Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Feb 25

Monthly Prayer Night

, City Life, Event, Prayer

We need prayer

For all our strategizing and preparation, we cannot succeed without the Spirit of God building his church. Please pray with and for us daily. Jesus will build his church, but he does so through the faithful work, service and prayers of his people. There is much spiritual opposition, relational tension, financial strain and physical hardship involved in planting a church. Please join us in prayer to our God who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask, think or imagine (Eph 3:20).

Monthly Prayer Gatherings

On the last Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm, we gather together for an evening of prayer, vision and worship. This event occurs in lieu of our normal weekly community rhythm, and is an opportunity to go before our Father, asking Him to do what only He can do.

What will we do?

Vision. We’ll talk about where we are and where, by God’s grace, we are going.
Worship. We’ll sing to the King.
Pray. Most importantly, we’ll pray. God has been exceedingly generous to us and we can’t help but think that it is due to us asking Him to do what only He can. We don’t ever want to feel like we somehow have this church planting thing covered. This is His church; we are His people.

“Pray then like this: ‘Our Father in heaven…’” (Mat 6:9)
“Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Mat 9:38)
“…that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.” (Lk 18:1)

For more info and location details please check the Upcoming Events or email .

Nov 7

2nd Annual Turkey Bowl

, City Life

If you’re not busy on Thanksgiving morning, you’re invited (rain or shine!) to participate in DCC’s 2nd Annual Turkey Bowl. We’ll gather at Judkins Park on Thanksgiving Day at 8:00am for festive fall foods, kids games and a friendly game of co-ed flag football for those interested. Basically, this is just a good reason to hang out on Thanksgiving amidst friends, lawn chairs, blankets, shouting fan(s), laughter and good food. Bring a favorite fall breakfast treat or drink to share (hot chocolate, cider, coffee, etc).

Don’t forget to dress warm and spread the word!

Judkins Park | 22nd Ave S & S Norman | Directions here.

Oct 30

Reflections (and help) on Halloween

City Life | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

To be honest, I’m indifferent about Halloween. On the one hand, costumes and candy are part of God’s common grace extended to all people to be enjoyed. (Who, after all, would be quick to turn down a roll of Smarties?) Its also one of the few holidays where people actually visit your home (albeit dressed as zombies) without any effort on your part. It’s a creative, relational and tasty holiday.

But, like anything, it has a darker side. It can glorify evil, promote drunkenness and relativize that which is meant to be frightening (e.g. Satan). It also eclipses Reformation Day, the exact day which marks Martin Luther’s posting of his 95 theses to the castle door in Wittenburg, thus launching the Reformation and the recapturing of the gospel of Jesus Christ (i.e. salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, to the glory of God alone).

When it comes to Halloween, Christians have long fallen on both sides of the fence. Its history is long, complex and uncertain with pagan, Catholic, and recent American roots. Its difficult to pinpoint any one single source of this over-commercialized holiday, let alone a general consensus as to what it actually means.

So what do we do with it?

#1 Don’t violate your conscience. (1 Tim 1:19; Heb 13:18) Depending on your upbringing, or particular experiences, you may not be able to participate without violating your conscience. Do your homework. Pray through it. Talk to fellow Christians regarding your concerns. If you have kids, carefully consider your their costumes.

Consider thinking through the following:
First, 1 Cor 6:12 “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful.” Q: Is it helpful – physically, spiritually, emotionally?
Second, it goes on to say “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything.” Q: Does it enslave me in any way?
Third, 1 Cor 10:31 “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Q: Can I glorify God in it – and make him look as good as he is?

#2 Enjoy God’s common grace. Every good and perfect gift is from above (James 1:17). If you can celebrate with a clean conscience, enjoy! Image our creative God by being creative. Engage your friends. Make memories. Enjoy your favorite candy. Throw a party. Get into it.

#3 Go where the people go. Those in the city will be out of their homes, so you should consider getting out of yours. Go where the people are. Ask what your friends are doing. There are lots of activities already happening in the city, so you don’t have to make up your own. Use the holiday to build relationships with those around you for the sake of the gospel.

#4 Meet your neighbors. It can be hard to meet all your neighbors, let alone have a conversation. Use Halloween to intentionally meet and greet your neighbors. Invite them in. Have snacks and cider prepared. Be intentional. Or, do the reverse, and consider visiting your neighbors and dropping off a small gift. At least you know they’re likely to answer the door.

#5 Be generous. Be hospitable. Give out the biggest candy bars on your street. Christians should be the most generous people in the city. (2 Cor 9:11) Make your home/apartment (if your complex is doing this sort of thing) the go-to-home on the block. Tangibly demonstrate the generosity you’ve received by God in Christ.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Cor 10:31

Oct 15

Beach Baptisms Video is Live!

, , City Life, Video

On August 16th, 2012, we had the privilege and honor of holding our second annual summer baptisms as a newly forming church in the heart of downtown Seattle. Simply speaking, it was an awesome evening. There were testimonies of God’s grace, great food and 12 baptisms. What a night!

God has not called us to plant this church in order to merely build a great church – but to build a great city, from the avenues to the alley ways. That happens as individual lives are changed by Jesus and sent into the city armed with His message and mercy. Baptism marks that change and for that we rejoice.
Learn more about baptism here.

