Because the local church is God’s “plan A” in spreading the gospel, from the neighborhoods of Seattle to the nations, we work through various partners and networks to see healthy churches planted. We’ve got an exciting opportunity in two weeks, as we host Reaching and Teaching International Ministries on Friday, January 31 for Preview Day.
What is Preview Day?
Preview Day is designed for pastors and church members with a personal interest in global missions and/or a fervent desire to help send out missionaries. This event will deepen your understanding of biblical missions and help explore partnership opportunities with Reaching & Teaching. If you are currently in our missions process or are interested in mission sending agencies, this would be a particularly great event to attend. The day will include teaching sessions on:
Reaching & Teaching’s mission and values
How DCC and its members can further engage in global missions
Connecting with like-minded Christians from around the PNW
The cost to attend is $50, and registration will close one week prior to the event (Friday, 1/24).
If you’d like to learn more about participating in global missions, whether as a potential missionary or as part of our sending church, join us on the 31st!
Heading into the new year is a great time to evaluate and intentionally plan for our spiritual growth. While God is the one who ultimately gives the growth in our spiritual lives (1 Cor 3:7), he uses the means of our planning (Pr 16:3, 9), His Word (1 Tim 4:6-16), and other believers in the local church (2 Tim 2:2, 1 Thes 5:11, Heb 10:24-25). There are many ways to grow in faith together with DCC this year:
Our Midweek Bible Study takes place on Wednesdays, 7–8 pm, in the MPR downstairs, and resumes THIS Wednesday, 1/15, continuing in our study of 1 Peter. This inductive Bible study is led by DCC pastors, who help us look at a passage of Scripture and learn what it says, what it means, and apply it to our personal lives together. Whether you’re still getting acquainted with the Bible or you’ve been reading it for years, this is a great way to grow in the application of God’s Word and is a great way to meet and connect with others in our body. Learn More
If you’ve not yet taken our Foundations class, start here to learn the essentials of who we are as a local church, discuss what we believe, and talk about church membership, while building relationships and community together. This class is the primary relational on-ramp into the life of our body and perfect for those looking to join community and/or be baptized. Our next session starts THIS Sunday, January 19th, running 5 weeks on Sundays at 12pm after the gathering. Lunch is provided – so please register! Register Here
Our Cornerstone Communities meet in the neighborhoods around Seattle throughout the week to open the Word, pray, and share life together. If you’ve already taken Foundations but have yet to get connected to a community, we’d invite you to do so now in this season! Find our current communities and get connected here: Join a Community
Our next quarterly Men’s Discipleship Night is just a few weeks away, on Friday, Jan 24th, at 6:30p. These are valuable times to pull together as God’s men to share a meal, hear from God’s Word, ask questions, and connect with each other. Whether you’re brand new to DCC or a lifetime member, this will be an enriching time in the Word and relationships. Men’s Registration
Our next quarterly Women’s Discipleship Brunch will be on Saturday, March 15, and registration is open! This will be the second in the series studying the minor prophets, learning from Nahum. You’ll hear from gifted women in our body through Scriptural exposition, testimony, and table discussion. We invite you to read the minor prophets ahead of our events, individually or in discipleship groups, with this minor prophets reading plan to help your study (printed copies are available at the connect desk). Women’s Registration
Lastly, I encourage you to stay connected with us by installing the Church Center App, where we post important church-wide updates and notifications.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out at . I am praying that this season will be one of growth in your knowledge, love, and trust of the Lord!
We continue to live in tumultuous times filled with rampant unbelief, soul-numbing worldliness, political dissension, natural disasters, and bitter wars. Surprisingly, Jesus told us to expect such times so that we would not be caught off guard (Mt. 24:6). That said, living in such times is not easy.
One vital means of grace he gave to his church amidst the turbulence of our homeward journey is fasting (Mt. 9:15).
Therefore, I am writing to invite you to participate in a 24-hour churchwide food fast (fasting from food, but not water) beginning this Wednesday (1/8) after dinner and lasting up till dinner on Thursday (1/9). In other words, skipping breakfast and lunch on the 9th.
We are making this a quarterly practice over this academic year in order to pray for the upcoming quarter.
Only the power of God can bring the change that is most deeply needed in our lives and city. That means, we must pray, and one way to bring focus to our prayer life is to fast.
The purpose of fasting is to express our absolute dependence on God. It is a way to say to Him, “This much, O God, we need you! We are not self-sufficient, but entirely dependent. We can’t sort this out on our own. You must act if anything is to change!”
Let’s be clear: fasting is not manipulating, arm-twisting, or blackmailing God. Instead, fasting is a means of grace to grow us closer to God because:
Fasting reveals how much we often look to food, instead of Him.
Fasting reminds us that He is our most fundamental need.
Fasting makes us more sensitive, watchful, and contrite over sin.
Fasting promotes prayer as we allow every hunger pang to lead us to pray.
Therefore, over these 24 hours:
Pray that God would be our chief joy, greatest good, and prized treasure.
Pray that we’d be a people who love the life-giving path of holiness.
Pray that our loving, diverse-unity in Jesus would draw the attention of the city.
Pray for our evangelistic efforts and conversions this winter.
Pray that we’d be able to get into our new building as soon as possible.
Pray for our supported church planting and missionary partners.
Pray for the world and its many ongoing conflicts (1 Tim. 2:1-2).
With you, in Christ, for the sake of the world,
Pastor Adam
P.S. If you are unable to participate in a food fast, we encourage you to adjust the type or length of fast and/or the dates.