Downtown Cornerstone Blog
May 28

An Invitation to Women’s Discipleship Day

, Event | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Ladies of DCC,

As many of you are aware, we are holding our first Women’s Discipleship Day on Saturday, June 6th – and you are invited. The full schedule, along with frequently asked questions (FAQ), are listed below.

Prior to his ascension, Jesus gave us a commission to “make disciples” (Mt28:18-20). Being a disciple of Jesus means living a daily, on-going, life of repentance (turning from self and sin) and faith in Him (turning to Jesus) and working that out into every sphere of life. So, discipleship is not a program, per se, but a lifelong process of learning to follow, trust, enjoy and become more like Jesus, while helping others to do the same. As a church we have five main pathways that facilitate this process: (1) Sunday gatherings, (2) communities, (3) discipleship groups, (4) membership and (5) training. The Women’s Discipleship Day falls into the last category.

The purpose of this discipleship day is to provide a unique opportunity for the women of DCC to meet and connect (since so many of you are new), consider what it means to trust Jesus together in our next season of life and ministry (see schedule below for topics), and re-ignite a passion for the supremacy of God in all things – even every day things. It is going to be a refreshing day. You will receive books, your parking will be validated, you will eat well, you will sing and pray, you will build new relationships, and you will be stirred afresh to trust Jesus in the every day together. The entire event is being organized, led and prayed through by the women of DCC. I really hope you can make it.

If there is anything that would prevent you from being able to participate (Don’t have $30? Can’t find childcare? Don’t know anyone?) please let us know and we will do all we can to address those obstacles – we’re that committed to making this event accessible to everyone. Please join me in praying for this day and, even more, for all of the women who will be participating. Laura West, one of the event organizers and staff, has put together the FAQ below. If you have any additional questions email: .

Christ is all,

Pastor Adam

P.S. We are putting something together for the fellas this fall. Stay tuned.


Hey ladies,

I’m really looking forward to spending Saturday, June 6th, with y’all! As the date gets closer, I want to answer a few questions about the day and invite you to join us:

Q: I’m not sure what to expect. What will the day be like?

Our hope for the day is to grow together as sisters-in-Christ, equipped and encouraged for what God has set before us. Practically, this means the day has time set aside to meet and build relationships with other ladies, interactive sessions to hear about topics deeply relevant to us all, and space to take it all to Jesus. To give you an idea of what this will look like, a basic outline for the day is:

Breakfast and social
Worship and welcome
Trusting Jesus Together, Jen Sinnett
Q&A panel
Trusting Jesus in our Discipleship Groups, Tiffany Butler
Q&A panel
Trusting Jesus in our Evangelism, Erin Dienst
Q&A panel
Prayer and reflection
Worship and close

Q: What is included in the cost of registration?

Your registration helps us cover the costs of this mini-retreat, including breakfast, lunch and refreshments, as well parking validation and materials for the day. We’ll also be giving away two books to encourage and equip you.

Q: Can I bring my friends?

Yes! This day is for all ladies seeking after Jesus.

Q: I’m on the fence. Should I register?

This is our first-ever event of this kind, so it’s understandable that many would be unsure about what to expect and if they should make time. Come! What do you have to lose? What would really stop you from spending a day with other ladies, growing together, learning about Jesus?

Q: Okay, I’m in. What’s next?

Register online in advance! We’ll send an email reminder the week of the event with details for the day. Encourage ladies in your community to join you. Doors open at 8:45am and breakfast begins at 9am. Come prayed up, expectant and ready for God to move. Park in the lot next to the building (for free). Give Jesus your concerns for the day and embrace all that He has waiting for you. Meet someone new and be known. Participate in the sessions and reflect on what God is teaching you. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you afresh and be ready with thanksgiving when He does. Sing loud because God is with us.

Whether you’re registered, still considering, or unable to join that day, I’d encourage you to pray for this time – it’s going to be good, by God’s abounding grace. I hope to see you on June 6th!

May 14

Save the Date for Summer Events!

, City Life, Event, News

It’s time to dust off those sunglasses and stock up on the sunblock, summer is almost here! Throughout July and August we’ll be sharing life together through a number of events and activities. These events will not only be a great opportunity to grow together as a church, but an opportunity to get to know, love, and serve those that Jesus has placed around us. Mark these dates on your calendar and consider who you can invite to join us as we enjoy the summer in Seattle! Check back with us regularly, as we’ll be updating this page with links to more details.

All Church Campout | Concrete, WA
July 10th – 12th

We will be headed to the Concrete KOA for a weekend of community and fun! More info and registration coming soon.

Serve the City | Bailey Gatzert Elementary School
Saturday, August 1st

We are partnering with the Seattle School District for a day of service at Bailey Gatzert Elementary School. The more volunteers we have, the better we are able to serve this school so please mark your calendars and invite your friends!

BBQ & Baptisms | Myrtle Edwards Park
Thursday, August 27th

Join us for our 5th annual BBQ and Baptisms! We will gather at Myrtle Edwards Park for a BBQ followed by baptisms, to celebrate all that Jesus has done and is continuing to do among us as a people. If you are interested in being baptized or want to learn more, you can read more here.

Summer is also a great time to join in with a Cornerstone community! Communities will continue gather throughout the summer and enjoy all that this city has to offer. If you’re not connected to a community, we invite you to email  to get plugged in today!

We depend on volunteer support for all of these events! If you would like to serve the church by helping plan one of these events, please email .