Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Apr 12

Spring Classes: Growing in your Knowledge, Love, and Trust of the Lord

, News, Teaching

Downtown Cornerstone,

As disciples of Christ, we are called to grow in our knowledge, love, and trust of the Lord (Col. 1:9-13). But, this growth doesn’t happen automatically; it happens through exercising our faith and intentionally utilizing the means of grace. One of these means of grace is the regular opening and applying of God’s Word together (Ps. 119:130, Col. 3:16).

This spring, we’re offering a number of classes over two five-week sessions. Each class, grounded in God’s Word, is intended to help you grow in a specific aspect of your life as a follower of Christ.

Session 1 begins this Wednesday, April 14th at 6:30PM:

  • Are you new with us and looking to meet others, learn more about DCC from our elders, join a Cornerstone Community, be baptized, and/or become a member? Join our Foundations class. Register here…
  • Are you looking to learn more about the history of Jesus’ church and God’s work of redeeming his people over centuries and millennia? Join the Church History class (ten weeks). Register here…
  • Are you desiring to grow in your understanding of the Bible, properly interpreting it and practically applying it to your life? Join the How to Study the Bible class. Register here…

Session 2 will begin on Wednesday, May 19th, and offer another round of the Foundations class, along with two additional classes:

  • Are you wanting to grow as a disciple-maker and help others become more like Christ? Join the Making Disciples class. Register here…
  • Are you seeking to learn what Scripture says about parenting and raising children who will love, trust, and treasure Jesus? Join our Parenting class. Register here…
If you are new with DCC, we would encourage you to start with the Foundations class.

To read more about our midweek classes and FAQs, visit our webpage here. If you have any other questions, please email us at

Apr 7

Good Friday & Easter Recap (Pictures, Video, Sermon Link)

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On Good Friday and Easter, we remembered and celebrated Jesus' sinless life, substitutionary death, triumphant resurrection, and ultimate victory over sin!

This year, we gathered at the Washington State Convention Center with adequate space to safely meet in one gathering amidst Covid-19 health guidelines. Given the unique challenges of this season, it was a huge evidence of grace to be able to meet together as one body for worship.

On Good Friday, Pastor Adam shared a brief message about the significance of Jesus' last supper with his disciples, we listened to a scriptural account of the first Good Friday by different readers from the DCC body, and we reflected on the cross with songs and the Lord's Supper.

On Easter, we worshiped our risen King! Pastor Adam preached on what it means to be a Christian—being born again through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. This was followed by Scripture reading from DCC members in their first languages.

If you missed these gatherings, click here to watch a recording of our Good Friday service and click here to listen to the Easter sermon.

See below for a few photos from the weekend!

Good Friday

Good Friday Photos


Easter Photos

Gather With Us

If you're newly participating with DCC in this season, we gather as a church on Sundays at 9AM & 11AM in Belltown on Western & Battery. As we continue to abide by ongoing Covid-19 health guidelines, we invite you to pre-register to attend a gathering via our website or by using the link below.

Pre-Register to attend a Sunday Gathering

Our Sunday Livestream will also continue for those unable to attend in person in this season.

If you have any other questions, comments, or need during this time please do not hesitate to email us at .

Mar 26

Celebrating 10 Years of God’s Unfolding Story at DCC

Event | by Pastor Justin Keogh


Do you remember your 10th birthday? Maybe you celebrated with a Batman-themed ice-cream cake, or painting nails and a make-over with your friends, or a trip to an amusement park? While we can’t gather for piñata and pony rides this year, we can still party with our extended DCC family!

As Pastor Adam mentioned on Sunday, 10 years as a church plant is quite a milestone! Especially in our context of downtown Seattle. We want to celebrate this gift of God's grace to us along with countless answered prayers, changed lives, and new brothers and sisters in the Lord. And we want you to join us!

Maybe you've only started participating with us since Covid hit? Come hear about a motley few meeting in an underground bunker back in 2011. Maybe you've been around since the AMC theater days? Come share how God has matured our church over the last 5 years. Maybe you're not in Seattle anymore? Come see God's faithfulness to us as we navigate a once-in-a-century pandemic.

We have a great time planned that will use our virtual setting to its fullest. We'll hear from Pastor Adam and Pastor David about those early days of hearing God's call to plant. We'll have time to hear from attenders and members about God's work through Downtown Cornerstone over the years. You'll have a chance to share your favorite memories—serious and funny—of this family of God's people!

So join us, friends new and old, for our 10th Birthday Celebration! See more details below.


Sunday, March 28th at 6pm


Zoom Fancy. This can be anything from “silly” (party hat, sunglasses, crazy wig, suit jacket paired with pajama pants) to “formal” (dressed to the nines in your favorite tux or sparkly dress). How you interpret is up to you!


Video call. Zoom meeting info available via the mailing list and DCC app. (Not yet connected with us? Fill out our Connect Form to be added to our mailing list.)

In Christ,
Pastor Justin

P.S. We also made a few fun virtual backgrounds to use during the party! Download your favorite from here, here and here. (To learn how to set a virtual background in Zoom, click here.)