Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Oct 11

2013 BBQ & Baptism | Photos and Recap

, Event


On September 10, 2013, we celebrated as 11 individuals obediently followed Jesus Christ’s commandment to be baptized (Matthew 28: 19). We heard 11 stories of redemption, 11 stories of changed lives, 11 stories of individuals being saved from death to life and 11 stories of people trusting in Jesus Christ for salvation. The religious church-goer and the rebellious pot smoker, the overlooked and the overachiever all shared the same story: “I’m a terrible sinner in need of Jesus Christ.” The evening was filled with chatter, children, and plenty of cheers! Praise Jesus for all the work He’s done and continues to do in the city of Seattle.



Sep 25

Back to School Drive Recap

, City Life, Event, Service | by Anne Johnson


We recently had the chance to run a back to school drive for Dunlap Elementary School in Rainer Valley. This wasn’t the first time we partnered with Dunlap; back in July we hosted a Serve The City event. After an outpouring of blessings (on us!), we knew there had to be more we could do. Dunlap’s Head Teacher, Jacqualine Brown, explained that because of tight finances many students show up to school without adequate supplies. Backpacks are often the most difficult for parents to purchase, especially in larger families. Dunlap is located in one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the country, and over 85% of the students receive free or subsidized lunches.

We are committed to building a great city, not just a great church. Our desire is to see gospel renewal take place from the avenues to the alleyways. With this in mind we decided to hold the drive. For the month of August donations were brought in, ordered from Amazon and one Community even went to the store for their weekly gathering. On the last day of the drive, a group of us had carried down that days donations, (it took five of us). While I was pulling the car around to load up the bounty, my husband waited with the bags and bags of school supplies. He told me afterwards that people walked by, staring at him and presumably wondering what a large bearded man needed with ten pink calculators. But among the stares, a woman approached him and asked if he was with the school drive. When he responded yes, she handed him money to contribute to the effort.

As a church, we believe that we have been infinitely loved and served by God through the person and work of Jesus, so we serve as we’ve been served in Christ. For a majority of the items, like folders, notebooks, pencils and crayons, we exceeded the amount Dunlap requested. With everyone’s help we were able to donate 22 backpacks, and hundreds of pencils, erasers, notebooks, glue sticks, and so much more!

It was awesome watching our church family give to those they did not even know, and I was humbled watching the pile of supplies go from this:


To this:

That is not all the glue sticks, there are more!

Thank you DCC for the ways that you loved and served others through this drive! I’m praying that we would continue to be a people who are marked by a deep love for Jesus, and the city He has placed us in!

Hebrews 13:16

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Phillipians 2:3-7

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Sep 5

Baptism & BBQ | Details

, Event


Join us on Tuesday, September10th @ 6:00pm for our annual Summer BBQ & Baptisms! Invite your friends and neighbors to enjoy our city, eat good food, and hear stories of God’s redemptive work.

We encourage you to bring lawn chairs, blankets, frisbees and fun lawn games. Our hope is to enjoy time as a church family and provide natural avenues to invite people into community.

WHERE. Lake Union Park, 860 Terry Ave N. We’ll gather on the west side of Lake Union Park north of the pier.

BBQ-MAPWHEN. Tuesday, September 10th, 6pm-9pm

PARKING. There is ample street parking on either side of the park that is free after 6 pm. The Lake Union Trolley leaves from 5th & Olive and runs right in front of the park.

FOOD. Bring your own meat to grill. Side dishes, beverages and desserts to be provided by Cornerstone Communities. Condiments and paper products will also be provided.

We’re looking forward to what our gracious God will do!

Sep 2

DCC Campout | Reflection


“Something remarkable happens when we remove ourselves from the busy city life to camp with friends and strangers.  It’s not because God is only found in nature (He’s always with us), and it’s not because we’re doing something super extraordinary (we can eat hot dogs at home, too), and it’s not even because we’re inspired by the magical beauty of Creation (which we absolutely were!).

It’s because we’re together.

There’s something about being “away” with people, that allows God to work in unique ways, without distractions and obligations biting at our heels.  We get to slow down.  We get to rest.  We get to enjoy being in the present without rushing to the “next” thing.  We get to give our time generously, to listen to the “long” version of each other’s stories, and to cross paths with people we wouldn’t have otherwise.

In God’s abundant generosity and blessing, new friendships were forged, new places were discovered, and new memories were made at the DCC campout.  Thank you to everyone who came out and helped make it such a fantastic weekend.

Hope to see you all out in the woods next year!”



Aug 13

Port Angeles Campout | Directions and Details for this Weekend!

