Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Feb 25

Restarting Cornerstone Kids (Beginning March 7th)

Covid-19, Kids

Downtown Cornerstone,

By now you may have heard that beginning March, we will be moving back to two Sunday gatherings. As part of this important next step towards regathering as a church, we will also be restarting our Cornerstone Kids gatherings. Beginning March 7th, we will be offering Cornerstone Kids for 1-3 year olds during the 9AM service. We hope to add other grades over time—depending on Covid-19 health guidelines and the number of available teachers and volunteers.

Below is some important information as you consider ways your child can be participating on Sundays in this next season.


To help facilitate a fast, convenient, and safe environment for all, we require that parents read our CKids Covid-19 policies and pre-register their children in order for them to attend a Cornerstone Kids gathering. You can sign up your child when you register your family for a gathering via our usual Sunday pre-registration links. Please select the "CKids" attendee type for any children that you plan on checking in to Cornerstone Kids. 

Note that we are limiting class size to 15 children, to begin with. Spots are available on a first-requested/first-registered basis. If there are no more spots available when you register, you are welcome to add your child to the CKids waitlist and we'll let you know if a spot opens up.

Sunday Morning Check-in

Upon arrival at the building on Sunday morning, please enter through the front main entrance and check in your household/group. After checking in at the front main entrance, please make your way downstairs to the Cornerstone Kids area. We recommend you check-in your children 15 minutes before start of the gathering (i.e. 8:45AM).

Covid-19 Guidelines

Our goal is to keep you, your children, and others safe as we begin to resume our Cornerstone Kids gatherings amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. To learn more about policies and procedures that we've put in place to this end, please read our CKids Covid-19 document which contains important information about classroom setup, hygiene practices, and frequently asked questions.

Volunteer Policy

Our volunteers are carefully and prayerfully chosen. They are committed to faithful, accountable gospel living and can serve as role models for the children. Every volunteer submits an application, completes a background check, is trained in child safety protocols and interviewed by CKids leads.

Serving With Us

We are currently in need of 4 volunteers to help support our CKids ministry. Do you love helping kids and desire to use your gifting to proclaim the good news of Jesus and make disciples? Please visit this page to learn more about serving in Cornerstone Kids, and to apply.


If you have any questions or would like to be added to our Parent Newsletter and mailing list, please don’t hesitate to contact us at .

We are committed to partnering with you to joyfully teach, show, and model who God is and what He has done for us through the person and work of Christ.

Feb 22

Essential Serving Needs as We Move to Two Gatherings

Covid-19, Service


Downtown Cornerstone,

Scripture uses a number of words to describe God's people, not the least of which is servants. We are called to serve, as heirs (Col. 3:24), in freedom, through love (Gal. 5:13), in humility (Mk. 10:43; Mt. 23:11), according to our gifting (1 Pet. 4:10), as trustworthy stewards (1 Cor. 4:1-2), being dutiful, faithful and wise (Lk. 17:10, 12:43), with dependent hearts (Ps. 119:125), fully devoted (Mt. 6:24), to please God (Gal. 1:10), to do His will (Eph. 6:6), and enter into His joy (Mt. 25:23)—looking to Jesus as the ultimate example (Mt. 20:28; Jn. 13:5; Phil. 2:7).

A significant part of this calling to be servants is lived out practically and tangibly, in the body of the church, through serving one another.

As we take the next step towards regathering as a church and move back to two gatherings beginning Sunday, March 7th (that's less than two weeks from now!), we are looking for a number of volunteers to help with our Sunday service teams. Whether you're helping greet visitors, readying our gathering space, cleaning up after service, running song slides, operating the livestream, caring for and teaching young children, helping visitors get connected, or ensuring a safe environment to gather, all of that helps remove barriers to hearing the gospel, worshiping God, and receiving the Word—in ways both seen and unseen.

Below is our current list of serving needs. Each of these is essential to the smooth operation of our Sunday gatherings as we enter into this next season. In addition, roles marked with an asterisk (*) require membership and/or may have additional serving requirements (Learn more on our Serving page).

9AM Gathering:

  • Cornerstone Kids* (6)
  • Support & Security* (3)
  • Connect Desk* (1)

11AM Gathering:

  • Greeting Team* (8)
  • Support & Security* (3)
  • Connect Desk* (2)
  • Sunday Cleanup (6)

Both Gatherings (Productions):

  • Slides (3)
  • Video (2)
  • Sound Engineer (2)

If you have taken (or are currently taking) the Foundations Class or are a member, but have yet to begin (or resume) serving with us, we encourage you to consider jumping into one of the above teams.

To learn more about our serving roles, visit To sign up to serve, click the link below and fill out our simple form. If you have any serving-related questions, please email us at .

Sign up to Serve

Feb 18

You’re Invited to Come See Our New Space! (Feb 21st and 28th)

Onward Building Campaign

Downtown Cornerstone,

We couldn’t be more excited to give you all an opportunity to see our new future home!

