Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Mar 11

A Story Angels Long to Look Into

1 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

1 Peter

Today we continue our series through 1 Peter. Peter’s letter is theologically weighty, yet simultaneously down-to-earth, and is filled fresh encouragements to wholehearted faithfulness while living in exile. Today, in 1:10-12, he directs our attention to the sweeping cosmic story of God’s unfolding redemption and our place in it. The prophets predicted it. The apostles proclaimed it. The angels long to look into it. And we receive it, by faith.

Audio | Notes | 1 Peter 1:10-12
Mar 5

More Precious Than Gold

1 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

1 Peter

We are at the front end of a new series in 1 Peter. His aim in this letter was to encourage churches throughout Asia—and us—to stand firm (1 Pet. 5:12) amidst trials, persecution, and heartache in a world that is not our true home. Today, in 1:6-9, Peter helps us to see that we can have a increasingly precious faith — not in spite of various trials — but, a faith that actually becomes more precious, more joyful, because of the trials.

Audio | Notes | 1 Peter 1:6-9
Feb 25

Born Again to a Living Hope

1 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

1 Peter

Today we continue our series through 1 Peter. Peter’s letter is theologically weighty, yet simultaneously down-to-earth, and is filled fresh encouragements to wholehearted faithfulness while living in exile. Today, in 1:3-5, Peter bursts into a doxology (a praise of God) and puts his spotlight on God’s merciful, and miraculous, new birth available to all who embrace Jesus by faith.

Audio | Notes | 1 Peter 1:3-5
Feb 18

Elect Exiles

1 Peter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

1 Peter

By God’s grace, today we begin a new, and important, 20-week series through 1 Peter. This ancient letter was written by the Apostle Peter, between A.D. 62-63 from Rome, to churches spread throughout Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). His aim was to help them—and us—stand firm amidst trials, persecution, heartache in a world that is not our true home. In a word, Peter wants us to know exactly who, and whose, we are. His letter is theologically weighty, yet simultaneously down-to-earth, and is filled fresh encouragements to wholehearted faithfulness while living in exile.

Audio | Notes | 1 Peter 1:1-2
Feb 11

Becoming and Being the Body of Christ

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Justin Keogh

Other Sermons

What comes to mind when you think of the church? Do you think of the church as a temple, a family, a priesthood, or a body? All of these metaphors are used in scripture to describe the new reality that is formed when we, by God’s grace, through faith in Christ, become believers. These metaphors describe the deeply interconnected nature of our new life together. Today we’ll look at how we’re made into a new body and what that means for us living and serving together.

Audio | Notes | Romans 12:4-18
Feb 11

What is Real Christianity?

Media, Other Sermons | by Ray Ortlund

Other Sermons
“This morning we have the privilege of being served by Ray Ortlund. (His wife, Jani, was serving the women of DCC at the women’s retreat this weekend.) Ray is a pastor of Immanuel Church in Nashville. He’s also the author of several books, including Preaching the Word Commentaries on Proverbs and Isaiah, a contributor to ESV Study Bible, and The Gospel: How the church portrays the beauty of Christ—which you should read. Ray serves on counsel of The Gospel Coalition and is a member of the Acts 29 church planting network, just like us. Though there is much to love about Ray, what I admire most is his humility and genuine love of Jesus. I hope you’ll join me in giving him a warm DCC welcome.” – Pastor Adam

Audio | Notes | Galatians 6:11-18
Feb 9

Acts 29 Regional Training: Creating Gospel Culture – A Culture Of Hope

Creating Gospel Culture: Acts 29 Training, Media

Creating Gospel Culture: Acts 29 Training

This is Session 4, “A Culture Of Hope” from Dr. Ray Ortlund Jr.’s training on Creating Gospel Culture, recorded live at Downtown Cornerstone Church in Seattle, WA. To watch other teaching and Q&A sessions from this event, click here. Presented on February 9th, 2018 in partnership with Acts 29.

Audio | Video
Feb 9

Acts 29 Regional Training: Creating Gospel Culture – A Culture Of Weakness

Creating Gospel Culture: Acts 29 Training, Media

Creating Gospel Culture: Acts 29 Training

This is Session 3, “A Culture Of Weakness” from Dr. Ray Ortlund Jr.’s training on Creating Gospel Culture, recorded live at Downtown Cornerstone Church in Seattle, WA. To watch other teaching and Q&A sessions from this event, click here. Presented on February 9th, 2018 in partnership with Acts 29.

Audio | Video
Feb 9

Acts 29 Regional Training: Creating Gospel Culture – A Culture Of Acceptance

Creating Gospel Culture: Acts 29 Training, Media

Creating Gospel Culture: Acts 29 Training

This is Session 2, “A Culture Of Acceptance” from Dr. Ray Ortlund Jr.’s training on Creating Gospel Culture, recorded live at Downtown Cornerstone Church in Seattle, WA. To watch other teaching and Q&A sessions from this event, click here. Presented on February 9th, 2018 in partnership with Acts 29.

Audio | Video
Feb 9

Acts 29 Regional Training: Creating Gospel Culture – A Culture Of Honesty

Creating Gospel Culture: Acts 29 Training, Media

Creating Gospel Culture: Acts 29 Training

This is Session 1, “A Culture Of Honesty” from Dr. Ray Ortlund Jr.’s training on Creating Gospel Culture, recorded live at Downtown Cornerstone Church in Seattle, WA. To watch other teaching and Q&A sessions from this event, click here. Presented on February 9th, 2018 in partnership with Acts 29.

Audio | Video