, Event


In a few short days we will be headed into the woods for our annual campout! If you are planning on joining us, we want to make sure you have the information you need to get there and have a great time!

Here are a couple of important details you need to know:

  • If you are planning on going to the campout and have not registered yet, please do so now by clicking here. Campsites are nearly full and we need every adult who is going to register so that we have an accurate idea of how many people to expect.
  • If you have already registered and have not paid, you can do so here.
  • Please read through this document for all necessary details from directions, to checking in when you get there, to the schedule for the weekend. If you have any remaining questions, you can email
  • If you are still looking for a group to carpool with or you have additional space in your car, please let others know by posting on this City thread.

It’s going to be a fun weekend on the Olympic peninsula together!

Aug 10

Get Dunked | September 10th, 2013

, , City Life, Event

Baptisms-(620x130)In exactly one month, on September 10, DCC will close out the end of the summer with a BBQ and Baptisms celebration at Lake Union Park. We’ll gather as a family, eat together, and hear accounts of God’s goodness in the lives of individuals. This will be such a rich time to enjoy our city and be encouraged by those that have repented from sin and trust Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

When we repent of our sin and trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation, we should be baptized (Acts 2:41). If you’re considering baptism for yourself or simply want to learn more, click here or e-mail  with any questions you might have.

Save the date, invite friends and neighbors, and enjoy last year’s video below..

Aug 6

Get Ready to Go Camping

, Event


Join us as we go camping as a family and embrace all that the Pacific Northwest has to offer. On Friday, August 16, we’ll venture over to Port Angeles, located on the Olympic Peninsula, and spend a weekend in the great outdoors.

Whether you’re a six year old that loves the water or a sixty year old that’s afraid of spiders, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Some of the activities available include mini golf, swimming,  bike rentals, hiking, kayaking, and shopping. There will be plenty of time to meet new faces, explore the area, and indulge in some good old-fashioned s’mores.

We’re looking forward to meeting your neighbors, coworkers, friends, and families, so please invite them along for the adventure.

More details, directions, and registration can all be found here.



Jul 18

Four Reasons to Serve the City this Saturday

City Life, Event, Serve the City, Teaching | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This Saturday we are holding our second annual Serve the City project, in partnership with the Seattle School District, at Dunlap Elementary School in Rainier Valley. You can get all of the details here. Please arrive by 9:30am and go directly to the registration tent where you will be assigned to a work team. There will be various work projects suitable to a wide range of skill sets. Families are encouraged to participate. We are expecting to be done by 2:00pm. Snacks and water will be provided, but you will want to pack a lunch. Please RSVP so we have accurate numbers for supplies. Also, if you’d like to help as a team captain you can indicate that when you register.

So, all that said, why serve the city? Let’s look at four reasons:

First, we love this city, warts and all. Seattle is our home. This is where we live, work, play and raise our families. As a church, we are not here to look down on the city (in condemnation), or cower under the city (in fear), or mirror the city (in surrender) but to love and challenge the city with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Fundamentally, we serve because we want to love this city as we’ve been loved by Jesus.

Second, there are great needs in our city. Like any city, Seattle is filled with significant needs to be met and this just one of them. Dunlap Elementary is one of the most culturally diverse and impoverished elementary schools in our region, serving subsidized or free lunches to over 85% of the students. Additionally, the Seattle School District lacks sufficient staff to keep up the grounds. Dunlap is just one of many schools without adequate funding that rely, almost exclusively, on community volunteer efforts. Therefore, we want to meet the needs of this city because when we were at our neediest Jesus came to meet our greatest needs.

Thirdwe have been served. If you follow Jesus, you have been radically served by God. Jesus lived the perfect life we should all live, but can’t. Then, he bore the just wrath of God that we deserve on the cross, in our place, and three days later rose to new life. In so doing, he conquered Satan, sin, death and evil on our behalf.  In so doing, he reconciles us to God, forgives our sin, adopts us into His family, seals us with the Spirit, gives us a new identity and promises us a new future. In other words, we serve because we have been radically served by God, in Christ. (cf Phil 2:4-11)

Fourth, we believe good news and should, therefore, be good news. Good news changes how we live. How much more should the good news of the gospel? We aim to be a declaring and demonstrating community. As you know, we take the declaration of the gospel very seriously as Jesus’ people. But, at the same time, we take the demonstration of its implications just as seriously. All talk, with no walk, leaves people skeptical. All walk, with no talk, leaves people confused. Therefore, we attempt to declare and demonstrate the good news of the gospel, without which no one will see the Lord. (cf Heb 12:14)

I’m looking forward to our time together this Saturday and hope you can make it out. Be sure to invite friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. There is plenty of work to done and conversations to be had. I’m asking Jesus to use this opportunity to give us favor with the city, open up additional avenues of influence, and lead some to saving faith. I encourage you to the same. See you there!