This Sunday, February 21st, and next Sunday, February 28th, from 12–2 PM, we’ll be hosting two open houses of our new building. This will be an opportunity to tour the building, get a sneak peek at some of the proposed plans, and ask any questions you may have for us!

Each tour will be approximately 30 minutes long with groups of 25 or less, which will allow everyone to remain safely distanced. In order to abide by ongoing health guidelines, we ask that you pre-register for a time slot using the links below.

Feb 21, 12–2PM

Feb 28, 12–2PM


Save the date! In addition to our open houses, we’ll also be pulling together on Sunday evening, February 28th, at 5PM for a special virtual Prayer & Vision Night.

This time will be led from the new building via Zoom, and will be a chance to sing, pray, hear more of the story behind the Lord’s provision of this building, and rejoice in all the ways the Lord is continuing to go before us as a church for the onward spread of the gospel in this city.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at .

– The DCC Building Team

Feb 8

Stewarding Our Resources and Our Seasons of Life!

, Teaching | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Downtown Cornerstone,

The Holy Spirit, through the inspired pen of James, reveals this grand truth: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” (James 1:17)

Our consistent challenge is to live and order our lives in such a way that honors God, the Great Giver, by being good stewards of the entirety of our lives—including our financial resources and our various seasons of life.

Starting this week, you have an opportunity to learn a biblical perspective on these two topics through two helpful classes:

  • Financial Stewardship: During this five-week class, we’ll examine what Scripture has to say about our finances, how we’re to use them, and the dangers to avoid. We’ll also cover practical topics such as budgeting, saving, getting out of debt, investing, and more! This class will be taught by Pastor David Parker and DCC members Bryan and Lisagrace Alsbury. Register here
  • Singleness: This five-week class will cover a basic theology of singleness, and tackle questions like "What is the gift of singleness that Scripture talks about?" and "How can I find contentment amidst singleness?" Singles are encouraged to join in but this class would also benefit anyone who lives in community with singles. This class will be taught by Kyle Stewart, DCC staff member and deacon. Register here

Both these classes begin this Wednesday, February 10th at 6:30PM. To ensure availability, and to help us better prepare for the start of class on Wednesday, we ask that you register by Tuesday, February 9th.

Let me strongly encourage to take advantage of whichever of these you deem would be most helpful for you in your life right now. I truly believe that the investment of your time will yield the fruit of spiritual growth in your life.

Lastly, if you are new with DCC, I would encourage you to start with the Foundations Class which takes place at the same time. If you have any questions, email us at .

For the increase of your joy in Jesus, and the more clear magnification of God’s glory in your life,

Pastor Craig

Feb 3

Developing Missionaries for the Glory of God

Missions | by Pastor David Parker

Downtown Cornerstone,

As Pastor Adam preached on this past Sunday, one of our prayers from the beginning of planting this church is that we’d be a church-planting church. Meaning, that we’d be able to raise up and send out our people to be a part of planting other churches, both in this city and in cities around the world.

To that end, we've created intentional discipleship pathways for developing ministry leads, community leads, women's discipleship leads, deacons, elders, church-planters, and pioneer global missionaries. All so that more people would come to know, love, and trust Jesus—and be equipped to make other disciples!

Because there are still thousands of people groups around the world that have never heard the gospel (and live in some of the hardest to reach places), it means that Jesus' church (us!) need to spend extra effort in considering how we might be able to take the gospel to these places.

In light of the immense task that is still unfinished, a few years ago we created our Global Missions Development Pipeline to help provide a pathway of learning and growth for those considering becoming pioneer church-planting missionaries.

Maybe after the sermon this Sunday, you are wondering if the Lord is inviting you into being one of the ones that "goes?!" Or perhaps you are interested in learning more about frontier missions so that you could be a better sender and equipper. Whatever the case, let me give you 5 opportunities that you could begin exploring today:

#1 Pray

Visit the and begin praying for the thousands of unengaged and unreached people groups that have never heard the Gospel.

#2 Become a member

Begin serving, become known by a pastor, and start growing in learning how to love and serve our family here first. Our next Foundations Class starts in two weeks, and you can learn more and register here.

#2 Learn

Join one of our quarterly missions meet-ups or our next missions class to grow in your love and heart for the nations. Our next meet-up will be on Sunday, March 14th, and the next missions class will start on Wednesday, April 14th. Registration forthcoming.

#4 Read

A great place to start learning about how our church defines missions, and how the local church is central to God's unfolding story, is by reading Missions, by Andy Johnson.

#5 Join the Missions Cohort

If you're already a member of DCC, and are seriously exploring what it might look like to give your life for the greatest cause in the world, learn more here, and talk to one of the pastors about joining the Missions Cohort.

DCC, because we are all gospel carriers, let’s keep praying that Jesus would raise up more men and women in our church that want to live and proclaim the gospel boldly and that we’d get to see more churches planted in Seattle and around the world!

-Pastor David