Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Jun 2

Community Spotlight | Belltown

, Uncategorized


From time to time, we want to share stories of how God is working in the lives of those who are participating in community. Recently, we sat down with Luke and Lynn Davis, members of the Belltown Community, to asked them a few questions about their experience with community.

What was your first experience in community like?
We had just flown into town from Florida midweek to interview for the job I now have. It was the middle of November. The city seemed cold, dark, and strange. Our nerves were on edge over the forthcoming interview process. As a result of earlier email communication, Pastor David invited Lynn and I to visit their community that evening. Not knowing a soul in the city we followed directions into an unknown building, up the elevator, and down a hallway. Before us stood an open door spilling out light, warmth, and happy voices. We entered in and were received with interest, engagement, conversation, Jesus, and the Word. It was beautiful.

How has participation in community helped connect you to your new home?
Moving to Seattle meant leaving the only home we had ever known. We could feel the roots being pulled up. We anticipated DCC being our new family, but I can’t imagine how that would have happened apart from being connected to our local community. It was people from our community that helped us unload our moving truck, ate meals with us, babysat our children, gave us advice on where to go out to eat, and much much more. We became connected to our new home through our community. We became known through our community. We had a people with whom we could share our weaknesses, rejoice in God’s goodness, and receive gospel encouragement.

What sort of spiritual growth have you experienced through community?
We have come to better know, really know, Jesus in our community. How? Through the members of the community honestly and openly relating to the Father through Jesus. We share hurts with one another. We ask questions of each other. We talk about the Word with each other. Shoot, we even feast with each other. Lynn and I have been directly encouraged through our Discipleship Groups to rely on Jesus. The community invites us into humble living. Clearly, we don’t have it all together. And neither does anyone else in Belltown. But we are on a joint endeavor to gospel one another during our weekly meetings, Discipleship Groups, get-togethers, etc. We’re family.

Thanks for sharing Luke and Lynn!

About Cornerstone Communities:
Cornerstone Communities are at the heart of who we are as church. We aren’t simply interested in holding events – we desire for people to connect, share life, and form communities that are deeply rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Cornerstone Communities are neighborhood-focused and typically meet for a weekly dinner, while also sharing life throughout the week. You can learn more about our communities here and email to request more information.

May 5

Women’s Discipleship Day: What to Expect

, Event, Women's Retreat | by Laura West


Hey ladies,

I’m really looking forward to spending Saturday, May 14th, with y’all! As the date gets closer, I want to answer a few questions about the day and invite you to join us:

Q: I’m not sure what to expect. What will the day be like?

Our hope for the day is to grow together as sisters-in-Christ, equipped and encouraged for what God has set before us. Practically, this means the day has time set aside to meet and build relationships with other ladies, interactive sessions to hear about topics deeply relevant to us all, and space to take it all to Jesus. To give you an idea of what this will look like, a basic outline for the day is:

Breakfast and social
Worship and welcome
The Word and Our Worldview, Stacy Borkert
Roundtable Discussion
The Word and Our Relationships, Katie Krombein
Roundtable Discussion
The Word and Our Witness, Tiffany Butler
Roundtable Discussion
Prayer and reflection
Panelist Session
Worship and close

Q: What will the speakers talk about?

The Word and Our Worldview (Colossians 3:15-17)
What shapes our worldview? What influences our reactions and what do we do with our fears and struggles? We will be looking at Colossians 3:15-17 and how when we look at our lives through the lens of the Word of God, we can rest in the peace of Christ and worship God, with a spirit of thankfulness.

The Word and Our Relationships (Romans 12)
What does it mean to live sacrificially as part of the body of Christ? Who are you in Christ and how does your identity inform the way that you love, and how you live with others in the church? In our second session, we will look at Romans 12, and what it means to humbly participate in the life of other believers.

The Word and Our Witness (John 4:1-30,39-42)
What comes to mind when you think about sharing your faith with others? Does sharing your faith come easy to you or is it something you struggle with? During this session we will seek to demystify what it looks like to be a witness for Christ. We will consider the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan women which subsequently compelled her to be a witness to others about Jesus that they in turn would “come and see” for themselves.

Q: What is included in the cost of registration?

Your registration helps us cover the costs of this mini-retreat, including breakfast, lunch and refreshments, as well parking validation and materials for the day. We’ll also be giving away two books to encourage and equip you.

Q: Can I bring my friends?

Yes! This day is for all ladies seeking after Jesus.

Q: What if I can’t afford the registration? What if I can’t find childcare? What if I don’t know anyone?

If you don’t have $35, we have scholarships available and would love to invite you to participate – register! If you can’t find childcare, we’d love to help you find help – email us! If you don’t know anyone, that’s perfect. You’ll know a ton of amazing ladies at the end of the day – register!

Q: I’m on the fence. Should I register?

It’s understandable that many would be unsure about what to expect and if they should make time. In short, come! What do you have to lose? What would really stop you from spending a day with other ladies, growing together, learning about God’s word, and trusting in Jesus?

Q: Okay, I’m in. What’s next?

Register online in advance! We’ll send an email reminder the week of the event with details for the day. Encourage ladies in your community to join you. Doors open at 8:30am and breakfast begins at 9am. Come prayed up, expectant and ready for God to move. Park in the lot next to the building (for free). Give Jesus your concerns for the day and embrace all that He has waiting for you. Meet someone new and be known. Participate in the sessions and reflect on what God is teaching you. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you afresh and be ready with thanksgiving when He does. Sing loud because God is with us.

Whether you’re registered, still considering, or unable to join that day, I’d encourage you to pray for this time – it’s going to be good, by God’s abounding grace. I hope to see you on May 14th!

Apr 21

An Invitation to Women’s Discipleship Day

, Event

WomensDDay_0316_620x130_CSLadies of DCC, we are holding our Women’s Discipleship Day on Saturday, May 14th – and you are invited!

The purpose of this discipleship day is to provide a unique opportunity for the women of DCC to connect and consider what it means to trust Jesus together. Our hope for the day is to grow together as sisters-in-Christ, equipped and encouraged for what God has set before us. Practically, we have set aside time during the day to meet and build relationships with other ladies, to enjoy interactive sessions to hear about topics deeply relevant to us all, and space to take it all to Jesus!

The theme of this year’s event is “Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You Richly” taken from Colossians 3:16. The day will include three women from our body speaking on “The Word and our Worldview,” “The Word and our Relationships,” and “The Word and our Witness.”

WHEN. Saturday, May 14th 9am – 3:30pm | Doors open at 8:30am

WHERE. Auditorium (2333 Western Ave)

REGISTRATION. The cost of attendance is $30/person if you register by April 30th and $35/person starting May 1st (including day-of registration). Your registration helps us cover the costs of this mini-retreat, including breakfast, lunch and refreshments, as well parking validation and materials for the day. We’ll also be giving away two books to encourage and equip you. Please register HERE!

PARKING. We are offering parking (for free) in the lots next to the building. If those lots are full, we will provide validation for the Art Institute garage.

KIDS. There will not be Cornerstone Kids provided. As we’d love for this time to be a retreat for the ladies, we encourage the men to help care for children during this time. If you’re having trouble finding childcare, please email and we will be happy to help.

If there is anything that would prevent you from being able to participate (Don’t have $30? Can’t find childcare? Don’t know anyone?) please let us know by emailing  and we will do all we can to come alongside you.