Sep 20

Fall Sock Drive

City Life, News

Downtown Cornerstone is happy to partner with Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission (UGM) during their Fall Giving Campaign by collecting socks at our Sunday gatherings! Beginning this Sunday, Sept 23rd, please bring in any new pairs of men’s, women’s or children’s socks to drop in the marked donation bins. Our goal is to raise 500 pairs of socks by the end of October. This means that if 83 people purchase just one 6-pack of socks, we can reach our goal! Be sure to print up this poster to hang in your break room or apartment building to spread the word.

One of the seven distinctives of DCC is RENEWAL. We believe that out of personal gospel renewal, urban renewal will flow, as the very spiritual, social and cultural fabric of Seattle is redeemed. We love this city, and are called to be salt and light in both word and deed. Will you join us?

If you’d like to partner with the UGM by donating more than just socks, find more info here.

What is Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission?
    UGM is the only shelter in Seattle that offers three meals a day, 365 days a year.
    The Mission serves an average of 1,400 meals a day.
    It costs an average of $1.92 to feed a hungry man, woman or child a single meal.
    UGM has one of the few family shelters that accepts boys through age 18.
    UGM’s Women and Children’s Shelter sleeps an average of 72 women and children each night.
    The Mission provides meals, shelter, clothing, homework assistance, counseling and educational field trips for homeless children.
    Approximately 20 percent of Mission staff were once program residents.
Sep 5

BBQ & Baptism Recap+Photos

, , City Life, Photos

On Thursday, August 16th, 155 of us gathered at Lake Union Park to enjoy summer barbeque, our beautiful city and God’s great grace in baptism. Throughout the night we got to hear of Jesus’ real, active, transforming work in the lives of 12 brothers and sisters in Christ.

Ephesians 5:1,4And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world…But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with him.”

Video coming soon. Stay tuned!

Aug 15

This Thursday | BBQ & Baptisms!

, , City Life, News | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Join us this Thursday (August 16th) for our second annual summer baptism and BBQ at the west side of South Lake Union Park. BBQ’s will be hot and grilling at 6:00pm – don’t forget your meat! We’ll transition to testimonies and baptisms at 7:00pm. There are a number of things to keep in mind as we prepare to celebrate together. This is going to be a great night!

#1 PRAY. Please pray for the 12 that are set to be baptized. First, pray God gives them courage and clarity to share what He has done in their lives. Second, pray God uses what they share to lead others to know Him and stirs the faith of those that already do.

#2 VOLUNTEER. If you have not yet signed-up to volunteer (grilling, set-up, tear-down, etc) there are still a good number of needs. You can RSVP and sign up here. If you’ll just be visiting, there’s no need to volunteer, we’re glad you’re joining us and happy to host.

#3 COMMUNITIES. Every community is shouldering a portion of the load in providing side dishes and desserts. If you haven’t yet, please talk to your community lead to find out how you can help. Don’t worry if you’re unable to provide anything. There will be plenty to go around.

#4 INVITE. This is a great opportunity to invite friends, neighbors, coworkers and family to celebrate with us and hear the gospel through lives that have been changed by Jesus.

#5 TIMING. Please arrive as early as you can to allow ample time for your meat to grill, to hang out with friends, meet new folks, grab a game of bocce and be available to help as needed. If you’re able, please consider staying after to help us clean and pack-up.

Can’t wait! See you on Thursday at South Lake Union.

Jul 27

Serve the City Recap+Photos

City Life, Photos, Serve the City

[portfolio_slideshow slideheight=400]
Photo credit Christy Giusti

Last Saturday, July 21st, 70 volunteers of Downtown Cornerstone walked the City Center of Seattle, from the avenues to the alley ways, collecting 24 bags of garbage littered throughout the core. Our goal was simple: to sacrificially serve the city as we’ve been sacrificially served by Jesus Christ (Mat 20:28). Jesus willingly entered into our mess of sin and decay, so we gladly do the same for our city. (Rom 5:8; John 3:16; Phil 2:4-11) Check out some of the photos from last Saturday morning above. A big thanks to Seattle Public Utilities and Adopt-a-Street for your partnership and assistance. This is just the beginning as we aim to spread the message and mercy of Jesus Christ, and in so doing, love our city to life.

Jun 30

Serve the City | Sat, July 21st

City Life, News, Serve the City

Join us July 21st as we serve the city by cleaning and connecting with the people in downtown Seattle’s avenues and alleyways! This project includes partnering with the Seattle Public Utilities “Adopt-A-Street” and “Clear Alley’s Program.” DCC will pin point which downtown Seattle streets and alleys will be cleaned by our volunteers. Seattle Public Utilities will provides necessary resources like garbage bags, gloves, brooms, etc.

WHEN: 8:00a – 12:00p on the third Saturday in July (7.21.12), Download this flyer to share with your neighbors and friends!

WHO: You and your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors. This serving opportunity will be a great bridge to build in Seattle and will help us give people a taste of the love, grace and mercy Jesus freely offers them.

WHERE: We will meet up in the parking lot on the northwest corner of 7th Ave & Lenora in front of “Piranha”. Parking in that Impark lot is only $5 for up to 10 hours, so we recommend parking there.

HOW: We are aiming for 65+ volunteers! We will break into 8 teams of 8 or so people. Each team will be assigned specific streets and alleys to “own” by way of cleaning and caring for people within the vicinity. We’ll proceed block by block through the City Center until each street and alley is served or we run out of resources.

MISSION: Our goal is to love the city to life by way of service and care for people. Our primary function is to serve the city and as we do that we will be mindful that we are Jesus’ ambassadors, making much of him in how we serve, and ultimately, why we serve.

More details to come. If you’d like to join us please email .