Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Aug 15

The Reason the Son of God Appeared

1 John, Media, Sermons | by James Rayment

1 John

At the half way point of his letter, 1 John 3:4-10, John paints a picture of Jesus’ power in ending the central confict of history. Not only did He defeat the devil, but He is actively at work destroying sin in our lives. On this backdrop, John shows us the profound effect God’s adoption of us has and tells us the marks of the children of God and how to tell them apart from the children of the devil.

Audio | Notes | 1 John 3:4-10
Aug 7

Children of God

1 John, Media, Sermons | by Pierce Martin

1 John

This morning we find ourselves in the middle of First John. Thus far in John’s letter, we have seen his pastoral care for the church: exhorting and teaching them to hold fast to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to see it worked out in their lives. In our passage today, John shifts from exhortation to lovingly reminding these Christians and us of the abundant riches and privileges of what it means that God has not only saved us through Jesus but has made us his children.

Audio | Notes | 1 John 2:28-3:3
Jul 31

Spiritual Discernment in a Confusing Age

1 John, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

1 John

As we continue our journey through the book of 1 John, we find ourselves this morning exploring an intriguing theme found in 2:18-27 & 4:1-6 — how can you know truth from error? John lays out a clarion call for true followers of Jesus to practice spiritual discernment — especially in light of and in contrast to the false teachers that had departed from them. In the midst of confusion, clarity is possible, and ought to be sought.

Audio | Notes | 1 John 2:18-27; 4:1-6
Jul 24

Abiding and Overcoming

1 John, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

1 John

John is writing this letter to churches which have been infiltrated by people teaching an untrue story. In an effort to correct and tell a better tale John has reminded his hearers of the holy God in whose light we may know true goodness and beauty. In accord with His glorious light followers of Jesus may confidently know that they are children of God by testing their lives, as we saw last week. This week, in 1 John 2:12-17, we will encounter a delayed but welcome greeting, the first command in the letter, and an impassioned appeal.

Audio | Notes | 1 John 2:12-17
Jul 17

A New Commandment

1 John, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

1 John

Thus far in 1 John, we have reveled with John at the reality-shaking truth that God became a man in the person of Jesus. This God is holy; in His perfect light not a smidgen of darkness may reside. Jesus, the advocate of rebels, turned God’s just anger against our sin into favor through His death and subsequent victory over the grave. Today in 1 John 2:3-11, John will introduce us to the moral and social evidences which are marks of true Christians.

Audio | Notes | 1 John 2:3-11
Jul 10

Walking in the Light

1 John, Media, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

1 John

Throughout the book of 1 John there’s several repeating themes, but the whole book is written so that we could have confidence in who He is, what He has done, and who we are. Today, in 1 John 1:5-2:2, we’re going to look at how the holiness of God shapes our fellowship with Him and how the Gospel changes us from people who walk in darkness to people who have been and are being redeemed by the Glory of God and the light of Jesus.

Audio | Notes | 1 John 1:5-2:2
Jul 3

So that You Will Know and Live

1 John, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

1 John

Today we launch a 12-week journey through the book of 1 John — a short letter, that the Spirit of God has packed full of Gospel-centered, truth-establishing, righteousness-inducing, love-living-out words! This morning, we’ll take a broad sweeping view of the whole letter and discuss some of it’s major themes of “Truth” and “Righteousness” discussed in 1 John 1:1-4.

Audio | Notes | 1 John 1:1-4
Jun 26

Great is the Lord

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pierce Martin

Psalms: Songs for Life

We are finishing our series on the Psalms this morning by looking at Psalm 145, one of the greatest songs of praise in the entire Bible. In it, we are taught to revel in the character and deeds of the Infinite, Powerful, and Good King of all creation, that there is no one and no thing like Him in the entire universe and that to give our praise to Him is to enter joy, security, and life itself.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 145
Jun 20

Vision for Spiritual Legacy

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Psalms: Songs for Life

We are in the home stretch of our 10-week study through the Psalms – one of the most beloved books of the Bible. Today, Psalm 78 speaks into our lives, encouraging us to remember God’s patient work in our lives and especially how we ought to invest in passing on His truth to the generations that follow us it lays out a vision for spiritual legacy.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 78
Jun 12

Living with Mortality in Light of Eternity

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Psalms: Songs for Life

We are in the home stretch of our 10-week study through the Psalms – one of the most beloved books of the Bible. This morning we will reflect on the major themes of Psalm 90…God is infinite, we are not. God is holy, we are not. Life is brief and life is hard. If God does not intervene to redeem the situation, there is no hope. But, praise God, He is a God of mercy and grace, actively redeeming that which has been broken, ultimately through the person and work of Jesus Christ!

Audio | Notes | Psalm 90