Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Jun 15

Serve the City Update & Upcoming Event (Friday, 6/23)

Mercy Ministries, Mercy Update, Serve the City | by Pastor Justin Keogh


We serve our city, because we have been served beyond measure by Christ (Matt. 20:25-28). We are not saved by our works, we are saved by faith (Rom. 3:21-4:8), but saving faith is one that works from the grace we've received (Jas. 2:14-26)!

Last month, we completed our first of three Serve the City events this summer. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out! We had 85 participants at Myrtle Edwards for a wonderful early summer day with sunshine, and lots of great work accomplished. See below for some of our favorite snapshots from the day!

Part 2: Mariners' Day of Service on Friday, 6/23

Our second event this summer is in partnership with the Seattle Mariners and will take place next Friday, June 23rd, from 9 am – 12 pm. DCC will be leading the efforts focused on Pioneer Square by picking up trash, painting out graffiti, and landscaping projects. Like our prior event, this will be a great opportunity to get outside, make a positive impact on our city, and serve alongside our neighbors.

While the Mariners team will be traveling, some familiar faces from the franchise as well as many local business owners and city representatives are going to be joining us for the event too. We'll have projects for all ages—so bring the family, coworkers, and neighbors!

Friday?? Yes, Friday.

This event is happening on a Friday, which might be a challenge for folks working a Monday to Friday 9-to-5 schedule, so not everyone will be able to make it. But, did you know that many companies are offering volunteer days/credits for events just like this one? Ask your HR to see if you've got a volunteer option for the morning. Many of those in our church body work on other shifts, or have flexibility on Fridays, so we're still hoping for a fun turnout from DCC as we partner with many others from around the city next Friday, rain or shine! Register today:


Stay Connected

Our Serve the City events are just one part of how we care for our city. You can learn more about our Mercy Ministries HERE, and also join our ongoing focus area groups to hear more regular updates, events, and opportunities to serve:

For the Kingdom,
Pastor Justin

One Seattle Day of Service, May 20th, 2023

May 1

Mercy Ministry Update | May

Mercy Ministries, Mercy Update | by Pastor Justin Keogh

The Mercy Ministry Updates are a regular snapshot of our Mercy Ministries in DCC, where we are working to serve and uphold the value and dignity of God's most vulnerable image-bearers in our city.

For more regular updates in each focus area, please request to join our Mercy Focus groups in Church Center (linked below) and join us in our upcoming service events (details below).

Gospel Framework

As God's inspired word, the Bible displays God's good design and our radical need for a savior, found only in Jesus, and calls us to live out our new identity in Christ as we engage the world around us.

"But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare."
– Jeremiah 29:7

While Israel was in exile in Babylon (as a consequence of their failure to follow the Lord, no less!), God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah to call them to be a faithful presence while they waited for God to bring about their return to Israel. For Israel in exile in Babylon, this was a call to trust God to fulfill his promises and seek the welfare of their city. For us now as Christians in Seattle 2023, this is a call to seek the welfare of our city, knowing that we are 'living as exiles' in the world, looking to the future return of Christ to complete the good work he started in us and the world.

We have already tasted the goodness of our King and begun to experience the new realities of his Kingdom, yet we still await the final fulfillment of all things! So, while we wait, the church is called to act as salt (a preserving force) and light (a guiding force) to our city. In short, we're called to be a faithful presence.

Serve The City

This summer, instead of a single Serve the City event, we're partnering with three different organizations over the next three months to give us various ways to serve alongside our neighbors for the good of our city. These partner events are a great way for us to serve others, and to build relationships with our neighbors as we serve! Our hope in creating multiple smaller events is that everyone can participate in some way over the summer, increasing our impact and building on our previous service events. Save the dates for our upcoming events:

  • One Seattle Day of Service – Saturday, May 20th, 9 am to 12 pm | Myrtle Edwards Park
  • Together WA Day of Service – Saturday, June 24th, 9 am to 12 pm | Downtown
  • Bloodworks NW Drive – Thursday, July 27th, 9 am to 3 pm (30-min slots) | DCC Building

One Seattle Day of Service

The first of these events is only three weeks away, on Saturday, May 20th, from 9 am to 12 pm, at Myrtle Edwards Park. We're partnering with the Mayor's Office and the Seattle Parks Department to lead an effort to beautify the park through trash pickup and landscaping.

We'll have cleaning and landscaping projects around the park with options for all ages, so this is a great chance for families, friends, and communities to serve together. DCC will lead about eight teams working on various projects, so the registration form asks if you'd be willing to be a team lead, which involves coming an hour early. We'll have the projects mapped out and provide all the tools for the work, so you can show up the day ready to serve. Rain or shine, this will be a great day of working together in our neighborhood! Please register today:

Register Here

Stay Connected

Our Serve the City events are just one part of how we care for our city. You can learn more about our Mercy Ministries HERE, and also join our ongoing focus area groups to hear more regular updates, events, and opportunities to serve:

For the Kingdom,
Pastor Justin