissioned to make disciples (Matt. 28:18-20). Discipleship – doing spiritual good to others, that they might grow more in Christ’s image – is at the heart of the Christian life, and grounds all that we do as a church.

Our prayer is that everyone in DCC would be relationally connected and intentionally growing, and there are many ways to do that this fall!


Our Midweek Bible Study takes place on Wednesdays, 7–8 pm, in the MPR downstairs. We’ll begin our study of 1 Peter on 10/16. This inductive Bible study is led by DCC pastors, who help us look at a passage of Scripture and learn what it says, what it means, and apply it to our personal lives together. Whether you’re still getting acquainted with the Bible or you’ve been reading it for years, this is a great way to grow in the application of God’s Word and is a great way to meet and connect with others in our body.
Learn More


If you’ve not yet taken our Foundations class, start here to learn the essentials of who we are as a local church, discuss what we believe, and talk about church membership, while building relationships and community together. This class is the primary relational on-ramp into the life of our body and perfect for those looking to join community and/or be baptized. Our next session starts on October 27th, running 5 weeks on Sundays at 12pm after the gathering.
Register Here


Our Cornerstone Communities meet in the neighborhoods around Seattle throughout the week to open the Word, pray, and share life together. If you’ve already taken Foundations but have yet to get connected to a community, we’d invite you to do so now in this season! Find our current communities and get connected here:
Join a Community


Our quarterly Men’s Discipleship Nights (Fridays – Oct 25, Jan 24th, June 20th) are times to pull together as God’s men to hear from God’s Word and connect with each other. Our first event is just around the corner, in three weeks, on Friday, October 25th, at 6:30pm (dinner provided). We’re planning to share testimonies from men in our body and have an extended elder Q&A (submit and vote on questions when you register).
Men’s Registration


Our Quarterly Women’s Discipleship Brunches this year (Saturdays – Nov 16th, Mar 15th, May 31st) will be studying the minor prophets, our first brunch focusing on Joel. You’ll hear from gifted women in our body through Scriptural exposition, testimony, and table discussion. We invite you to read the minor prophets ahead of our events, individually or in discipleship groups, with this minor prophets reading plan to help your study (printed copies are available at the connect desk). Registration is open for November 16:
Women’s Registration

Lastly, I encourage you to stay connected with us by installing the Church Center App, where we post important church-wide updates and notifications.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out at . I am praying that this season will be one of growth in your knowledge, love, and trust of the Lord!
