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Dec 4

Wonderful Counselor

Media, Sermons, Unto Us A Child Is Born | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Unto Us A Child Is Born
This morning we begin our Advent sermon series, Unto Us A Child is Born, and immerse ourselves in Isaiah 9:1-7. This beloved passage is a prophecy of a coming king who will establish a kingdom of ever-increasing peace and justice, joy and righteousness. His name will be “Wonderful Counselor-Mighty God-Everlasting Father-Prince of Peace.” Therefore, we will look at one of these titles each week. Today we set up our passage and consider Jesus as our Wonderful Counselor.

Audio | Notes | Isaiah 9:1-7
Nov 27

God Our Refuge

Media, Sermons, The Living Word 2022 | by Pastor Luke Davis

The Living Word 2022

Today is the fourth of five fall sermons in a series we are calling The Living Word, based on Hebrews 4:12, in which God’s Word is described as “living and active.” His Word is alive and changes lives. To demonstrate this, we asked five pastors and leaders to share a passage the Lord has been using in their lives to convict, comfort and/or challenge them. Our hope is to show the living nature of God’s word today and, in turn, be moved to study it, trust it, and immerse out lives in it. Today, we consider what it means to rest upon our mighty rock, in God our refuge.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 62:5-8
Nov 20

How Does The Last Day Affect This Day?

2 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

2 Peter

We conclude our series in 2 Peter. This letter was written by the Apostle Peter from a Roman prison as he awaited execution for his faith in Jesus. His dying words are powerful. There is a sense of earnestness and pleading throughout. He exhorts us to grow in grace, to keep Jesus and God’s word at the center of our lives, to be aware of false teaching, and more. This letter reminds us how we start the Christian life matters, but how we end matters most.

Audio | Notes | 2 Peter 3:14-18
Nov 13

Rightly Ordered Loves

Media, Sermons, The Living Word 2022 | by Pastor Justin Keogh

The Living Word 2022

Today is the third of five fall sermons in a series we are calling The Living Word, based on Hebrews 4:12, in which God’s Word is described as “living and active.” His Word is alive and changes lives. To demonstrate this, we asked five pastors and leaders to share a passage the Lord has been using in their lives to convict, comfort and/or challenge them. Our hope is to show the living nature of God’s word today and, in turn, be moved to study it, trust it, and immerse out lives in it. Today, we consider Jesus’ call to love God and others in response to his love for us.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 22:34-40
Nov 6

“Where Is The Promise Of His Coming?”

2 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

2 Peter

We continue our series in 2 Peter. This letter was written by the Apostle Peter from a Roman prison as he awaited execution for his faith in Jesus. His dying words are powerful. There is a sense of earnestness and pleading throughout. He exhorts us to grow in grace, to keep Jesus and God’s word at the center of our lives, to be aware of false teaching, and more. This letter reminds us how we start the Christian life matters, but how we end matters most.

Audio | Notes | 2 Peter 3:1-13
Oct 30

How Do I Spot a False Teacher? Part 2

2 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

2 Peter
We continue our series in 2 Peter. This letter was written by the Apostle Peter from a Roman prison as he awaited execution for his faith in Jesus. His dying words are powerful. There is a sense of earnestness and pleading throughout. He exhorts us to grow in grace, to keep Jesus and God’s word at the center of our lives, to be aware of false teaching, and more. This letter reminds us how we start the Christian life matters, but how we end matters most.

Audio | Notes | 2 Peter 2:10-22
Oct 23

How Do I Spot a False Teacher?

2 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

2 Peter

We continue our series in 2 Peter. This letter was written by the Apostle Peter from a Roman prison as he awaited execution for his faith in Jesus. His dying words are powerful. There is a sense of earnestness and pleading throughout. He exhorts us to grow in grace, to keep Jesus and God’s word at the center of our lives, to be aware of false teaching, and more. This letter reminds us how we start the Christian life matters, but how we end matters most.

Audio | Notes | 2 Peter 2:1-10
Oct 16

Why Is The Bible Unique?

, 2 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

2 Peter

We continue our series in 2 Peter. This letter was written by the Apostle Peter from a Roman prison as he awaited execution for his faith in Jesus. His dying words are powerful. There is a sense of earnestness and pleading throughout. He exhorts us to grow in grace, to keep Jesus and God’s word at the center of our lives, to be aware of false teaching, and more. This letter reminds us how we start the Christian life matters, but how we end matters most.

Audio | Notes | 2 Peter 1:19-21
Oct 9

Since A Death Has Occurred

Media, Sermons, The Living Word 2022 | by Pastor Ruban Monu

The Living Word 2022

Today is the second of five fall sermons in a series we are calling The Living Word, based on Hebrews 4:12, in which God’s Word is described as “living and active.” His Word is alive and changes lives. To demonstrate this we asked five pastors, and leaders, to share a passage the Lord has been using in their lives to convict, comfort and/or challenge them. Our hope is to show the living nature of God’s word today and, in turn, be moved to study it, trust it, and immerse our lives in it. Today, we consider Jesus’ death and its implications amidst our trials and everyday lives.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 9:15
Oct 2

Is Jesus Really Coming Back?

2 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

2 Peter

We continue our series in 2 Peter. This letter was written by the Apostle Peter from a Roman prison as he awaited execution for his faith in Jesus. His dying words are powerful. There is a sense of earnestness and pleading throughout. He exhorts us to grow in grace, to keep Jesus and God’s word at the center of our lives, to be aware of false teaching, and more. This letter reminds us how we start the Christian life matters, but how we end matters most.

Audio | Notes | 2 Peter 1:16-18