Because we have been served,

Pastor Adam


Jul 2

Serve the City | Dunlap Elementary School

City Life, Event, Serve the City


On Saturday July 20th from 9:30am to 2pm, Downtown Cornerstone Church will be partnering with Dunlap Elementary School in Rainier Valley to help with some much needed maintenance, groundskeeping, and cleaning around the school in preparation for the coming school year.

Why are we volunteering in this way?

  • The Seattle School District has only 5 groundskeepers to maintain 34 schools in the South Seattle district. This leaves many of the schools without adequate funding and manpower to maintain the properties. As such, these schools heavily rely on volunteer efforts to come alongside and help maintain their properties and facilities.
  • Dunlap Elementary is one of the most culturally diverse and impoverished elementary schools in our region, serving subsidized or free lunches for over 85% of the students.
  • As a church, we believe that we’ve been infinitely loved and served by God, through the person and work of Jesus. Because of that, we believe that the good news of the Gospel is not only shared in word, but demonstrated in deed. Serving is not just “giving back” but a tangible expression of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – serving as we’ve been served, in Christ.

What we will do:

  • Weeding and mulching all of the grounds
  • Removal of bushes
  • Refreshing paint on all railings
  • Refresh striping lines on parking lot
  • Applying sealant to mural(s)
  • Painting curb lines in bus zone and fire lanes
  • Deep cleaning of hallways and cafeteria tables

Who should join us?

Everyone. Whether you are single, married, wanting to bring a friend or the whole family, there’s something for everyone to do!

Are there any needs besides showing up?

Yes. We need team captains who can help keep groups of 5-20 busy, and be a point person for your team. Please indicate on the form below if you are interested in being a team captain!

How many people are needed?

Seattle schools will take as many volunteers as we can provide, and we are shooting to have over 150 Volunteers.

How do I sign up?

Register HERE and share this link with friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers!

Where should I go when I get there?

We will meet in the school parking lot at 9:30 to break into teams and be assigned tasks.

What should I wear?

Plan to wear grubby clothes that can get dirty, or you don’t mind getting paint on. Cloth work gloves will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own work gloves if you prefer.

What if it rains?

Bring a rain coat! Rain or shine, we’ll be there.

How do I get there?

By Light Rail: Take the Link Light Rail to the Rainier Beach Station. Walk 2 blocks north to S. Cloverdale St. Walk East on S. Cloverdale for 4 blocks. Dunlap Elementary will be on your right. (Approximately 10 min walk from light rail station)

  • By Bus: The Number 7 Bus stops at Rainier Ave and S. Cloverdale Ave. Walk 4 blocks west on S Cloverdale till you reach Dunlap Elementary.
  • By Car: The School is located at: 4525 S. Cloverdale Seattle, WA 98118 Limited parking is available in the school parking lot, but there’s ample street parking on S. Cloverdale St.


Email for any additional questions!

Jun 12

Upcoming Summer Events!

, Event, News | by Pastor David Parker

Throughout the summer we’ll be corporately gathering together as Downtown Cornerstone Church around the following events. These events will not only be a great opportunity to grow together as a church, but an opportunity to get to know, love and serve those that Jesus has placed around us. Mark them on your calendar and consider who you can invite!

Additionally, our communities will be gathering in various forms throughout the summer. if you’re not connected to one, email  to get plugged into one today!

Serve the City | Saturday, July 20th

We are partnering with the Seattle School District for a day of service at Dunlap Elementary School in Rainier Valley. Service activities will include gardening, painting, and getting the school ready for students to come back in the fall. The more volunteers we have, the better we are able to serve this school so please mark your calendars and invite your friends!

All Church Campout | August 16th – 18th

We will be headed to the Port Angeles KOA for a weekend of community and fun! Click here for details and registration! Note: If you plan on staying in a cabin, you’ll need to make a reservation on your own by contacting the KOA at 360-457-5916 or 1-800-562-7558.

BBQ & Beach Baptisms | Tuesday, September 10th

Join us for our 3rd annual BBQ and Baptism event! We will gather at South Lake Union Park for a potluck BBQ followed by baptisms and celebrating what Jesus has done in individual lives. If you are interested in being baptized or learning more, you can read more here.

We depend on volunteer support for all of these events!

If you would like to serve the church by helping plan one of these events, please email  or stop by the Connect Desk on Sunday.