Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Aug 16

Politics in the Life of the Church: How To Engage Politically As A Christian

, Media, Politics in the Life of the Church | by Jonathan Leeman

Politics in the Life of the Church

In this second session of a three-part workshop, pastor and author Jonathan Leeman helps us navigate how Christians should think about politics. How does the Bible dictate what it means to be a citizen? How can Christians make a political impact? We address these questions by considering the scriptural basis, and bounds, for our political engagement.

Audio | Notes
Aug 16

Politics in the Life of the Church: Walking with God Amidst Political Turmoil

, Media, Psalms: Walking With God, Sermons | by Jonathan Leeman

Psalms: Walking With God

We continue our series in the Psalms that runs parallel to our series in Romans. The purpose of this study is to learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 2, we consider how the reality of Jesus’ kingship over the nations helps us navigate times of political turmoil with confidence and hope.

This sermon also serves as the first session of a three-part workshop, Politics in the Life of the Church, with pastor and author Jonathan Leeman. For a full list of sessions and video recordings, visit our event webpage here.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 2
Aug 9

The Importance of Knowing our Sin

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written—Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus. Today, in Romans 7:7-13, Paul dives into the relationship between God’s Law (given to Moses) and the nature of sin. What was God’s purpose in giving his Law? How should we view it? What role does it play in our lives?

Audio | Notes | Romans 7:7-13
Aug 2

Dead to the Law, Serving in the Spirit

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We’re back in our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written—Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus. Today, in Romans 7:1-6, Paul continues to unpack why God’s free grace, in Jesus, does not promote, nor encourage, sin. In fact, properly understood, Jesus’ grace forges a bond of belonging that leads to new Spirit-dependent, fruit-filled lives.

Audio | Notes | Romans 7:1-6
Jul 26

Walking with God in Hope

Media, Psalms: Walking With God, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Psalms: Walking With God

We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms that will run in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 71 we will consider what a life long-lived in the faith looks like and how it is marked by indomitable hope.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 71
Jul 19

Walking with God in Satisfaction

Media, Psalms: Walking With God, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Psalms: Walking With God
We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 63, we explore what it looks like to live, in the midst of a world of little “g” gods, a life satisfied in the One, True, Living God.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 63
Jul 14

An Invitation To Our Undivided Forum

Ethnic Harmony, Media, Pastoral Excerpts | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

From time to time, the elders of DCC find it important to speak into important and relevant issues and topics related to spiritual growth, evangelism, and church unity. What follows is a pastoral note on our Undivided forum, that was given on June 14, 2020. Pastor Adam encourages us that issue of race is not inherently a political issue, but about people, who are God’s image-bearers.

Jul 12

Walking with God Amidst Enemies

Media, Psalms: Walking With God, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Psalms: Walking With God

We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms that will run in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 55, we look at how the Psalmist dealt with his enemies and betrayal, as we examine what it looks like to place our hope and trust in God as we walk amidst our enemies.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 55
Jul 5

Walking with God in Lament

Media, Psalms: Walking With God, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Psalms: Walking With God

We continue in our series of sermons on the Psalms in parallel to our series on Romans. Its purpose is to help us learn from the psalmists what it means to faithfully walk with God through the ups-and-downs of life in a world marred by sin. Today, in Psalm 44, we deep dive into what it looks like to walk with God through suffering, confusion, defeat — when it seems God has abandoned His people…walking with God in lament.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 44
Jun 28

Freedom As Slaves of God

Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written—Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus. Today, in Romans 6:15-23, Paul explains why God’s free grace, in Jesus, does not promote, nor encourage, sin. In fact, properly understood, God’s grace sets us free from slavery to sin so that we can live in the joy-filled freedom of slavery to God.

Audio | Notes | Romans 6:15-23