Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Nov 19

Cornerstone Communities | The Details

, Uncategorized | by Pastor David Parker


“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Heb 10:24-25

Downtown Cornerstone is committed to forming communities that are deeply rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ. By His grace, we now have nine established Cornerstone Communities! As a church, we aren’t just interested in holding events, but for people to connect, share life and form communities that are deeply rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We want to plant communities in every neighborhood and sector by which people are able to eat together, pray together, shop together, laugh together, and study the Bible together (i.e. share life). These are communities that build up the church by encouraging people to faith in Jesus Christ and build up the city through deeds of justice and mercy. Our weekly community gatherings are intended to serve as the building blocks to community, but are not the end goal. If you call Downtown Cornerstone home and have not yet participated in community, we encourage you to check out a weekly community gathering in your neighborhood:

  • Belltown Community/Tuesday/6:30/3rd Ave & Lenora St
  • Capitol Hill Community/Thursday/6:30/Broadway & Mercer
  • Commerical Core Community/Thursday/5:45/Western Ave & Seneca St
  • First Hill Community/Tuesday/6:30/University & Minor
  • Phinney Ridge Community/Thursday/6:30/N 62nd St & Dayton Ave N
  • Queen Anne Community/Thursday/6:30/Taylor Ave N & Ward St
  • Uptown QA Community/Tuesday/6:30/2nd Ave N & Aloha St
  • Wallingford Community/Tuesday/6:30/N 50th St & Meridian Ave N
  • West Seattle Community/Tuesday/6:30/High Point Drive SW & 29th Ave SW


These are all communities of diverse imperfect people that are committed to living out the implications of the gospel in every sphere of life. Every community gathers at least once per week, while sharing life throughout the week. These gatherings include the sharing of a meal, prayer, Bible study, and good conversation. Each community looks different because each is made of different people with different interests, schedules, and passions.


To request more information about our communities, email us at  or visit this page.


You can be praying specifically for the following:

  • more and more people would come to know Jesus Christ personally
  • grace would overflow in our relationships with neighbors, coworkers, and fellow believers.
  • increased God-reliance and humility
  • for God to raise up leaders to lead and plant more communities

It’s our hope and prayer that everyone who calls Downtown Cornerstone home will belong to a Jesus glorifying, bible believing, gospel centered community.

Nov 7

Serve with us



If you call DCC home and have not yet found a way to serve, you are needed! As a church plant, we rely on the faithful service of our people to make things run. Please consider serving as there are new teams being formed to meet our growing needs. As a church, we believe that we have been infinitely loved and served by God through the person and work of Jesus, and our service is a response to how we’ve been served in Christ. From set up to design, there are numerous opportunities to get involved. Start by filling out an connect card on Sunday morning, tell a leader after the gathering or email .

“To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” 1 Cor. 12:7


video Production

The Productions Team is responsible for the set-up, operation and take-down of all audio-visual and lighting equipment. This includes sound technicians, slides, videos, lighting techs and more. Prior knowledge of the task is recommended but not required; they are willing to train the right folks!

csk Cornerstone Kids

The Cornerstone Kids Team is comprised of both Helpers and Teachers who partner with parents to create a safe, welcoming and fun environment for kids to understand and apply Gospel truths. The service commitment is one Sunday every 4 weeks, but we also need occasional help with Tuesday Prayer Nights and Wednesday Night Membership meetings. You don’t need a lot of                                            experience (we’ll train!).


The Corporate Worship Team is composed of musicians and vocalists responsible for prayerfully preparing for and leading the church in corporate worship music each Sunday. They are currently in particular need of vocalists, bass & electric guitarists, and additional worship leaders. If you are plugged into a Cornerstone Community and interested in the band, please visit the Connect desk or contact Randy Lundy () for more information.



