Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Apr 2

Good Friday 2021

Good Friday & Easter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Good Friday marks the day that Jesus was unlawfully tried and brutally murdered on a cross outside Jerusalem, nearly 2,000 years ago. It can seem so far removed from our lives—historically and culturally—that we simply dismiss it as a mere footnote of history. But, it is not a footnote. Good Friday marks the culmination of the redemptive promises of God in the substitutionary death of Jesus, to rescue all who place their faith in him.

Mar 28

Has God Rejected Israel?

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written: Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus alone. Today, we begin chapter 11, in which Paul turns to address God’s plans for ethnic Israel, in light of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. He reveals that while Israel is experiencing a partial hardening, one day “all Israel will be saved” (11:26).

Audio | Notes | Romans 11:1-10
Mar 28

Trusting The Lord With Our Fears & Laying Down Our Rights

Media, Pastoral Excerpts | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Pastoral Excerpts

From time to time, the elders of DCC find it important to speak into important and relevant issues and topics related to spiritual growth, evangelism, and church unity. This is a pastoral note about living amidst ongoing Covid-19 health guidelines, that was shared on March 28, 2021. Pastor Adam encourages those who are fearful in this season, to bring their fears to the Lord, and those who are fear-less and disagree politically with the response to Covid-19, to lay down their rights out of love for others.

Mar 21

Faith Comes Through Hearing The Word of Christ

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written: Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus alone. Today, in 10:13-21, Paul reveals that God’s chosen vehicle for bringing about faith (or, a living trust) in our lives is the “word of Christ.” This word is the gospel of Jesus, the sheer value of which causes even our feet to become beautiful.

Audio | Notes | Romans 10:13-21
Mar 14

Loving the Body of Christ

Media, One Another'ing, Sermons | by Pastor Justin Keogh

One Another'ing

Today we kick off our One Another’ing sermon series, which looks at the countercultural character of Jesus’ church, through the 50+ “one another” commandments. We are empowered by the gospel to love one another, to serve, to encourage, to forgive, to disciple, to pray, to show hospitality to one another, and much more. We’re going to start by looking at the Apostle Paul’s instructions to the church in Corinth to live as the body of Christ.

Audio | Notes | 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Mar 7

Everyone Who Calls On The Lord Will Be Saved

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written: Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus alone. We are currently making our way through Romans 10, in which Paul is tying together his argument from chapters one through nine by demonstrating that, in Jesus, salvation is now available for all people, everywhere.

Audio | Notes | Romans 10:5-13
Feb 28

Onward: Prayer & Vision Night

Media, Onward Building Campaign, Pastoral Excerpts | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

On Sunday, February 28th, we held a Prayer & Vision Night from the new building! We sang and praised God for his goodness and providence, shared some more about our vision for the new building, and prayed together—asking the Lord to go before us as we labor to ready the building as our permanent gospel outpost. To learn more about our new building and the Onward campaign, visit our Onward webpage.

Feb 28

The Subtle Snare of Self-Righteousness

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written: Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus. Today, we begin Romans 10 which is a continuation of Paul’s argument from chapter 9. In 10:1-4, he takes a moment to highlight the gravity of what is at stake in his message and emphasize the suicidal snare of self-righteousness.

Audio | Notes | Romans 10:1-4
Feb 21

Walking with God in Praise to Him

Media, Psalms: Walking With God, Sermons | by Pastor Russ Collins

Psalms: Walking With God

We conclude our series in the Psalms that has run parallel to our series in Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 150, we learn about walking with God in praise to him. This psalm answers some questions about praise and will, hopefully, stir our hearts to grow in our praise to God, both individually and collectively.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 150
Feb 14

Gentiles Are Now Part of True Israel

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written: Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus. Today, as we wrap-up Romans 9, the Apostle Paul reveals in verses 24-33 that now, in Jesus, Gentiles (lit. ‘the nations’) are included among God’s people, along with a believing remnant of the Jews. Jesus is the mighty foundation stone laid by God—whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.

Audio | Notes | Romans 9:24-33