As the church, we love Seattle and desire to steward the creative arts to share the good news of the gospel in order to bring personal gospel renewal to this city. Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Photographers, Illustrators, Artists, Editors, Videographers; we invite you to join the Media Team!

facilities Facilities

The Facilities Team is an integral part of making our Sunday gatherings happen, and is responsible for completing all tasks associated with setting up and taking down DCC’s Sunday gathering space. They gather early to move crates, set up signs, tables, and other equipment making sure other ministries have what they need. This team is dedicated to joyful and humble service and would love to have you join them!

coffee Beverage Team

As a church, we want to be known as a hospitable people. The Beverage Team is responsible for setting up hospitality stations ensuring that beverages, beverage tables & communion tables are prepared for DCC’s Sunday morning worship service.

greeting Greeting Team

The Greeting & Ushering Team is responsible for cultivating a hospitable and welcoming environment for all individuals and families arriving at our gatherings each Sunday. This includes extending a friendly welcome, distributing Bibles & Handouts, and ushering guests to open seats – among other tasks. If you call DCC home and are not yet serving, consider joining the                               Greeting Team!

connect Connect Team

The Connect Team is responsible for  welcoming visitors and helping individuals get connected to a Cornerstone community, answer questions, and connect people to  The City. If you are plugged into a Cornerstone Community and want to help others get involved in serving or being known within the church, please stop by the Connect Desk after a Sunday gathering to                            learn more.

generalSecurity Team

The Security Team is responsible for  ensuring our Sunday gatherings are safe for individuals and families. Serving on this newly formed team entails being trained and remaining in the lobby during the service to direct people who arrive late and make sure the lobby and theater spaces we gather in are protected.


“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them” Rom. 12:6

Oct 24

Why We Pray

Prayer | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

PrayerPromo(620x130)_0113_noinfo One of things we have done as the church, from the beginning, is set aside one night every month for prayer  and song. We call it our monthly prayer night. While we emphasize prayer in our communities every week, throughout the week, during the last week of each month we cancel our normal community rhythms in order to pray together. Corporately, as God’s people, we spend time thanking, praising, considering, asking, and talking to our good, gracious, living Jesus. We want to see Him do what only He can do in and through us, not merely what we can do – so we pray. If you have yet to join us, I invite you to do so on the last Tuesday of each month at the Belltown Community Center (doors open @ 6:30pm).

This is far from a place-holder event for us. We do not pray because that’s what we’re supposed to do or have to do. We pray because we get to. Prayer is one of the unique privileges of every child of God, in Christ. In prayer we set aside self-reliance and cultivate God-reliance. In prayer we turn from self-sufficiency to God- sufficiency. In prayer we relinquish man-made agendas and submit to his agenda. We also pray because:

• We want to know, trust, treasure, and more fully comprehend the love of God. (Col 1:10, Eph 3:14,18)

• We want God’s name praised in this city. (Mt 6:9)

• We need wisdom. (James 1:5)

• We want to see friends, family and neighbors saved. (Rom10:1)

• We want to see the sick healed. (James 5:13-15)

• We want to be unified around Jesus and his mission. (Jn17:20-21)

• We need strength, endurance, patience and joy. (Col 1:11)

• We need protection from temptation and the enemy (Mt 6:13; 26:41)

• We need forgiveness. (Mt 6:12)

• We need God’s empowering grace to complete what he has begun in us. (2 Thess 1:11; 2 Cor 9:8)

• We want to faithfully endure to the end (Lk 22:32)

I’ve always appreciated how AC Dixon once put it:

“When we depend upon organizations, we get what organizations can do; when we depend upon education, we get what education can do; when we depend upon man, we get what man can do; but when we depend upon prayer, we get what God can do.”

We have seen God answer countless prayers. We have seen friends saved. We have seen people healed.

We have tasted a bit of the goodness of God, together. If you’ve had a bad experience in the past with something like this, by God’s grace, we’ll redeem that. If you don’t know a single person in the church, that will change quickly. If you don’t do well in large groups, Jesus will help you. We can, of course, pray in the quietness of our homes – and we do that – but something different happens when the church gathers to pray together. We hope you join us and get a firsthand taste of it yourself. Our next prayer night is Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30 at the Belltown Community Center.

“I believe that prayer is the measure of the man, spiritually, in a way that nothing else is, so that how we pray is as important a question as we can ever face.” – JI Packer

-Pastor Adam

Oct 11

2013 BBQ & Baptism | Photos and Recap

, Event


On September 10, 2013, we celebrated as 11 individuals obediently followed Jesus Christ’s commandment to be baptized (Matthew 28: 19). We heard 11 stories of redemption, 11 stories of changed lives, 11 stories of individuals being saved from death to life and 11 stories of people trusting in Jesus Christ for salvation. The religious church-goer and the rebellious pot smoker, the overlooked and the overachiever all shared the same story: “I’m a terrible sinner in need of Jesus Christ.” The evening was filled with chatter, children, and plenty of cheers! Praise Jesus for all the work He’s done and continues to do in the city of Seattle.